Это копия, сохраненная 26 апреля 2015 года.
Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее
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Что это?
- ММО в стиле Beat'em up (игры вроде Streets of Rage, Bare Knuckle и тд с автоматов и приставок).
Очередная корейская клонированная дрочильня?
- Нет, серьёзно нет. Контента много, игровых классов ещё больше и они Действительно разные - разные механики скиллов, анимации и тд
На какой стадии игра?
- на данный момент стадия игры ОБТ, первая фаза заканчивается 13 числа. Доната не будет, пока все не пофиксят, могут поднять на второй фазе ОБТ.
Поясни за XXXXX класс!!!
- выбирай по внешнему виду, плохих нет. Creator или Dark Knight брать не советую, можешь испортить впечатление от игры (нет пробуждения, хрон сетов, etc.). Бог ПВЕ - Саммонер (подкласс лоли-мага).
Ух позадрочу!
- Это вряд ли. На задротство есть ограничение - FP система. Описывать долго, скажу только, что на лоулвле очки эти ты сожжешь за пару часов; на более высоких на это потребуется уже часа 3-4. Потом или на другого чара или ПВП и тд. Очки Fatigue Points каждый сутки восстанавливаются на фулл в 8:00 по UTC(Гринвич). Также можно восстановить чуток FP зельем. (Можно пить раз в день, крафтится алхимиком). По выходным порог FP немного больше.
А игра поддерживает геймпад?
-Да, но нужно будет немного поднастроить, подробнее в видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxUDPi0slDw
В игре можете писать на losenok, кинет инвайт в гильдию (или можете сами заявку через Community кидать в гильдию Chamomiles), поможет пройти сложные для вас подземелья и тд, потому что одному аутировать не очень весело. Для тех, кто в гильдии - инвайтите всех подряд, кого видите. Зачем? Затем, что чем больше народа в гильдии, тем больше бонус к опыту и тем быстрее она апается. Когда достигается определенный онлайн в клане, то в конце данжа все начинают получать не 1 карту, а две (!)
- НИПАИГРАТЬ!!! - делайте это:
1) Панель Управления - Язык и Региональные стандарты - Форматы - Дополнительные параметры - Денежная Единица - Разделитель целой и дробной части - ставите ТОЧКУ(.) вместо запятой.
2) Поменял местоположение на США и сменил формат. Заходит.
3) Нашёл решение. В свойствах папки удалить галочку перед только для чтения. Во всём виновата спермёрка с Анальным огораживанием.
Стрим ОПа первого треда, который собрал нас всех тут: http://www.twitch.tv/lasenok
Группа в вк https://vk.com/dfoglobal

Также пару часов назад показали пикрелейтед: аватары, которые, скорее всего, будут продаваться за голду по дешевке за 4к шейров видео. Также для теста донат-шопа всем подарят по 1к донат-валюты.
И это все скины. Женские скины пиздец лютый, какая то безвкусовщина лютая.
Мой маг в этих костюмах как пидор

Полный пиздец. Сука, что за хуйня
Алсо если кто не заметил, двойная фатига.
А мне нравятся, на корее похуже встречались. Оденусь как шлюха 10/10
Я с самого старта играю, без альфы, добил только 63 уровень. Примерно у всех остальным так же Наверно только на обт2 апнусь.
64 сегодня апнул. На первом обт 70 не взять - времени не хватит


