Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 4.59.27 pm.png442 Кб, 546x701
American here. How come your country defeated the evils of communism but evolved into a complete fucking shithole in the 90s? 83627 В конец треда | Веб
American here. How come your country defeated the evils of communism but evolved into a complete fucking shithole in the 90s?
15835853402140.png7 Кб, 615x550
2 83628
>>627 (OP)
Sleesh come tolstow
15877754179291.mp41,5 Мб, mp4,
270x480, 0:27
3 83638
>>627 (OP)
Market resolved.

Dick suck? Barrel make?
4 83652

>American ask why Soviet Union was fall

Its a fact that fall of USSR was sponsored by government of USA
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