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In first chapter we met Jem. Jem broke his arm when he was 13 years old. He was afraid that he wouldn’t play football anymore because of this. After he was healed the right arm became a little bit shorter than before. When he was walking his left arm was turned out in a different angle than his left hand. But this fact wasn’t a big obstacle for the football playing because he was able to hit the ball on a play field.
Начну пожалуй. Вот начал писать изложение по TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD который сейчас читаю, уже почти страницу накатал. Я проверил текст 3 раза менял его я больше ошибок на своем уровне не вижу. Подскажите если кто что может.
I don't see where I should use perfect tences. For sequence events I used words Before, After.
>He was afraid that he wouldn’t play football anymore because of this.
>After he had broken his arm he was afraid for his future.
Should I write like that?
> and do have pressing duties which are well paid IRL that consume the entirety of their spare time
Come on, don't be so delusional.
Not sure why you are quoting my post. I am a mere learner here as you are, relentlessly seeking for some good instruction of learned persons in how to express my thoughts in english.
Jiz, just do murphy and watch youtube/movies with subs. The point is that nobody gets paid well just for knowing english, that's an extremely basic skill.
>The point is that nobody gets paid well just for knowing english, that's an extremely basic skill.
That is never stated in my post. A person that is indeed proficient in some skill generally have a small deal of time for giving of such a considerable amount of help besought ITT. That was my actual point. If someone have got a serious knowledge or skill, he is likely to make money by it, rather than casually chatting with merely initiated supplicants. Hope it is understandable this time.
You can't imagine how many people skilled in different areas waste their time on the internet. If you think people spend all their time just doing the thing they are skilled at for money that's your slav poor man's mentality showing.
They surely do, but one must differ offering qualified help to unskilled persons and arrant sluggards from casual internet serfing when you are free to turn off your brain until the real work is to be approached. First requires concentration and intense mental activity as you dont want someone to be misguided by your inaccurate instruction. You should agree that only assured help is asked, which demand well-thought suggestions and may even require some brief research. It is quite an amount of work.
And to appeal to someone's personality upon trying to back your accusations is not a good way to go.
> First requires concentration and intense mental activity. It is quite an amount of work.
Wrong. Takes me like 5 seconds to give an advice from the top of my head. Stop talking about things you have no idea about.
But it's still something different from just shitting on the board, right? You cant deny the difference. So I would expect from such persons to resort to rather more tranquil and relaxing things when there's no urgent concerns.
> But it's still something different from just shitting on the board, right?
No, it's absolutely fucking the same. You just tell retarded people how retarded they are, the language you are doing it in doesn't matter. Would it be difficult for you to do in russian? Of course not.
But you dont just tell them how clueless and oblivious they are, you are actually believed to elaborate your reasons of thinking them to be so. You might give them a snatch from some textbook or some examples which are to be compared to each other. So they could see if your suggestion stands right. It is not a matter of language, but of amount of someone's efforts to convey his message. In order to convey it, you must also back it, so the one you are addressing to could grasp your point and learn something.
Not my fault you like telling the same things in different words again and again untill the person you are arguing with just gets tired of your shit.
Also your english gives me eye cancer, it looks like you are just google translating the shit you wanna say. Shit is hard to read.
But it's not my fault that you continually deny that simple fact that the whole is actually more than or equal to its parts. Reasoning is essential while teaching or giving advice, so if your dont do that there is no point of such help. Still if you do, you cant escape of extra effort which is not found in idle talk.
You are using equivocation and missing a logical step at the same time. I'm not even talking about you calling your opinions "simple facts". Even if there is an extra effort, which there not. As I said, it takes 0 fucking effort reasoning stuff you are fluent in it doesn't mean there are no people who are willing to do that. You are just projecting your poor slav mindset on others. Also, stop replying, your english is awful.
This post has no meaning. Just say stuff in russian if you have no idea how to say it in english.
>Also, stop replying, your english is awful.
You could do just the same. It is I who is learning here, so if you cant give out something useful while sitting on your beloved perch, you should leave these pointless complaints.
>Even if there is an extra effort, which there not. As I said, it takes 0 fucking effort reasoning stuff you are fluent in it doesn't mean there are no people who are willing to do that.
I have never said there are no such people, stop making up my words. If you admit there is no extra effort in giving examples and such things, you could say the same about having some meal that requires no chewing as well.
I speak only english here, so if you cant pick this out, stop shitting.
Sorry, we are no pidars from bydlo chats, but noble hikky dvachers from boards.
Writing in an epic thread.
Maybe this thread should be in a /int/ board?
aphroach. Now i'm about finish of Efortless English level 3(there are 4 or 5 unstudied lessons). I has studyed this lessons since last year, 2-3 times everyday. I think my level is about B1 now( by some tests). Certanly, i can speak and read more or less. Also i don't study grammar, but i can use simple, continuous, perfect quite easily,( thanks to POV mini-stories by A.J.) And can understand perfect continuous, i suppose. Also i can use and understand passive voice, but not so easily as i want. Also i watch simple tv-shows without translation and with english subtitles, and watch NHK word TV channel.
And try to read Game of thrones in english.
How can i improve my english more?
(when i write this i use google translate time after time to check myself).
>In THE (1) first chapter we met Jem. Jem broke his arm when he was 13 years old. He was afraid that he wouldn’t play football anymore because of this. After he was healed RECOVERED, (2) the HIS (3) right arm became a little bit shorter than before. When he was walking his left arm was turned out in AT (4) a different angle than to (4) his left hand. But this fact wasn’t a big obstacle for the football playing (5) games because he was able to hit the ball on a playING field.