Неизвестно по какой причине нам не дают еще два саба, в вики они вообще перечеркнуты.
The Dragon Knight and the Paladin are still in the works, so they are not available to play in any version of the game.
Таки да.
Перевод с корейского на русский, сам охуел
M. Магу бы профы запилили, совсем забыли про него, там такие названия профессий няшные.
The magical styles born of the Abyss where many as well, and they included the Elemental Bomber, Cross Counter, Glacial Master, Challenger, Swift Master, Spiritist, Mind Controller, Hollow Hollows, Graviton, Unsummoner, and countless others. These are the entities of the Male Mage.
Охуеть. Этим корейцам совсем нехуй делать чтоле?
Это будет очень не скоро.
Не знал. Посмотреть бы глазком на всех, кроме GM и EB. Я бы даже твинков напилил
Это же бесплатно, так что жри и не вякай. Красивое все будет за баксы, очевидно же. И это нормально.
А мне норм, если бы не ёбаные шляпки.
Chaos Stone штоле? Или купить на ауке или ждать и сделать ежедневку на 25 камней пару раз в следующей локации. Так гриндить заебешься да и FP улетит.
когда, интересно, в глобале введут. Поменял бы профу роге своей.
Я уж было обрадовался, думал сделали ему 2й евейкинг.
Neople'вцы выложили у себя на сайте расписание ивентов на второй этап ОБТ. Разумеется, его нашли и выложили на реддите. Они устроили истерику, типа мы хотели сюрприз (нафига тогда у себя выложили? думали, никто не найдет?). Модер удалил с комментариями, почему он это сделал. Было это вчера, а сегодня они и сами выложили.
Лол, только после отправки поста заметил, что использовал слово "выложили" четыре раза.
Ебать там истерички сидят. Так и представил, как мистор ли ебашит данжуна пощечинами как мелкую суку за проебанный хайп. Думаю, у них там сперва мисскомьюникейшон в команде произошел и кто-то выложил картинки раньше, чем было запланировано. А эвенты неплохие, тащемта.
>кто-то выложил картинки раньше, чем было запланировано
Картинки выкопали из бэкграундов в цсс файле. А вот зачем кто-то полез копаться в цсс - это хороший вопрос.
Ну да, это игра про альтов. Неужели не хочется пощупать сиськомонстра?
Интересно, сколько времени им потребуется, чтобы сравняться с кореей по патчам?
Glacial Master который. Изи чар для фарма, в котором я и заинтересован. С него в прошлом обт или что там было и начинал
Тут главное чтобы не надоедал. А то наиграешься раньше, чем нафармишь все что нужно.
Да, до 4х персонажей одновременно.
Ну мне это точно не грозит. Да и FP система не даст так быстро наиграться. Я душа фармильская, и учитывая что уники и прочие лютые ништяки не так просто достаются, да еще и точить надо. Плюс профа. В общем я с вами надолго, ребзя
>кинет инвайт в гильдию (или можете сами заявку через Community кидать в гильдию Chamomiles)
Это ты так траллируешь меня? Пожалуйста, скажи, что ты траллируешь.
А в чём троллинг?
В общем гильдия называется Chamomiles
Если хочешь, то можешь кидать заявку через Community. Там не только русскоязычные, но и европейцы и т.д. Но все русские практически там.
Извини в шары обдолбался.

мамка твоя азазаза :3
Хотя для лейт гейма оба бесполезны ибо не тим плееры.
не слушай местных и гоховских петухов - все эти пиздаболы даже на мейне не апнули 70-й, а многие даже эвейкенинг не взяли. Судят по чарам по 30-40-м лвлам лол
Да-да. Таких пиздаболов тут тоже тьма. Одни играли на Корее через АОЛ. Другие тоже ВЕЗДЕ БРАЛИ КАП, правда не шарят, что такое сабэквип и мэджикстоуны
Через ВПН, бро, через впн. 11 баксов в месяц и никаких проблем, кроме языкового барьера.
А я уже думал запустить и начать альта-прогибщика.
Скины всегда были норм.

Няша, но ее дефолтный спрайт+плащик лучше, чем халявные аватары.
Кстати, что за фигня с оружием у нее? Влево смотрит - меч в левой руке, щит в правой, вправо - меняет.
Вроде нет.
Мне с лошадью вообще не понравилось что-то. Сделаю хаос.

Нет ну серьезно? Вы серьезно блять? Я то надеялся что интересное нечто, даже геймплей не стал смотреть все надеялся, ан нет блять. Еще одна 2д хуйня без какой либо изюминки. Клон мапл стори и еще кучи такихже 2д дрочилен. Но тут даже разрешения нормального нету, классов штук 10 что для такой игры чрезвычайно мало. Чтож вы говноеды то такие?! Музыка убогая, звук убогий, аниме вставки убогие, стиль типичный, сюжет на кой хуй мне сюжет в игре про данжены блядь
Привет ньюфаг! Уже подрочил на лизоньку, спермой дракона обмазался, выбрал в спутники шепарда?
Просто ты ВЗРОСЛЫЙ. Все тебе скучно и однообразно. Уходи.

