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>>5792 (OP)
Feels awesome man...
Feels awesome man...
>>5792 (OP)
I say Russian lands must be genocided.
I say Russian lands must be genocided.
Quite interesting though.
That actually means that main powersource fro this cadavre is somwhere on a Red Square and shall bee destroyed.
But that also means that everyone who was touched by it's darkness shall be eradicated aswell.
And that leads to the logical conclusion - Russia must die.
Quite interesting though.
That actually means that main powersource fro this cadavre is somwhere on a Red Square and shall bee destroyed.
But that also means that everyone who was touched by it's darkness shall be eradicated aswell.
And that leads to the logical conclusion - Russia must die.
How the fuck do you kill a dead man I wonder? Do you reanimate him and kill him just as he starts moving again? Or do you just burn the carcass?
Amputation works fine for the world's needs as proven by the original 91' imo. Sure they will try to repeat the history in 20-30 years time, but this works in favor of biggest economies on Earth allowing them to spend billions "on defense" and pointing their fingers at the big bad bear of the East.
How the fuck do you kill a dead man I wonder? Do you reanimate him and kill him just as he starts moving again? Or do you just burn the carcass?
Amputation works fine for the world's needs as proven by the original 91' imo. Sure they will try to repeat the history in 20-30 years time, but this works in favor of biggest economies on Earth allowing them to spend billions "on defense" and pointing their fingers at the big bad bear of the East.
You have variety of options:
- shotgun
- decapitation
- holy water
- burn the body and scatter it's dust across the Universe
Your choice^^
It's simply cheaper than war with this abomination.
>dead man I wonder
You have variety of options:
- shotgun
- decapitation
- holy water
- burn the body and scatter it's dust across the Universe
Your choice^^
>spend billions "on defense"
It's simply cheaper than war with this abomination.
Кекнул с оркоингриша)))) го ещё
Кекнул с оркоингриша)))) го ещё

>>5792 (OP)
Сразу видно селф хейт пидорашку или хохла. Цивилизованный человек знает что там нужно ставить Is. Так что ссу на пятак реддитовским пидорахам, форчановский маня наци пол намного надёжнее на счёт иностранного мнения
>economic war are
Сразу видно селф хейт пидорашку или хохла. Цивилизованный человек знает что там нужно ставить Is. Так что ссу на пятак реддитовским пидорахам, форчановский маня наци пол намного надёжнее на счёт иностранного мнения
This abomination is incapable of serious war effort as you can see. The thing is, it's profitable to fight a never-ending ideological "war" with a paper tiger. It's that easy.
This abomination is incapable of serious war effort as you can see. The thing is, it's profitable to fight a never-ending ideological "war" with a paper tiger. It's that easy.
Ee chitayesh' na angliyskom
Ee smotrish kontent tol'ko na angliyskom
Or does it though? You have a THICC fucking book of industrial and nuclear-related disasters, yet there is not a single nuclear weapon related accident. Hmmmm really makes you think..
Study the results of Yalta conference and tell me that soviets got a great deal with the most war-torn territories under their control, while the USA got all the sweet pieces of the pie in Western Europe. I dunno man, my guess is that there was never any nuclear weapons under Russian control. My guess is that we are a crypt-colony of the West starting from 42' - the year land lease deal was negotiated.
Ee chitayesh' na angliyskom
Ee smotrish kontent tol'ko na angliyskom
Or does it though? You have a THICC fucking book of industrial and nuclear-related disasters, yet there is not a single nuclear weapon related accident. Hmmmm really makes you think..
Study the results of Yalta conference and tell me that soviets got a great deal with the most war-torn territories under their control, while the USA got all the sweet pieces of the pie in Western Europe. I dunno man, my guess is that there was never any nuclear weapons under Russian control. My guess is that we are a crypt-colony of the West starting from 42' - the year land lease deal was negotiated.
All that stuff is more related in /zog.
You see, there are things you know, you think you know, things you do not know and, obviously, things you do not know you know nothing about.
Hideous truth is that there is no way for you to really know.
We know that USSR had it.
We know that Russia got all of it after 91.
We do NOT know whereas there is still NW out there, so it is safe to assume that it is.
> You have a THICC fucking book of industrial and nuclear-related disasters, yet there is not a single nuclear weapon related accident. Hmmmm really makes you think..
All that stuff is more related in /zog.
You see, there are things you know, you think you know, things you do not know and, obviously, things you do not know you know nothing about.
Hideous truth is that there is no way for you to really know.
We know that USSR had it.
We know that Russia got all of it after 91.
We do NOT know whereas there is still NW out there, so it is safe to assume that it is.
How though? People that lied to us for 80 years said so and we believe it? If you're implying that there might have been some accidents which were made a state secret, you're wrong - it could not have happen. MAGATE would have fixed the accident and its fallout - just as they did with Chernobyl.
>We know
How though? People that lied to us for 80 years said so and we believe it? If you're implying that there might have been some accidents which were made a state secret, you're wrong - it could not have happen. MAGATE would have fixed the accident and its fallout - just as they did with Chernobyl.
вот кто бы сомневался.