(1) - Стандартный косяк. Порядковые числительные в данном случае - с the
(2) was healed звучит косячно ("его рука была вылечена"). Альтернатива исправленному - after HIS ARM RECOVERED.
(3) банально лучше. Притяжательные местоимения используются чаще, чем голые артикли. В русском так же - мы же уточняем "его правая рука", а не "[та самая] правая рука".
(4) at an angle .... to - погугли или в мультитране. Альтернатива исправленному: "was swinging at a different angle", но эта альтернатива мне нравится меньше - слишком замудрено.
(5) лучше из-за лексики. "играние в футбол" против "игр в футбол".
(6) лексика
ОП, буду заходить где-то раз в день. Помечай свои текстЫ какой-нить кнопкой или символом - буду проверять только твои, а то тут у вас уже срач. Да, и никаких Паст Перфектов данный текст не требует, не слушай злопыхателей.
Спасибо за честность. Чувак, создай свой тред, поставь галку "ОП" и пиши там (не забудь кинуть ссылку сюда, я же не могу отслеживать весь двач) БЕЗ использования любых переводчиков - только словари слов и коллокаций.
Но я тебе сразу скажу, что ошибок у тебя больше, чем у опа этого треда. Не растекайся мыслью и проверяй за собой сам - чем больше вложишь своего труда, тем меньше потребуется моего. А я свой труд ценю. Бери пример с опа этого треда - тщательно проверил за собой и попросил помощи только тогда, когда достиг своего потолка.
give me your phone number then you monk
It's happening! God bless you bro. Thank you a lot!
>ОП, буду заходить где-то раз в день
Thank you but I need a time to work at my mistakes. I can't send here another piece of my story with the same mistakes. I would be glad if you could read one time on a week my posts. I can't ask you for wasting your time more than that.
Принято. Но ты учти, что тогда писать тебе нужно пореже, а то ты за семь дней столько напишешь, что я и за два дня не проверю.
I haven't taken any test so far, but I presume my current level fluctuates about B2. This has been happening for 3 years or so. What's wrong with me? When do I reach my eagerly awaited proficiency? When does the language stop being so alien to me?
Sorry for this whiny shit.
What, do you feel miserable because of I've hurt your pidar feelings? Good geterosexual gents here know no mercy to one of your kind, you wretch.
Your dwindling of motivation may very well come from the lack of progress and understandable awkwardeness of not being able to express oneself fully in the target language. Remember that you have already achieved considerable progress - though your message contains mistakes, not one of them leads to any sort of misunderstanding or communication breakdown. Most of the cringe that you must feel while communicating in English must be from your own poor self-esteem.
Judging from your previous message, I'd say that your language is on the brink of the CEF level C1. You have commendable knowledge of practical grammar and more than satisfactory ability of paraphrasing. Indubitably, you are completely able to reach any goal of yours - be it international exams (hell, I think you can already get FCE grade A or even CAE if you motivate yourself enough), continued progress of your general language knowledge or even immigrating to an English speaking country. The sky is the limit.
What I advise is to set some tangible and quantifiable goals and find a group of like-minded people who are studying the language on your level. You are at a treacherous plateau - you have enough skill to easily communicate with native speakers (to say nothing of those unfortunate non-natives with lower level), but as you well aware your language level is far from proficient. Complacency is your number one enemy. The second enemy is fear of failure.
Having found that support group, you will be able to free yourself from crippling self-doubt and find solace in camaraderie of cooperative studying. Your peers will help you, judge you, support you, motivate you, and make you bear the responsibility of a colleague and friend. I speak from experience when I say that few things can ever compare to the feeling of companionship and support which such group provides.
Apart from that, you should really read the FAQ in the original English thread - especially the recommendations for C1 level. You will find that to continue your progress, you will have to become a gourmet of English. Devour fiction books, savor the depictions of nature and the narration of characters' inner thoughts. Make yourself relish the so called "purple prose" (seriously - google it!) and find delight in wordy descriptions of mundane objects.
Your productive skills (i.e. Speaking and Writing) are probably the weakest and their improvement is a formidable challenge indeeed. There are enough places to practice your oral fluency: Discord rooms, Skype conferences and videochatrooms. I think you already know what needs to be done - practice, practice, practice.
However, developing your writing is a different beast. Make a habit of using collocation dictionaries, thesaurus and Google while writing letters (in fact, guess what tabs are open in my browser right now?). Read dictionaries and collections of idioms and try to use them in every message. Find a highly literate penpal - there are tons of online communities out there, just a mouse click away. Look for wannabe writers, college graduates, retirees and sit at home moms - they have time, ability and desire to supply you with high grade reading material. You will be hard pressed to keep pace with them and such challenge is a good thing.
But above all - give yourself time. Mastering a language does not come easily. Otherwise everyone would be a polyglot.
Your dwindling of motivation may very well come from the lack of progress and understandable awkwardeness of not being able to express oneself fully in the target language. Remember that you have already achieved considerable progress - though your message contains mistakes, not one of them leads to any sort of misunderstanding or communication breakdown. Most of the cringe that you must feel while communicating in English must be from your own poor self-esteem.
Judging from your previous message, I'd say that your language is on the brink of the CEF level C1. You have commendable knowledge of practical grammar and more than satisfactory ability of paraphrasing. Indubitably, you are completely able to reach any goal of yours - be it international exams (hell, I think you can already get FCE grade A or even CAE if you motivate yourself enough), continued progress of your general language knowledge or even immigrating to an English speaking country. The sky is the limit.