Блять ты жрешь копию корейского дерьма думая что ты олдфаг, вот это пиздец максимум обосрамс, мапл стори, рагнароки, драконика, гранд чейз, основа игры про драконику, и еще куча 2д дерьма о которым ты даже не слышал но в котором отражена твоя игра. Продолжай жрать копию дерьма думая что отсутсвие идей и копирование старья это нечто уникальное.
Нам глубоко похуй на твое мнение всем тредом. Не навязывай нам его, иди лучше в варфейс погоняй, не поцан чтоле?

Диман, ты? Го в танки.
Никакие, тестят пока только. Ввели несколько костюмов за голду. После обт будет.
Люди грят, что она забанена в ПвП.
Ну разница большая, тот же суммонер нихуя не делает, хаос кнайту нужно двигаться и атаковать вместе с сумонами.
Йеп. Ну только если ты найдешь владельца нужного тебе ника и не уговоришь его удалить чара.
Нет, проблема не в этом. Тут такое дело, что после того, как я потёр ненужного чара, его ник впилить не могу. Грит, что занято.
Ну пишите в саппорт, хуле вы как не родные?
Ты хуйню сказал. Так было еще со времен Нексона, так и осталось. В саппорт жаловаться бесполезно, если залезть в архив форума нексона можно кучу тем по этому поводу найти. Ну и на дфокор тоже есть пару.
Вот только я на нексоне спокойно менял ники, предварительно застолбив их 1 лвл чарами.
после ОБТ можно будет покупать за реальное бабло, инфа соточка
Драконью пушку стоит только на нового чара брать?
Легко ли новые классы качаются, на лвлап чэллендж стоит их качать?
Тебе эту пушку только на твинка и дадут, она не передается.
Ну я 70ый брать не стал, ибо мало играю, а так вообще они фэйсроллятся.
Кнайт довольно легко качается, ну по крайней мере хаос кнайт, фейсрол с самонами.
ну есть вариант зайти сначала на старого чара, там же написано на первый логин, или это они так перевели?
Пушка - нет. А вот ящик вполне себе.
Я бы не парился пушками. До 70 лвл тебе вообще ни на одном чаре нихуя не нужно, покупаю все под уровень за минимальную цену.
Жопой не читай. Он тебя с того света вытягивает. А 33% - твоё хп по воскрешению.
Ну покупаешь под лвл тыщ за 100 пинк пушку и ебашишь, никакой переточки не нужно.
А все, понял, надо еще иметь соответствующий базовый лвл, хуево чо.

Установка: добавляем в конец названия всех файлов (1). Например, файл sounds_char_knight.npk должен будет выглядеть как sounds_char_knight(1).npk. После этого копируем файлы в папку SoundPacks. Само собой, сделайте предварительный бэкап - мало ли что.
Найты охуенны. Друидесса уж точно. Такая-то аннигиляция всех в комнате с 2-3 абилок. Ещё и конякой можно боссов топтать.

Я всего ожидал, но того, что она разорвет бедного волчка в клочья за секунды... И это при том, что фактически лицом в клаву падаю... А уж если пони вызвать, на котором она неуязвима... На 25 уровне выдали скил, уменьшающий входящий урон на 50% и дающий суперармор, 18 сек, 8 атак, кд - 20 секунд... Все мои остальные герои тихо рыдают в уголочке...
у тебя же драконий меч небось? Хаос тоже все разрывает, но у ее демонов фиксед дамаг.
а 20 сек это дохрена, что мне не понравилось в найтке по видосам, что у нее анимации достаточно медленные, особенно у коняшки. Кстати, если попадешь в какой-нибудь огнемет в суперарморе, то всеравно ничего не сможешь сделать из-за того что анимация тормозится от хитов. Но она выглядела непробиваемой за счет пассивок и скиллов всеравно.
FP поты на рынке кстати с минимальной наценкой, золотые кубы все взлетают в цене.
А есть реплейс всяких каунтеров и экселентов? В японском вроде тот же файл.
>А уж если пони вызвать, на котором она неуязвима...
У лошади ХП есть, один раз волк его все съел.
Не встречал.
есть реплейс на DMC стайл лол
LOSENOK выдай ранк на Remiflan как появишься плз, а то аутизм не дает гриндить без гилд скиллов
Нет. Только через промежуточный товар.
Эльфиечка-кун, поясни мне, дураку, в чём суть Chain Rush'a. Никак в толк не возьму, каким образом его использовать.
В шары долбишься? Планка ОБТ зафиксирована 70 лвлом.
Через дизассемблера.
Кастуешь скилл, потом чейн раш. И так пять раз.
Небольшой бонус к опыту при нахождении на "своем" канале. Алсо, авто-поиск группы работает так же по каналам.

