Это копия, сохраненная 19 января 2017 года.
Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее
Если вам полезен архив М.Двача, пожертвуйте на оплату сервера.

А это мои мысли по поводу лени, если кому интересно
Это доска для домоседов, девственников. Нахуй социобляди сюда лезут со своей ленью? Иди выеби кого-нибудь, нахуя тебе что-то делать?
>[YouTube] Про лень.
Что блядь за мода пошла у пидаров пилить нытико-видосы и клянчить донаты? Вы чё, ахуели?
Надо через силу заняться спортом и если хотя бы месяц продержишся то энергия появится(я лично не пробовал но так говорят)

Пиздаболы те кто так говорят
Я в деревне вырос, спортом всю жизнь занимаюсь (лыжи, велик, плавание, пробежки в лесу)
хули толку все то же безынициативное унылое хуйло без стремлений который в свои 21 сидит и срет на сосаче причем в разделе для самых конченых

с чего взял что не вижу
Я видел многое дерьмо
вырос в ебучем говне
в таком говне в котором никто здесь не жил
в прямом и переносном смысле
прямо так в говне
>Это доска для домоседов, девственников
Всё верно бро, я с вами сижу уже не первый год. Я создал канал на ютубе. потому что хочу быть с теми, кто устал от такого образа жизни и хочет перемен, может быть через видео, донося свою боль и свои попытки что-то изменить, я найду друзей, или хотя бы сам смогу чем-то заниматься интересным мне.
Ну так все по типичной схеме бомжа - пилим видосик с нытьем, собираем вокруг себя таких же бомжей, потом начинаем стримить, а там и донатики включаем. Знаем, проходили.

почему так считаешь что нужно сделать по твоей идеологии чтобы стать хорошим в твоем представлении
>Пиздаболы те кто так говорят
Двачую этого.
Я всё лето ходил на труники 2 месяца подряд, пытался подтянуться хотя бы раз 7 подряд, а было всего 2 раза. В итоге осилил лишь 5 раз. Потом осенью попробовал и снова было 2 раза...короче хуйня. Как было лень ходить на эти турнички, так и сейчас лень.

возможно ты прав что-то нам все таки не положено знать
лучше это оставить в секрете ибо все равно бесполезно и мы не сделаем этого т.е не принесет пользы так зачем же тогда