What I advise is to set some tangible and quantifiable goals and find a group of like-minded people who are studying the language on your level. You are at a treacherous plateau - you have enough skill to easily communicate with native speakers (to say nothing of those unfortunate non-natives with lower level), but as you well aware your language level is far from proficient. Complacency is your number one enemy. The second enemy is fear of failure.
Having found that support group, you will be able to free yourself from crippling self-doubt and find solace in camaraderie of cooperative studying. Your peers will help you, judge you, support you, motivate you, and make you bear the responsibility of a colleague and friend. I speak from experience when I say that few things can ever compare to the feeling of companionship and support which such group provides.
Apart from that, you should really read the FAQ in the original English thread - especially the recommendations for C1 level. You will find that to continue your progress, you will have to become a gourmet of English. Devour fiction books, savor the depictions of nature and the narration of characters' inner thoughts. Make yourself relish the so called "purple prose" (seriously - google it!) and find delight in wordy descriptions of mundane objects.
Your productive skills (i.e. Speaking and Writing) are probably the weakest and their improvement is a formidable challenge indeeed. There are enough places to practice your oral fluency: Discord rooms, Skype conferences and videochatrooms. I think you already know what needs to be done - practice, practice, practice.
However, developing your writing is a different beast. Make a habit of using collocation dictionaries, thesaurus and Google while writing letters (in fact, guess what tabs are open in my browser right now?). Read dictionaries and collections of idioms and try to use them in every message. Find a highly literate penpal - there are tons of online communities out there, just a mouse click away. Look for wannabe writers, college graduates, retirees and sit at home moms - they have time, ability and desire to supply you with high grade reading material. You will be hard pressed to keep pace with them and such challenge is a good thing.
But above all - give yourself time. Mastering a language does not come easily. Otherwise everyone would be a polyglot.
Your miserable pidorish squeak poses no threat to such a fine straight sir as I am. You cant even touch me, as a noble spirit of ultimate straightness lingers this place. You have no your pidar power here. Begone, you foul pidor wretch!
There's no trying offend me with your pidorish attacks as well. How in the world can such base little thing oppose to good straight people? Go back to your pidorish konfa, and shall not return.
So be amazed at how I crush your spine while you are concieving your funny little tales, pidorok.
The only funny little tale here was conceived back when your dad fucked your mom in a dirty back alley.
As it was expected from a pidar wretch. Being not able to satisfy its lust within the world of straight men, it has reduced to desperate distress of his own perverted mind. It's all one how far it will go in its maddness, I've actually taken a fancy to its mumble.
This is the best thing I could ever expect to get here. Thank you. That was incredibly motivating and helpful.
can you stop talking for a minute? I want to hear the squishy sounds you make while sucking on my wiener
You must have missed another thread. We practice our skill of speaking english here. So I try to humiliate such a miserable thing of your kind while using as complex grammar as I can handle. Ignoble and foul as you are, still I feel I must treat you in this sort of manner what with my eagerness to learn.
I'm tired of your pidor shit already. What's wrong with you? Is it that hard to appreciate the conventional sexuality? What can be so tempting and appealing in man's butt or dick? I mean, the body of healthy handsome man is no doubt gorgeous to be spectated, but to think of another man as of kind of a nice hole to fill seems so wrong to fine straight gents.
Да тут хер знает что. Кто-то ошибки просит, кто-то телеги на сложном английском пишет. Вон, тут двое друг друга уговаривают, кто из них пидар. Всякое, в общем. Пиши, что хочешь.
This thread was supposed to provide students the opportunity to converse with each other in order to improve their english. But it is pretty useless unless you have someone to mark mistakes made. But those who are qualified for offering such help seem to pay no attention to it. So far only one anon could get some advice on his texts. Others just shit whatever they want, being unnoticed.
That's all about you. You have stuck within your imaginary world, being not able to produce a single sentense sensible to normal straight person. You are imploring for someone to quench your lust, but there is no one to answer it.
Well, as you very well know, 2ch is not the only source of mentoring and developing your language skill (I'd even say it's close to being useless for this purpose). Nobody prevents you from looking for other English learning communities and asking for help there. Reddit, Discord, efl-forum and dozens of other places would gladly welcome you and help you grow.
I'd even recommend those places over this one outright. 2ch is famous for its toxic culture and the cult of anonymity. While I can certainly understand the concern for privacy and freedom of speech, in our case it does more harm than good - anyone at all can offer their "helpful" opinion and it's difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Knowing this grave disservice that rampant anonymity and a complete lack of control do to the students of English, other communities strive for policing and moderating their user base. Look at the Discord learning channels - you may be kicked or even banned for minor infractions, but as long as you treat those channels as merely learning channels (and not a source of entertainment and trolling) you will be better off communicating there.
Trust me when I say that such supervision by admins and mods helps immensely. Users know whom they should listen to and whom the should ignore, whose advice is overly academical and whose is practical, who is honestly mistaken and who is a potential troll out for griefing others. All that, while keeping their privacy.
To su up, my recommendation is obvious - cast a wide net, find a support group (>>399579) other than 2ch, diversify your studying resources and stop leaning on 2ch only.
Also, my other offer still stands - start your own thread with blackjack and hookers[/s], mark yourself as the OP there and share the link here. Start writing there (with "OP" checked) and I will grade your writing. Maybe not every day, and maybe not perfectly as I am only a man, but grade I will.