Что-то никто не принимает, ГМ вообще появляется?
Тогда наверно нету смысла 100 слез гриндить, раз поменять нельзя будет? Кто-нибудь уже сделал себе перманентный, долго это по времени?
Ебать ты дурачина.
Почему бы и не сделать перманентным? Попутно собираешь слезы и все. Ничего не теряешь в любом случае.
За день выбивается примерно половина. Думаю шанс выпадения 20%. Число взял с потолка. Просто смотрю как падает.

Когда тебя ваншотают на 3 секунде, я посмотрю как ты без адекватной скорости каста, сделаешь это, уебок.
>Tier list based on Anton Raid from DCInside
>Raid is not the major content of DFO. Every classes are viable outside of raid and raid on itself is on a different dimension, so don't take this tier list as global.
Нахуй послан.
Это тактика для большинства милишников против серьезных боссов.
Аналогично, 35 уровень, что-то около 30 штук. Дроп весьма хреновый, порой за данж не выпадает ни одной.
Давеча как сегодня я ее прошел. Там дальше еще пижже будет посаны :3
Dungeon runner online.
Пробуй. И почитай за p2p, хоть это и не поможет нихуя.
Это анал карнавал. В глазах рябит от количества призываемых существ. Алсо по дпсу я хз кто с ним сравниться
>В глазах рябит от количества призываемых существ.
Есть опция сделать их прозрачными.
Да не, все так или иначе, при тех или иных условиях, вливают ахуенно, но саммонеры считаются богами пве потому что им и стараться практически не нужно (за Хаос все таки нужно еще и самому драться).
Олсо, почти все новые чары при старте оверпаверные, тем более когда тебе в руку дали вечный пинк, который более чем на 100 стр\инт выше аналогов на твой лвл.
Может ты ливал из другой гильдии? Там после этого, неделю нельзя в другую вступить.
Точно неделю? А то ты прав, я действительно случайно подтвердил чей-то запрос, думал ваш, а потом оказалось, что какие-то хуи с горы.
>тем более когда тебе в руку дали вечный пинк, который более чем на 100 стр\инт выше аналогов на твой лвл
У меня пинк на эльфке, хаос все равно ебашит. Только уныло им играть пиздец, дамаг такой что не помню когда SSS последний раз видел.
>дамаг такой что не помню когда SSS последний раз видел.
Лол, всегда делаю ССС, ты как-то не так играешь.
Ладно, еще сутки пережду, чтоб наверняка.
Видел одного из гильдии, но он запретил общаться с персонажами не из друзей, лол.
Уже приняли, спасибо.
Ну это не проблема же. Есть башни, есть куча дейликов, за которые Нихилистик камни дают. И их нужно просто дохуище. Потом фарм уников и прокачка профы. Делать есть что - было бы желание
Они явно накатят пару патчей
Мудило, ответить на вопрос можешь? Первопричины тебя ебать не должны.
Так я и читаю. В квесте указано название данжа. Я данж прохожу, нихуя не падает.
Ты на квест тыкни, а там выбери "локейшн что-то там". Оно к нужному неписю и приведёт. Альтернативный вариант - найти такой же портрет на карте, как и в журнале, а затем брать квесты.
Серьезно что ли? Какой идиот это придумал, писать текст квеста, если он не взят, при этом не помечать нпц на карте восклицательным знаком?
Потому что есть ЭПИК квесты, а есть дженерал. Ньюфаг штоле?
А теперь ты открываешь журнал и смотришь. Если слева на квесте есть значок, аля ">>>", то квест взят. Коль значок отсутствует - иди и бери.
Вопрос по геймплею. Вычитал, что заспам идет до 35-40го лвла, а потом становится повеселее из-за куб скиллов. Так оно есть? Думаю в твинки себе заделать эту няшу.