/zog, really.
Same way you can start to tell old story that US never landed on Moon. That all life on Earth was created by some god, that there is a purpose in life of every human being on Globe, that there is after life and you shall ascent as a higher being.
All of that is simply bs in my humble opinion.
/zog, really.
Same way you can start to tell old story that US never landed on Moon. That all life on Earth was created by some god, that there is a purpose in life of every human being on Globe, that there is after life and you shall ascent as a higher being.
All of that is simply bs in my humble opinion.
L'abilità del parlare inglese tra gli italiani è paragonabile con quella pidorasque. Popolo-A1, popolo-Marj Ivanna, popolo-London is the capital of Great Britain.
L'abilità del parlare inglese tra gli italiani è paragonabile con quella pidorasque. Popolo-A1, popolo-Marj Ivanna, popolo-London is the capital of Great Britain.
Ok, I get it - you believe in what you read, it's a common thing and I am not surprised at all. But seriously though, how can you explain the total absence of any NW related accidents in USSR and Russian Federation? We fuck up everywhere we can but NW is somehow immune to this?
Ok, I get it - you believe in what you read, it's a common thing and I am not surprised at all. But seriously though, how can you explain the total absence of any NW related accidents in USSR and Russian Federation? We fuck up everywhere we can but NW is somehow immune to this?
>>5792 (OP)
Where were you when reddit went full 1488?
>russia is bad, russians are animals, russians are uneducated
Where were you when reddit went full 1488?
Оу велл.
Оу велл.
As you have told me before, military is the most financed part of any country. That MAY mean that they covering such accidents behind really thick blanket or (and?) they spend enough money to make it safe before it explodes?
Or just a wild thought - physical process inside NB are simple as fc, meaning bomb itself is not really sophisticated device. And simpler device is the lover chance of anything to brake or crack.
From the physical perspective the only process that is in the bomb is degradation with low-level emission that can be isolated behind thick enough walls of the shell.
As you have told me before, military is the most financed part of any country. That MAY mean that they covering such accidents behind really thick blanket or (and?) they spend enough money to make it safe before it explodes?
Or just a wild thought - physical process inside NB are simple as fc, meaning bomb itself is not really sophisticated device. And simpler device is the lover chance of anything to brake or crack.
From the physical perspective the only process that is in the bomb is degradation with low-level emission that can be isolated behind thick enough walls of the shell.
I've heard this one before. But in order to make a bomb, you have to work with isotopes first and here is where you can stumble upon radiation poisoning of staff, environment and air. No such thing ever happen though. "Mayak" fucks up on a regular nuclear trash disposal and IAEA sees it on the second day from the accident. Yet there never was an accident with bomb making. This IS strange, don't you think?
I've heard this one before. But in order to make a bomb, you have to work with isotopes first and here is where you can stumble upon radiation poisoning of staff, environment and air. No such thing ever happen though. "Mayak" fucks up on a regular nuclear trash disposal and IAEA sees it on the second day from the accident. Yet there never was an accident with bomb making. This IS strange, don't you think?

>Poland says
I was talking about storage, not a production.
Here I'm pretty much convinced that this technology is sort of lost to Russland at this time.
Production was at times before of 29 July 1957, when IAEA was created. Since that time technology was already quite polished.
About USE of it - Hiroshima and Nagasaki were good example of it.
About bombs - Plutonium has half-life of 87.7 years
Uranium has half-life of 703,800,000 years.
So yes, Russland HAS it.
I was talking about storage, not a production.
Here I'm pretty much convinced that this technology is sort of lost to Russland at this time.
Production was at times before of 29 July 1957, when IAEA was created. Since that time technology was already quite polished.
About USE of it - Hiroshima and Nagasaki were good example of it.
About bombs - Plutonium has half-life of 87.7 years
Uranium has half-life of 703,800,000 years.
So yes, Russland HAS it.
I mean if you want to believe it - so be it.
I mean if you want to believe it - so be it.
>>5792 (OP)
та ну
от если б на троне у швятых сидела клинтон - ввели бы потешных по самый урал
а трамп ничо не сделает ну можт чуть по губам поводит, но все равно тольковыиграли
та ну
от если б на троне у швятых сидела клинтон - ввели бы потешных по самый урал
а трамп ничо не сделает ну можт чуть по губам поводит, но все равно тольковыиграли
Тред утонул или удален.
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Это копия, сохраненная 27 ноября 2018 года.
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