I rest my case.
You should have read my message more carefully. "Answer it" corresponds to "your lust" meaning that you are so desperatedly trying to find someone to accompany you along your fantasies about man's genitals and butt, so even my ongoing call for reason completely misses your mind, and that you wont find anyone to come along with you until your mind is free from such nefarious crave, and is up to quit this disgraceful trade. Until such time comes, you must be going, for now your company is unwanted.
Did he bite it off?
Следующий кусок.
When we became older he told me that he had his arm broken because of Dill who wanted to see Boo Radley. I had my own opinion about that and I told him if he wants someone to blame for this, he should starts with time of the Creek war, because if that hadn’t happened Flint wouldn’t come to Alabama.
For Southerners were the kind of shame when your family tree hadn’t ancestors from any side of the Batttle of Hastings. The one of our ancestor that I knew was an apothecary arrived to the US from British. He earned a lot of money from selling drugs this allowed him to buy a house with lands near Maycomb city and three slaves. He grew cotton on his field and went to the city just once when he decided to find a wife. All his children that were born here stayed all their lives in this house except two brothers Atticus and Jack. The oldest one Atticus wanted to become an attorney, he went to the law school to study the law. Jack chose the other way and set a goal to become a doctor. After Atticus came back to Maycomb he bought a house in the town and opened his own attorney agency. The two last men who were hanged in the state of Alabama were his clients. They were convicted of first-degree murder. Atticus was trying to change this for at least in second-degree murder but they denied their guiltiness and there remained not many chances that Atticus could help them save their lives. That is why he hated the criminal law all his next life.
Проверял каждое утро, находил что то новое, перепиливал текст. Посмотри анон пожалуйста.
Ну так у меня почти 2 страницы написано. Я сейчас выделяю абзацы из истории и перепроверяю их внимательно. Я так небольшими кусками только буду слать.
Скачай к себе на комп. Все пометки и обоснования - в примечаниях.
Jim, Atticus, and I lived in our big house with cook Calpurnia. She was a strong black woman with an intolerable temper. I'd never won an argument with her because Atticus always took her side. Moreover, I thought she hated me even though she didn't show it. In the summertime we had important things to do. We had been lying on the grass for hours in a cool shade of our house when the bright rays of the sun burned mercilessly and role-playing some characters from our books. We also met a boy from our neighbor’s house who visited his aunt in the summer holidays. His name was Dill and he was 1 year older than me and he told me that he was good in reading. We had been playing together since then and I was happy because in our role-playing games Dill got roles which were before mine. I can’t stand to play characters such the ape in Tarzan. When we were playing on our backyard Dill asked about our other neighbor Redley. The Redley families were strange people who had a bad reputation in the town. Their house was an unfriendly place with the carved doors which were closed even on Sundays. From time to time we saw Oldest Radley especially in the mornings on his way to a store with a paper package but when we met him he'd never greeted back to us. He had two sons one of them lived with him and the other lived in a nearby town and appeared on the doorstep only at Christmas. His youngest son Boo got in trouble with the law after he made a friendship with some gang members. His father saved him from jail and took under house arrest. After that people hadn’t seen Boo for 15 years. All people in town thought that his father kept him chained to his bed and Boo became a monster. The more Dill heard the more he asked. He was fascinated with this place. Jim told him that Boo Radley ate raw animals and that why his arms were color of blood.
Jim, Atticus, and I lived in our big house with cook Calpurnia. She was a strong black woman with an intolerable temper. I'd never won an argument with her because Atticus always took her side. Moreover, I thought she hated me even though she didn't show it. In the summertime we had important things to do. We had been lying on the grass for hours in a cool shade of our house when the bright rays of the sun burned mercilessly and role-playing some characters from our books. We also met a boy from our neighbor’s house who visited his aunt in the summer holidays. His name was Dill and he was 1 year older than me and he told me that he was good in reading. We had been playing together since then and I was happy because in our role-playing games Dill got roles which were before mine. I can’t stand to play characters such the ape in Tarzan. When we were playing on our backyard Dill asked about our other neighbor Redley. The Redley families were strange people who had a bad reputation in the town. Their house was an unfriendly place with the carved doors which were closed even on Sundays. From time to time we saw Oldest Radley especially in the mornings on his way to a store with a paper package but when we met him he'd never greeted back to us. He had two sons one of them lived with him and the other lived in a nearby town and appeared on the doorstep only at Christmas. His youngest son Boo got in trouble with the law after he made a friendship with some gang members. His father saved him from jail and took under house arrest. After that people hadn’t seen Boo for 15 years. All people in town thought that his father kept him chained to his bed and Boo became a monster. The more Dill heard the more he asked. He was fascinated with this place. Jim told him that Boo Radley ate raw animals and that why his arms were color of blood.
they are taught to read and write, no one teaches them conversational English, so they look up words in a dictionary and use the first ones to come up
As for myself, I always try to incorporate newly learned stuff into my speech. It's not because of my eager desire to show off my super-duper sense of word, but rather to get used to the knowledge acquired. For it is to be easily forgotten, being not practiced. Other reason is that I read fiction literature mostly, so it's the most obvious thing for me to practice.
Все, как в прошлый раз - скачай и смотри примечания. Тенденция на уменьшение есть, молодец.
Спасибо за проверку анон. Кусочек завершения первой части. Чуть чуть решил усложнить, надеюсь не сильно выше головы прыгнул.