Да ты же упорот. В любой из локаций есть дроп лист с унаками.
Алсо, посоны, нужно кому нибудь такое со скриншота?
Пробуй обеих. Тебе никто не скажет кто лучше, а кто хуже. Это просто невозможно.
Там внизу приписка: квест может быть получен там-то там-то. Тоже поначалу путался.
Ведьма более мобильна, скилы забавные, есть фиксированные, есть процентные. При соответствующем билде может неплохо вламывать метлой. Единственный класс, который умеет летать - это весело:) Элем есть только 22 уровня - пока все довольно скучно. Скилов мало, геймплей - дроп шуруру, аое, бегаем до отката. В мили не живет вообще.
На ютубе полно роликов с хай-энд контентом. 85 и иже с ними. К тому же, игра там идёт в виде спама 1-2 нюками. Нахрена мне такое, спрашивается?

Ведьмочка, как по мне, самый веселый класс. Не самый сильный, не самый нагибающий - но веселый. С ней точно не соскучишься.
Элем же - обычный стихийный маг, коих в играх полно, каких-то особых фишек я за ней не припоминаю. Хотя, если докачаюсь до пробуждения, может и изменю мнение.
Алсо, уикенд-бонус активировался: +20% экспы, +20 фтг.
Вот. Лично я думаю так же. поэтому взял профу на ведьму, ня :3 Ещё очень доставляет в плане геймплея эльвен найт. Прямо-таки оргазмирую от этих её комб. А берсерк разочаровал. Эвейкнулся и забил помаленьку на него. Скучно как-то.
loli - faifu, kek
Ты что-то делаешь не так
Элементалист - это Дюк Нюкем в плане количества дамаги на поздних левелах. Алсо, шуруру для Эле не нужна, но Hodor - маст хэв. Отвлекает мобов на себя и станит их, делает жизнь в разы проще. Ибо элементалисту нужно заряжать скиллы перед кастом, и если тебя прерывают все кому не лень в это время, твоя жизнь - боль.
А почему шуруру не нужна? Дебафает, агрит на себя, собирает мобов в кучку - под аое как раз.
1) Катану из коробки нужно одеть на чара, если оружие просто лежит в инвентаре оно не дает никаких бонусов
2) Раз взял катану - качай этот випон скилл для увеличения дамага
3) Проверь шмот, он должен быть по уровню, не синий и не белый, покупай онли ЭКСЕПШИНАЛ качество, можно без заточек, за минимальную цену - если кусок шмотки стоит больше 50к он тебе не нужен.
4) Пей банки на увеличение силы на получаса, стоят копейки, а 50+ лишней силы не помешают.
5) Качай и перекачивай скиллы, смотри какие комбы тебе больше нравятся.
>покупай онли ЭКСЕПШИНАЛ качество, можно без заточек, за минимальную цену - если кусок шмотки стоит больше 50к он тебе не нужен.
Тогда уж Superior, и то шмот придётся покупать на этих уровнях, только если у соул бендера всё реально так хуёво.
>Пей банки на увеличение силы на получаса, стоят копейки, а 50+ лишней силы не помешают.
Проще докачаться до 25 уровня, а судя по деревне это уже есть и купить себе куклу, самые простые от 600 золотых стоят, гроши сущие. Она всё за тебя сама сделает. Можно профу аниматора себе взять, и кукол делать будешь и сами куклы будут сильнее.
Ты играл за соул бендера? Пишешь так как будто не играл. Комбы есть у Блейд Мастера, Берса, Файтеров. А стелить призраков и ебашить двумя скилами и так до 50-60 это не комбо. Усек?
Давай, расскажи мне, что тру соулбендеры в пве играют не так, а выдают ультра комбо, когда этим классом можно сделать тоже самое способом описанным выше
Что за куклы? Я алхимика себе взял, думаю банки это круто, а они крафтятся на 36 лвл, еще и реагенты не выпадают теперь.
Банки и прочая хуйня, они тупо для прокачки. На низких уровнях алхимия нужна только для масла, что кукол аниматоры делали. Кукла это APC, в смысле непись который бегает с тобой в бою. Они крепки и больно бьют, на этих уровнях кукла спокойно вынесет весь данж без твоей помощи и даже босса забьёт. Обычно хватает одной куклы на данж.
Если так туго и это первый персонаж, проще сбросить профу на аниматора, куклы аниматора получают бонус +5 уровней, если их использует сам аниматор.
И кстати у соул бендера ведь маг.атака? Ты конверсию в пассивках не забыл на Magic выставить, что физ. скиллы рассчитывались от маг.атаки?
Потому что она не всегда с тобой из-за кулдауна. Шуруру выходит одна на две румы. А ещё у тебя и так скиллов дофига, которые надо не переставая спамить, чтобы ещё о кукле думать.