Мне сегодня мамка тоже самое сказала я согласен с этим
Чтоб с тобой общаться ты должен полностью изменить себя. А сейчас ты меня просто раздражаешь.
> собираем вокруг себя таких же бомжей, потом начинаем стримить, а там и донатики включаем
ну да, что в этом плохого?
Сил нет ни на что. Черпать неоткуда энергию. Нет никакого желания выходить и что-то делать, чтобы получить очередную порцию негатива от людей.
Бля, живя в деревне, не выебать какую-нибудь пьяную шалаву- это вообще зашквар
Ну ты же говорил что не хочешь получить порцию негатива делая что то. Ну тогда получай просто так. Пидарас!
В то ваша и суть, что вы просто нытливые пидорасы.
Мне 23 и я уже все, реально все. Я не учился, не работал, с людьми перестал общаться со времен окончания школы.
Из дома не выхожу.
Вот просто представь что последние 5 лет ты не разговаривал ирл ни с кем кроме мамки, твой день каждый ебаный день одинаков. Ты ничего не делаешь просто существуешь и ждешь смерти.
Таких как я тут больше нет я уверен.
>>2390984 (OP)
How do I get over my laziness? Here I am. 27 years old, no life goals, no motivation, no job, no friends, nothing at all. When I go for something, I fuck it up due to laziness. I'm tired of being a stupid vegetable, tired of whining on /rf/, that's why I've made up my mind to get over my laziness and become a regular person through developing willpower. But how do I do that? How on earth? I've never been outside my city, was bullied at school and at home by parents. I've grown up asocial by myself. Share your thoughts and stories from your life.
engine of progress
read the book of changes
changes are evil
Sounds orthodoxal.
This is an imageboard for retards and virgins. Why the fuck do normies come here with their laziness? Go fuck someone, why would you even do anything?
What's the new trend with faggots making whiny video and begging for donations? You fucking what?
Forgot sage.
You gotta make yourself do sports. If you can make it past at least a month, you'll become vigorous (never tried this myself but heard people say).
That's all bullshit.
I grew up in a village, been doing sports all my life (skiing, bicycling, swimming, jogging in the forest).
It doesn't help. I'm still the spiritless and boring prick without ambition who shitposts on 2ch in his early twenties. To make things worse, he does it on the most fucked-up board.
gosh this is so fucked up
You deserve it.
this is shit and that is shit, too
all my ideas are a big pile of crap
-2391198 MAYBE
What's this book?
What "maybe"? I can see your shit. You can't. But I can!
what made you think i cant
I've seen a lot of shit
grew up in fuckin shit
none of you guys
lived in such shit
both literally and figuratively
literally in shit
I'm talking about your shit but not the shit around you.
It's all right bro. I've been on here for years. I made a Youtube channel because I want to be with those who are tired of such a lifestyle and want to change themselves. Odds are I'm gonna find some friends through video, getting my pain across and trying to change something. Or at least I'm gonna do what I'm interested in.
you fuckin nuts? who begs for any donations where?
shit is now part of me so i can
see no difference myself
do you think it s even there?
It's impossible to make you a good person.
That's the typical hobo way. Make a whiny video, gather hobos like you together, then start streaming and go for donations. Been there, done that.
why do you think so what do i have to do according to your ideology to become a good person in your eyes
For the record, the most fucked up board is /fag/.
-2391195 Double this.
-2391192 This summer I did street workout for two months in a row. Tried to do at least 7 pull-ups in one go, but could only do 2. Eventually, I only managed to do 5 pull-ups. Later in the fall I tried again and could only do 2 times... this doesn't work. I'm as lazy to do this street workout as I ever was.
I know what, but you won't do it.
Checked it. It's better.
you're probably right there are things we shouldn't know
it's best to keep it secret because it's useless anyway we wont do it i.e. it'll be of no use so why then
You're such a nasty person and even
Are you shitting me? I'm a vegetable schizoid and I can do 10 pull-ups
From my point of view, I'm the worst attention whore on the worst board of 2ch.
-2391217 My mother told me the same today and I agree with it.
So it means this board is just for you. You're a fucktard.
why do you check rf then
it means You're a fucktard too from the point of your ideology
This word already makes me sick.
Okay I'm sorry
let's tell fun stories
that'll warm us up
For me to talk to you, you have to change yourself completely. As of yet, you're just giving me shit.
-2391209 yeah and what's so bad about it?
Kind of same shit. After three months of trying to get over it, I've just crumbled. Staying home, eating, drinking, sleeping.
I don't feel like anything. There's nowhere for me to get energy from. I don't want to try again and do anything, only to get yet another bit of hate from people.
You fucking faggot!
Man, how beta does one have to be to live in a village and never fuck some drunk slut?
Those like you should be lonely.
Fuck you guys, I hate you all.
You said you don't want to get a bit of hate doing anything. So get it doing nothing. Faggot!
You don't respect women. You call them sluts. You only want to fuck them.
The truth is, most of even those here who call themselves "fucked-up" always do something anyway.
That's the problem with you. You're just whiny faggots.
I'm 23 and I'm past the point, I really am. I've never studied or worked. Haven't talked to anyone since I graduated from school. I never get outside.
Just imagine that it's been five years since you last talked to anyone except your mother. Your every day is the same.
You don't do anything. You just exist and wait for your death.
I'm sure there's no one like me here.
I'm worse off a thousand times. Your point being..?
What makes you worse off?
I'm just worse off. That's enough.
So what? Are you glad now?
You're better off.
What a faggot you are.
Hey you're evil
I'm not evil. And you are a faggot.
There's someone like you, I know for sure.
I told you I'm worse off and you're talking back you fuck
Why are you saying you're worse off? That's a lie. You retarded.
What a dip
And a whiny faggot.
>>2390984 (OP)
How do I get over my laziness? Here I am. 27 years old, no life goals, no motivation, no job, no friends, nothing at all. When I go for something, I fuck it up due to laziness. I'm tired of being a stupid vegetable, tired of whining on /rf/, that's why I've made up my mind to get over my laziness and become a regular person through developing willpower. But how do I do that? How on earth? I've never been outside my city, was bullied at school and at home by parents. I've grown up asocial by myself. Share your thoughts and stories from your life.
engine of progress
read the book of changes
changes are evil
Sounds orthodoxal.
This is an imageboard for retards and virgins. Why the fuck do normies come here with their laziness? Go fuck someone, why would you even do anything?
What's the new trend with faggots making whiny video and begging for donations? You fucking what?
Forgot sage.
You gotta make yourself do sports. If you can make it past at least a month, you'll become vigorous (never tried this myself but heard people say).
That's all bullshit.
I grew up in a village, been doing sports all my life (skiing, bicycling, swimming, jogging in the forest).
It doesn't help. I'm still the spiritless and boring prick without ambition who shitposts on 2ch in his early twenties. To make things worse, he does it on the most fucked-up board.
gosh this is so fucked up
You deserve it.
this is shit and that is shit, too
all my ideas are a big pile of crap
-2391198 MAYBE
What's this book?
What "maybe"? I can see your shit. You can't. But I can!
what made you think i cant
I've seen a lot of shit
grew up in fuckin shit
none of you guys
lived in such shit
both literally and figuratively
literally in shit
I'm talking about your shit but not the shit around you.
It's all right bro. I've been on here for years. I made a Youtube channel because I want to be with those who are tired of such a lifestyle and want to change themselves. Odds are I'm gonna find some friends through video, getting my pain across and trying to change something. Or at least I'm gonna do what I'm interested in.
you fuckin nuts? who begs for any donations where?
shit is now part of me so i can
see no difference myself
do you think it s even there?
It's impossible to make you a good person.
That's the typical hobo way. Make a whiny video, gather hobos like you together, then start streaming and go for donations. Been there, done that.
why do you think so what do i have to do according to your ideology to become a good person in your eyes
For the record, the most fucked up board is /fag/.
-2391195 Double this.
-2391192 This summer I did street workout for two months in a row. Tried to do at least 7 pull-ups in one go, but could only do 2. Eventually, I only managed to do 5 pull-ups. Later in the fall I tried again and could only do 2 times... this doesn't work. I'm as lazy to do this street workout as I ever was.
I know what, but you won't do it.
Checked it. It's better.
you're probably right there are things we shouldn't know
it's best to keep it secret because it's useless anyway we wont do it i.e. it'll be of no use so why then
You're such a nasty person and even
Are you shitting me? I'm a vegetable schizoid and I can do 10 pull-ups
From my point of view, I'm the worst attention whore on the worst board of 2ch.
-2391217 My mother told me the same today and I agree with it.
So it means this board is just for you. You're a fucktard.
why do you check rf then
it means You're a fucktard too from the point of your ideology
This word already makes me sick.
Okay I'm sorry
let's tell fun stories
that'll warm us up
For me to talk to you, you have to change yourself completely. As of yet, you're just giving me shit.
-2391209 yeah and what's so bad about it?
Kind of same shit. After three months of trying to get over it, I've just crumbled. Staying home, eating, drinking, sleeping.
I don't feel like anything. There's nowhere for me to get energy from. I don't want to try again and do anything, only to get yet another bit of hate from people.
You fucking faggot!
Man, how beta does one have to be to live in a village and never fuck some drunk slut?
Those like you should be lonely.
Fuck you guys, I hate you all.
You said you don't want to get a bit of hate doing anything. So get it doing nothing. Faggot!
You don't respect women. You call them sluts. You only want to fuck them.
The truth is, most of even those here who call themselves "fucked-up" always do something anyway.
That's the problem with you. You're just whiny faggots.
I'm 23 and I'm past the point, I really am. I've never studied or worked. Haven't talked to anyone since I graduated from school. I never get outside.
Just imagine that it's been five years since you last talked to anyone except your mother. Your every day is the same.
You don't do anything. You just exist and wait for your death.
I'm sure there's no one like me here.
I'm worse off a thousand times. Your point being..?
What makes you worse off?
I'm just worse off. That's enough.
So what? Are you glad now?
You're better off.
What a faggot you are.
Hey you're evil
I'm not evil. And you are a faggot.
There's someone like you, I know for sure.
I told you I'm worse off and you're talking back you fuck
Why are you saying you're worse off? That's a lie. You retarded.
What a dip
And a whiny faggot.