Children’s curiosity might get them into trouble, especially, when a desire to see unknown things fill their minds. Jem’s sanity defense was unbroken for three days during which Dill was playing the main role of a tempter. In the first day there were a many firm hints at Jem's brevity. Jem told that he wasn't scared he was respectful. On the second day Dill told him that Jem was afraid to made even a fleeting look at this house. Dill got him the third day when he told Jem that folks from a nearby town were braver than folks in Maycomb. The plan was simple, Dill had told that Jem should touch Radley's porch and then Boo, probably, came out from the house and they could see him in a day light. Jem told him that Boo could catch them near his house and broke their legs. If that happens Dill should remember that it was his idea to get Boo out. Three of us stayed at the Radleys house gates when Jem ran toward a porch. After he had touched the porch, he ran back without hesitation. He wasn’t interested in watching a result and ran past us toward our home. We followed him. No one came to the porch that day and we didn’t see Boo, but for one second we could see some move inside the house.
Apparently, they do this for practice's sake. Incorporating new words, phrases and idiom into your written speech is way easier than in oral speech, however, once used in writing, the newly acquired words are easily transferable to speaking.
And you probably know that overcomplicating your speech is commendable and gains additional scores when passing CAE/CPE, this is exactly what you're required to do on the exam.
Всё, как всегда, в примечаниях. Пока что будь проще. Бессмысленно усложнять лексику, если ты не умеешь определить правильность и уместность новых слов.
Второй проверяльщик в треде - это гут.
Прошу совета вот в каком вопросе:
необходим сертификат B2 для поступления в аспирантуру наличие сертификата - простая формальность, которая сильно мне поможет, т.е. иммиграция\обучение за рубежом не планируется. Какой их двух тестов проще сдать? Как вы готовились? Сколько времени на подготовку ушло\с какой попытки сдали?
Анон, ты точно в нужном треде? От себя скажу. что если институту пох на серт, я бы сдавал вообще FCE - формат и сложность схожи с ЕГЭ (разве что чуть сложнее, но там до C1).
Recently I had my first time to speak English. I have been speaking with a czech and I think it was wonderful experience.
And how are you?
I mean irl of course.
I'm fucking tired of learning Deutsch at my pseudo-university. Now I've got to do a translation two pages long (A4 paper size) and it's damn exhausting. I don't want to do this useless shit anymore. It's not like I'm against outdated learning methods, but this is just too much. And that's only one of the writing tasks. On top of that the language itself though attractive causes headache especially when speaking. Too much grammar and vocabulary to think of. English is such a good girl, really. I know it's kind of a stage and no matter how hard the grammar is it will eventually come as something natural. But I'm currently approaching B1 and that level seems to be the most unpleasant and uncomfortable one.
>Mr. Doodlee's sausage smell like vannila and strawberry taste... Mr.Doodlee were me how second father, and memory about his sausages comes to me when i dream.
Sounds delicious, you seem to be a gourmet. I bet the experience of tasting Mr. Doodlee's sausage had a positive impact on your taste.
So I make food(sausages with ketchup) in McTrampdonalds and those clients who often gives me a big tip don't gets an EXTRA sausage in his sandviches.
Yeah, I think it's a better representation of die Erfahrung eines Deutschunterrichts an meiner Uni.
We allo know you are an essay writer, mr. Olusapweli, you are fooling nobody here, bud.
U were wrong. My name is Doctor Dribler and i am traanslater-party maker. Shazaaam!!!!
Oh shit my shazam is not working...
Zashto nie chcesh? Huj es duje liepo. Mama mnie rozmovjjalan
Спасибо анон.
Начало второй части.
That was the first year at school for Scout. Her teacher’s name was Miss Caroline Fisher. She was a 21-year-old woman with long blond hair, blue eyes and pink cheeks. She had learned new teaching methods in college and that was her first class. She read them a story about little cats that lived behind a kitchen stove. These cats wore little dresses and had long conversations with each other. After the story: she asked children about the alphabet. A lot of them were familiar with the alphabet because they had failed their first year at school. The teacher saw that no one wanted to show their knowledge and she asked Scout. She was surprised to hear Scout’s reading. Miss Caroline said that they must stop reading lessons with her father because they were doing it wrong. She said that it would be better if children started to learn with “a fresh mind”. There were two people that taught her to read and write. Calpurnia was the first teacher. Every day she gives to Scout a sheet of paper with letters. Scout was awarded when she wrote down the words with these letters. Atticus was the second teacher. In the evenings she sat on his laps when he was reading a newspaper. She listened to his voice and watched her father's finger that pointed at the words.
what are you doing exactly, translating somebody's texts or making up texts yourself?
I read this book a month ago and now I'm trying to learn how to write. Anon from a thread about English is giving me a hand with my writing mistakes. I'm making up text myself. Is that wasn't clear when you read my shit?
listen here you little shit...
Со свободным временем швах, а проверки с указанием источников занимают кучу времени. Моя следующая проверка Mockingbird-анона будет последней на неопределенный период времени.
В этот раз ошибок очень мало. Молодец, анон! У меня тут завал с работой до осени, поэтому я вряд ли смогу часто тут появляться. Если будет желание - кидай сюда рассказы (помечай себе или как "ОП треда" или просто продолжай пересказывать Пересмешника, чтобы я знал, что это ты) - по возможности, буду проверять, но уже без гарантий.
Глобальное пожелание - пиши так же, как ты пишешь в первой половине этого рассказа. Просто и кратко. Очень осторожно увеличивай сложность своей письменной речи - сначала доведи до автоматизма такой простой английский. Усердия и удачи!
me do why u ask???