А. Понятно, кукла - так которая скрипт до пробелов и переносов строки доебалась.
Ебать ты долбоеб, с АПС у него экспы будет ебучий мизер, качаться сто лет, лучше баффы и банки.
Ты совсем уёбан, да? Разница в опыте за данж между SSS и D невелика. Основный опыт уровня до 45 идёт за квесты. Набить хотя бы до A можно просто доёбываясь до отдельных левых мобов в сторонке. Лишний раз пару комнат пройдёт, раз в несколько данже, извращений с FP-оптимальными маршрутами нахуй не надо. Если не совсем задрот, то FP на день игры и так хватать будет. Или твинка завести.
>FP на день игры и так хватать будет
Ты с Блитс системой не перепутал, Мань? Мне этих ФП хватает на полтора часа (ну джва) непринужденного бега.
Сука. Это имеет значение только после 55 уровня, до этого основная масса опыта идёт за квесты. И то с поправкой на нехватку опыта за убитых мобов. Пройти пару лишних комнат в данже и ранг поднимется и опыта дадут столько, что разницу компенсирует. Основной опыт здесь идёт за квесты. Если в конце 40-х уровней приспичит вдруг Фанатики погриндить, там наверное почти любой класс этих комбо набьёт.
Мне на 63 этих FP так хватает, что регулярно больше половины полоски остаётся. Возможно если гриндить, как робот, тогда и перестанет хватать. Хотя полагаю, дело в том, что у меня пять активных твинков.
Дибил. Дают за данж столько же сколько и за квест, а начиная с 30 ты можешь в пилюлей на эксп и дабл чалленджэкспой брать по 300+к. Без бонусов с 36 можно получать 200 косарей. Тогда как квест дает тебе САМОЕ БОЛЬШЕЕ 150.
Имеет 5 чаров, ни играет ни за одного, раз по 60 пойнтов тратит, лол.
Уёба. Квестов в данж одновременно ведёт много, квесты дают разное количество опыта, встречаются и по 250 тыс, хотя насчёт этого могу слегка ошибаться.
Пилюля на эксп бесполезна, если за эти полчаса можешь пройти лишь пару данжей. И кукла в таком случае лишней не будет никому. Бонус баф на +100% exp, могут дать только при зачистки 10+ комнат, а каждая лишняя комната поднимает ранг за счёт вынужденных драк. SSS берётся с лихвой невзирая на всяких кукол. Более того, до ~45 уровня на квестах и походах в данж персонажа протащат пусть даже он на B или A будет проходить. Он же потеряет не меньше опыта, если его угораздит превысить уровнем данж.
Использовать бафы на экспу и бутыль имеет смысл разве что в храме, где с двойной экспой даётся по 880 тыс. опыта за полное прохождение. Но и FP там пиздец улетает. Ну и потом на фанатиках(280 тыс. без бафа), где опять же куда важнее скорость, ранг набить там легко. Но опять же это берётся на квестах соответствующих уровню. Единственное что реально осмысленно, это в районе 46-52 уровней набить несколько млн экспы. Потому что за данжи Гента дают в разы меньше, даже на Ultimate.
И вообще ты хоть понимаешь, какую хуйню советуешь? Это же экономия на спичках, все эти часы геморроя с данжами на нижних уровнях нахрен не сдались. Да один пробег храма компенсирует весь геморрой с рангами на предыдущих уровнях. После пробуждения же персонаж совсем другой чем в середине 20 и играться может совершенно по другому, без тех проблем, когда нет скиллов.
Долбоеб. Это называется оптимизацией своих ФП по времени. У тебя есть ограниченное количество ФП в день, и есть данжи. Ты можешь юзать АПС, не юзать и не подгадывать моменты под эксп-пилюли, не юзать баффы, и в итоге будешь качать на несколько дней дольше. Конечно, кому-то похуй - тому и похуй.
Что за храм ты имеешь в виду? Алтари?
Не забывай чинить оружие. Когда прочность становится равна нулю, дамаг с него полностью утрачивается.
Но я тебе даже слова еще не сказал, так что все нормально :3