Статью не читал отложил на потом азазаза
Слышал, что надо начинать с лечения хронической вялости. Когда ты не просто ленивый, а перманентно усталый в говно. В моем случае это из-за лишнего веса, чрезмерного онанизма, аморфной тушки, хуевого здоровья в целом.
Это ты чепушило?

Я как раз трахал пьяную шалаву в 17 лет
это была подруга сестры она дала мне а другим нет
правда я не кончил тогда и не трахался больше с тех пор
так что моно сказать я девственник
но девственик потому что мне похуй на секс если бы хотел давно нашел бы себе хоть какую то пизду даже всратую не вижу в этом проблемы в моей деревне
страшная птица привет
вылечи меня от чумы доктор

я понимаю мир непрост и шалава это образно я не ко всем женщинам так называю
да и вообще это моя идеология
Вообще никого не называй.

Примерно так только сиски поменьше немного ростом с меня где то (я 168 карлан)

Бля даже битардам низкого роста телки дают, хотя обычно самки их вообще за людей не считают. Поделитесь тайной с хиканом
В нем меньше дерьма.

Я не страшный мне гооррили что я красивый, поэтому и дала в тот раз наверно мне вообще похер на биопроблемы это для меня вообще не проблема, у меня проблемы посерьезнее гораздо. Знаешь я хотел бы ныть о тяночках и прочем дерьме но не могу для меня это кажется таким несущественным
я пока никому тянка должна добиватся чтобы ты ее выебал а не наоборот им это нравится
если ты дрочиш тебе априори не похуй на биопроблемы
если постиш тяночек тебе априори не похуй на биопроблемы
если смотриш на тяночек тебе априори не похуй на биопроблемы
Это копия, сохраненная 19 января 2017 года.
Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее
Если вам полезен архив М.Двача, пожертвуйте на оплату сервера.