No u
Спасибо анон! Я прям охуеть сам как рад что количество ошибок на убыль пошло.
>Глобальное пожелание - пиши так же, как ты пишешь в первой половине этого рассказа. Просто и кратко. Очень осторожно увеличивай сложность своей письменной речи - сначала доведи до автоматизма такой простой английский. Усердия и удачи!
Постараюсь. Считай и у тебя меньше времени отнимет проверять. Даже если не сможешь больше проверить все равно спасибо анон. Ты меня очень многому научил.
>Они реально провалили первый класс? Если так, то всё ОК, просто странно.
Именно. Дети сельские валили первый класс только так в то время. Изза посевной например. Я пытался это там же обьяснить, но побоялся пойти на усложнение предложения. Я это в следующем абзаце рассказать хотел.
what language are you speaking you dork???
study your body first
suck my suck
Я тебя знаю, бро?
Тут тухло.
Ты наш, бро?
Что ты забыл на этой помойке?
Ты тут давно?
Я зашел посмотреть на местных придурков.
А какой у тебя ник на сайте?
Эти пидоры устраивают на нас набеги.
He was stuck in a miserable job. He worked for IBM, and made a lot of money, but it was a degrading job, very boring.
He also had an oppressive boss.
A.J. had no autonomy, he had to ask his boss of permission to do anything.
One day, A.J. decided he was sick of this job. He was sick of drab and sterile office, so he decided to quit his job.
He yelled to his boss: "take this job and shove it!! I quit!".
A.J. decided to travel a world on a quest for adventure and fun.
He didn't hesitate. He never hesitated. He immediately bought a plane ticket to India and left his miserable job forever.
And so, he wasn't miserable anymore.
>Я тебя знаю, бро?
Do I know you, bruh?
>Тут тухло.
This party stinks, I fucking hate these people.
>Ты наш, бро?
Are you with us, bruh?
>Что ты забыл на этой помойке?
What the hell are you doing in this dumpster?
>Ты тут давно?
How long have you been here?
>Я зашел посмотреть на местных придурков.
I've come to look at the douchebags out here.
>А какой у тебя ник на сайте?
So what is your profile name on [название сайта]?
>Эти пидоры устраивают на нас набеги.
These faggots ride us.
Много ты понимаешь, козёл
South African.
Scottish, yeah.
Эржан, сайпал энглеси ругаца. Иди работа, кожайын видеть бисдела опят глас синий будет.
But, her mum isn't outgoing, she is quite shy and very organized, her personality isn't fluid like her daughter's.
One day Alisha bought a bright red dress for her mum, but her mum said: "Oh, this dress isn't me, I prefer black."
So Alisha took the dress herself and wore it at her new job.
At her job, one guy named Stew saw Alisha and his eyes lingered on her.
He looked at her for a long time and finally he said: "You look amazing! You take my breath away, will you go to dinner with me tonight?".
Alisha said: "Ok! I'll see you at 20 o'clock!".
But at 7:30 she decided to go to cinema instead, so she blew off her date with Stew and went to the movie theatre alone.
А я проиграл с парня под именем Подлива С Кусочками Мяса (vasvas)
переводящая имена сопля ты? да ты
Нет, я просто знаток английского. Остальные ошибки править лень.
the нахуй тут не нужно.
не this a it.
that нахуй не нужно.
не on а in.
have i to do ибо вопрос.
А лучше should I do.
to improve.
>I have troubles with expressing my thoughts in English. What should I do to improve it?
Сдается мне это не самая большая твоя проблема. Учи язык в общем.
Cuz u shouldn’t.
А я с joint вместо joined
Cyka blyat, forgive me man, i'm so sorry!
I'm not sure I follow you, you pothead sucker
Yep. But he still in politic.
Most of the time it's disappointment at how little effort the voice actors put in, or just the lack of emotions in what they say
I can live with their voices but the translation quality is always terrible. They can figure proverbs aren't translated literally, but besides them there are many more idioms and everyday expressions that also need respective equivalents.
Piece of cake, under the weather, fish in a barrel, bigger bang for a buck, there's a lot of these expressions
I've been hearing a lot of these "are you sure?" as a response to a statement lately.
-I'm sick. I can't go.
-Are you sure?
-He's dead.
-Are you sure?
It depends on the studio or the independents translating, if they are competent enough they will translate the expression into its counterpart or something with the same meaning, others just can't be bothered and translate them word for word without getting their meaning across
Official dubs are mostly done by big studios, it's the smaller, independent groups or individuals that often slip-up. On a related note, a few years ago, I saw a Korean movie dubbed in English and then dubbed again in Russian, and you could hear all 3 languages at the same time
Well that's how it is in all languages, isn't it? Fan translations always have more mistakes found in them than these done by professionals.
True, I don't think they should be shat on for not correctly translating everything, after all, their intentions are noble
Atleast they have better audio quality and come out at the same time as the actual movie
The original track can be anything. "Are you sure?" is just an expression Americans use to voice a surprise or a doubt. You don't say it like that in Russian, you work out an equivalent.
I think that is one of the reasons why their dubs are of low quality. A killer that has just killed a bunch of people can say things like "Я непременно должен успеть к закрытию!" It's like he's a literature teacher.
Тред проплачен нашистами и мусарами.ОП сексот подментованый и сливает инфу кураторам,расходимся.