Давай короч, у меня не будет кд на все способности, а у тебя на 1 минуту все скилы за кубики будут в кд.
Тебя надо было выебать, уёбок.
Что ты несёшь, тупырь? Уже у мобов сосёшь? Все кругом проходят ТоД - от одного тебя нытье.
А когда он принесет пруф, ты скажешь что у него профа читерная, не то что у тебя?
Маня, какие тебе пруфы? Я прошёл 10 этажей, мой друг тоже 10.
Если ты не можешь сделать аналогичную вещь, то в себе проблему ищи, а не в игре.
Чего блять, какая профа, ты вообще в эту игру играешь пидор? Иди чантером проходи тод)
И этот тоже.
Ты понял о чем речь. Ты ж у нас тру-пристяра? А он какой-нибудь днище ДК!
Очередной монк-видео, ясно.
Лосёнок, я уже тебе сказал уебывать с двачей, возвращяйся на свою гоху и гордись блять этим, сам сказал, что двачер не человек.
Вручную буду топить эти треды, хорошо.
Да ты мамку свою утопи< уёбок
Я тебе сказал - в этой игре все в равных условиях
Я прошёл 10 этажей ТоД
Ты - нет
У тебя синдром-Акабура, няш.
12/17/2004-12/31 – 1st Closed Beta. 999 people recruited. Featured just Ghost Knight and Fighter.
2/1/2005-2/15 – 2nd Closed Beta. 999 people recruited. Linked quests and Sky Tower dungeons added.
6/28-7/11 – 3rd Closed Beta. All the people from the 1st and 2nd CB along with an additional undisclosed number recruited. Gunner character added. Behemoth content added. Whisper and arena features added.
8/10/2005- Open Beta (referred to as the official launch by the company). Behemoth maps added. 100+ quests and job skills added. Variety of arena battlefields added. Tutorial added. Rank system improved.
10/25 – Avatars added.
12/19 – Official release as stated by DnF’s Facebook.
Season 1 (Direct Korean links)
1/24/2006 – Act 1. Mage class added with elemental master and battle mage as jobs. Floating Castle and Spider’s Lair added.
2/26 – Act 1 part 2. Roger and Daphne NPCs added. Kiri’s reinforcement system implemented. Private shop, kaliedo box, and golden wax candle added to Cera shop.
4/5 – Act 2. War Zone implemented. King’s Ruins ancient dungeon added. Level cap raised 40->55. Dungeon map added. 45-50 items added. General avatars added.
4/28 – Act 2 part 2. War Zone reorganized. Mail system added. Summoner job added.
6/2 – Act 2 part 3. Grappler and Battle Mage upgraded. Skill key commands reorganized. Possibility of getting reinforced equipment through creation from a recipe added.
6/8 – Guild system added. PC Bang benefits introduced. Battle Mage reorganized.
6/21 – Advanced avatars added. Bind cube added. [1st generation] rare avatars added.
7/19 (part 2 of changes) – Act 3. Awakening system implemented with Tornado and Poison Queen. Fighter class + job rework. Vilmark ancient dungeon added. Skill system changes. Cooldown and MP adjustments added to weapons. Armor type system implemented (i.e. building vs. monster). Magic Attack “Added”. Enhancement adjustments for equipment rarity.
8/11 – [Hangame begins operational control].
8/29 – Act 4. Nen Master and Striker awakenings added. Dark Elf Catacombs dungeon added. Creatures added (creature is random from egg at this patch point).
10/26 – Act 5. Large-scale gunner class reorganization. Ridge dungeon added. 45+50 rare+unique accessories added. Creatures eggs separated. Cube skills within Arena start out with a full cool down.
11/30 – Act 5 part 2. Danjin NPCs added. Legacy weapon and armor added. Frozen Heart dungeon added. Launcher awakening added.
1/4/2007 – Act 6. Ranger awakening added. Hell mode added. Epic items added. Monarch Contract added. Blood Jail dungeon added. Bind Cube reorganized. 2nd generation rare avatars added.