Thread bought by ((ours)) and trashers. OP is a copped sexer and is leaking info to curators, disperse
I'd rather fuck you up, because you didn't even clarify on where you want to talk to us, son of a dirty slut.
hey don't talk to me like that, I'm a C2!!!
This thread is defrayed by nashists and sloughs. OP is a rat, he leaks the intel to gatekeepers. Scatter everyone!
I reserved a bed in 8-bed dorm on dates from 8 July 2019 till 20 July 2019. But now i want to notify you that i will arrive to Hong Kong only at 11 July 2019 due to issues at work. So i want to change check-in date to 11 July, with check-out date remaining the same(20 July 2019).
Best regards, Ivan Ivanov
Насколько тут хуёвый и неграмотный английский? В чём ошибки?
Где можно пообщаться с иностранцами - нейтивами или тоже учениками? Может, чаты какие, или сообщества в соцсетях? Чтобы ненапряжно можно было начать разговор. Преподавателям как-то...стрёмно, хочется просто попрактиковать, чего-то более приземленного.
всё понятно, на ошибки всем пох
говори как тебя там найти
I want to talk about this series. I was born before this catastrophe had happened and I remember articles in magazines about children from Chernobyl. This series reminded me of that time. I wanted to ask some youth what they are thinking about Chernobyl.
Well I'm ten and I think that monsters in Chernobyl need to be terminated. I am having trouble falling asleep properly because I am scared of them coming over to my place and eating me alive.
>eating me alive
Awww, who is that cute little boy? You don't have to worry about that. When a monster eats your flesh you will be already dead. That how it works in my opinion. Anyway, I haven't heard about any monsters from Chernobyl. When did you hear about that? I remember about the two head cows in 90th which were the norm animals for Chernobyl but that's all. Did I miss something?
Tomorrow I would like devote to study English. It`s all I want to tell you. See you later, my only close friend.
>weather is shine
>had been playing
>made nothing important
>pleasant girl
>chatting with them
>was called
>was wonder
>I would like devote to study
Ты случайно не то чмо, которое в англотреде постоянно усирается, что английский нужно понимать и чувствовать, а учебники для долбоёбов? Прогрессируешь, чувствуешь его на отлично. Потребляй контент дальше, и пешы исчо.
Нет, я всегда был в ридонли и это мой первый текст на английском. Я сейчас где-то а-2 или а-1. Спасибо тебе и анону выше, что показали ошибки. :)
yea, moonspeak is my life. I know nothing in english. I'm not even sure what i'm read providing by google translate.
A linguist is a person, who studies languages. But she was an incredible linguist, she knew 247 languages. In fact, she had total mastery in 247 languages. And she was bored, she wanted another language.
She wanted to study Swahili. People speak Swahili in Africa.
So Shri started to learn Swahili with a visual method, related to the eyes.
She read textbooks and grammar rules for two years.
She was studying Swahili with a visual method for two years, and after two years nothing happened, she was frustrated, she failed, she knew nothing, she couldn't even speak Swahili.
Shri decided to change her approach, to modify her method of learning.
She tried a kinesthetic method of learning. It was called TPR.
Kinesthetic means related to the body, related to moving.
So, a teacher said to Shri "jump!", and she would jump, or "walk!", and she would walk. Of course, he spoke Swahili. And Shri walked, jumped, stood.
She learned Swahili with her body.
She was learning with the kinesthetic method for one year, and it boosted up her learning speed of Swahili a lot! She became good in this language, but not a master. But she wanted total mastery in it, she wanted to have total mastery in Swahili.
So she modified her approach again, she added an auditory method.
She listened to Swahili every day! Three hours, then 5 hours, then 23.5 hours a day! It means, that she slept only 30 minutes every day.
But, in one year she became a master of Swahili, finally, she had total mastery of Swahili! She knew 248 languages, she was happy, and she was the best linguist in the world!
>Ты случайно не то чмо, которое в англотреде постоянно усирается, что английский нужно понимать и чувствовать, а учебники для долбоёбов? Прогрессируешь, чувствуешь его на отлично. Потребляй контент дальше, и пешы исчо.
Бля, хорошо, что я там уже не бываю.
what did you dab that cock gobbler for? he's grown aware now that he's a nugget a hobo shat, he'll get caned on my floor again with this cheap hogwash with dimedrol
Have you ever tried to cover your face with some semen? I mean, women usually feel those pheromones produced by men's semen. It might help you get laid by hot thots in no time.
Move your pelvis while talking with them, it's a sure thing.
I rub my semen into your cat's face everyday, no complaints so far. Dork
And she spent four years of her life for language that she perhaps won't use more than one or two times after that
Cool, you're not alone :) How long have you already learned English?
Thx, man.
well, thanks.
go away perv
Bend down and stick it right into your filthy mouth, you piece of shit.
cutoff would be to radical, let's just cut it in two, one for me and one for you
What do you need a half a dick for? You can suck whole things in the English-thread if you want.
Why are you embarrassed with this so much? Are you a latent gay?
And, by the way
>shortie's shitting his pants like he always does
There are many people on the board, do you know that?
No, blud, that ain't me, look at this Berk's grammar, mine isn't as average. We would slap the Tom Tit out of his pathetic ass for pretending to be the true Londoner.
eat me puss you skank
Thank you and you
My mouth too is under an open license, so I'm looking forward for anyone's donations.
Why fuck dogs when you could easily have nice wet human fuck sleeve to put in? It's a lifetime opportunity, don't be a fool to miss it!
If you wish so. Remember: There's no finer cunt than a pal's ass. Badly though it reeks, better still it grips.
why don't you wrap your pals intestines round your neck and suffocate yourself with them as a pastime activity
I don't like it how you're speaking to me. Still, I am all the same not in the mood to squabble about the words nor am I to chat with such a rude asshole. Kindly fuck off, we'll talk later. My offer still stands, if you should reconsider.
/int/ is too low and primitive as compared to fine intellectual talks we sophisticated A0-gents are having here. We're much too English even for an international board.
Maybe because this thread was posted for little practice in English, not for actual speaking? And besides, it looks like people here enjoy to translate local apechan memes, foreigners just wouldn't get some things right.
> Maybe because this thread was posted for little practice in English, not for actual speaking? And besides, it looks like people here enjoy to translate local apechan memes, foreigners just wouldn't get some things right.
Where's the problem? Make your own thread in the int and do it right there.
No one will ashame you.
But you can make an english thread. And you can call there a high-minded people only, if you want.
>But you can make an english thread. And you can call there a high-minded people only, if you want.
But we're not native English or foreign language speakers. We're Russians, just slightly more refined and advanced than an average dvacher. We feel pretty much comfortable humiliating occasional bydlo stalking 'round 'ere. Don't be hurt, you're just too basic. It happens, no offence implied.
Why are you call hit that? Maybe he's a khohkhoul or bool'bush or something else?
I care not what he is, I've just happened to have a strong sense of refined English word and found it quite fun to play with it itt. Honkey-Halls and Bools'n'Bushers are both totally okay.
Is that all you've got to say? If so, feel ashamed, as here the only way to destroy your opponent is to write a fancy sentence in English which he would not be able to make out. Though a man of discipline I am, still not a malevolent one really. So I give you one more chance to defend youself with a bright thought.
All of a sudden I shoved my cock in your mouth and started fucking your throat.
Because you were trying to say something you vomited and then swallowed the wrong way what looked like a mix of your puke and my semen. You shouldn't have talked with your mouth full, bitch.
Then I pissed on your corpse, lit a cigar and nipped out in the sunset.
That must be really unsightly a view to specate, my friend. I would you be as good at fine English writing as you are at making up your little gayish fancies. You silly words hurt me not by the way, it's just you who's dragging himself right through the mud, as my fine language is far superior than your gayish dirty talk.
Не могу понять to where
Ты явно взял это с сайта IMABI. Скорее всего, это предложение - плод воспаленного воображения японского надмозга. Не ищи в нём логики.
shut it
this thread is no dying. i speak english very professionality like a native speaker.
you suck like a pro
fuck you
Really? How much did you drink?
My tea is VERY strong. Granted, it's usually in a fairly small cup and I only drink one serving. But I do occasionally take more, like if I'm pulling an all-nighter or something, and I never had a problem like that.
I don't know, maybe I have a higher tolerance. I enjoy strong tastes in general.
>beginning from the morning
>doesn't already seem anything impossible
You should rephrase those.
I had never had such a problem like this before I got 23 years old. I used to drink a lot and I thought I had an unlimited tolerance to caffeine but now, as It recently was found out, I can't drink as much as I used to because of negative effects.
As for the quantities of drunk, you can imagine it if you drink all the obtained tea-drink from 30 grams dry the of medium quality tea like 'Mayskiy' or 'Ahmad Tea' and so on. That's pretty much
As for what hidden under spoiler, yes I know, I tried to apply the russian stylistic of writing. That's kind of weard
>23 years old
Well, here we go. I'm a little below that bar, so we'll see how that goes.
I also try to limit my caffeine intake, but that's only because I thought it can't be a good influence on my general health. I also realized at some point I often drink tea in an attempt to warm up in cold weather, so now I just grab a cup of boiled water instead.
So, how did you learn English? Self-taught?
>such a problem like this
>quantities of drunk
>all the obtained tea-drink from 30 grams dry
Those are kinda clunky.
>That's pretty much
pretty much it.
No worries, brother, it's all a part of language-learning.
I'd have understood your good intention to correct me if you corrected me correctly. Either that was a joke or something else but:
'That's pretty much' absolutely correct one
'weard' misspell, there wasn't need to pay attention to it
>'That's pretty much' absolutely correct one
Your previous sentence confused me and misread it. I apologize.
In this case, I'd say "That's a lot" would sound more natural.
I don't see how correcting that would hurt. I have no way of knowing if this is a one-off mistake or if you learned it wrong.
> to correct me if you corrected me correctly.
>'x' absolutely correct one
'x' is absolutely correct
>'weard' misspell
is a misspelling
Ok, I understood your main point, you are more interested in searching for mistakes than in having a gentle conversation. You're just showing off. No one is interested in reading these 'correction' because if I write something, I see all my stylistic and other mistakes immediately and I don't want to polish my letter to please everyone. If you're dwelling on it, it isn't my problem. I communicate without a goal to look natural. All the 'naturalness' gets down to vocabulary. Ask for your mother born you back in order to she born you in the country where English is spoken so you'll be 'natural'
Well then, you know what? Fuck you.
I assumed you came here to improve you language skills, and did the best I could to help. This is what I ask native speakers to do when they talk to me, to correct everything and anything resembling a mistake.
You know what you could have done if it annoyed you this much? You could have asked me to stop, clearly and calmly.
Instead you chose to act like an aggressive dipshit. Congrats.
Just take it to your account that such behavior of you might spoil your conversations in the future. You started acting like a moron at the beginning. I didn't ask you to search for my mistakes
you suck balls
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