2/8 – Act 7. Priest added along with crusader and infighter. Advanced avatar set effects added. Brigand city dungeon added.
2/22 – Seria’s Room UI reorganized (turned from the “Cave” into the modern “Gate” decor).
3/8 – Act 7 part 2. Mechanic awakening added. Skill initialization upon job change. Priest armor sets added. DnF Radio added.
3/15 – Expert Contract added.
4/5 (part 2 of changes) – Act 8. Spitfire awakening added. Street fighter reorganized. Hamelin dungeon added. Mechanic downgraded. Member System added. Skill status effect level and probability fixes.
5/3 – Act 8 part 2. Exorcist added. Boradin titles and Terranite weapons added.
6/7 – Act 9. Mage jobs reorganized. Dungeon armor sets added. Large potions added.
7/5 – Act 9 part 2. Guild member capacity increased to 300. Guild leveling system along with skills added. Opening comic upon character creation added. Priest epic items added. Gold card added.
8/2 – Act 10. Level cap raised 55->60. Large-scale Ghost Knight reorganization including magic damage added to weapons. Entrance to Underfoot dungeon added. Quest Condition improvements related to dungeon road – i.e. if dungeon road is higher then quest requires quest still completes. Super armor split into 4 types (momentary, half, unbreakable (original type), breakable).
9/3 (9/12 update)- Act 10 part 2. Tower of Death added. Elemental Master awakening added. Fight System added. Reinforcement failure on common equipment past +7 changed to destroy the equipment.
10/25 – Act 11. Summoner reorganized and awakening added. Sky Castle dungeons large-scale reorganization except for floating castle. Quick Standing skill added. Arena reorganization including Aerial Combo Protection added. Electrocution maximum stack capped. 1:1 chat/UI added. Character deletion confirmation added.
11/8 – 3rd generation rare avatars added.
11/22 – clone avatars (advanced and emblem rare) added.
12/13 – Act 11 part 2. Battle Mage awakening added. Behemoth dungeons reorganized. Shadow Labyrinth dungeon added. Skill cut scenes added. Arena practice mode added.
1/17/2008 – Act 12. Ghost Knight awakenings added (all 4 of them). Enchanting Profession added.
2/28 – Act 12 part 2. Tower of Illusion added. Large-scale Fighter reorganization.
4/24 – Season 2 Prologue. Witch job added. Ryku point, white land, ice palace, skaza’s lair dungeons added. Chronicle 1 content added. Integrated Arena added. Weapon element capability added. Limited quests added. Tutorial and skill reorganizations.
Season 2 (Direct Korean links before Second Impact)
5/29/2008 (Preview) – Season 2. Gent area added (level 42 at the time). GBL Arad Branch, GBL Laboratory, GBL Hatchery, Bwanga, Moonlight Tavern, Gent Outskirts, Gent East Gate, Gent South Gate, Odessa, and Verderia/Michelle dungeons added. In-game Auction House added (before it was purely on the website). Complete (“First”) Interface/UI reorganization including HUD, quests, inventory, menus, et al.. Quests reorganized including addition of repeatable and APC assisting quests. EXP curve changed. Noob-O-Meter initialized. Chronicle 1 set bonuses added. Opening character comic added. Dungeon level and other changes. Party finder window reorganized with rapid finder system.
7/3 – Act 1 Stylish! #1. System where MP and cooldown of skills are lower when executed with their keyboard command introduced. GK, Fighter, Mage, Priest skill changes. Secondary skill bar added. Basic bonuses of weapons reorganized.
7/10 – [Nexon acquires Neople].
7/24 – Act 1 Stylish! #2. Gunner class skills added and reorganized.
8/12 – Act 1 Stylish! #3. Gunner (F) added. Character slot limit increased to 16. Emblem avatars added.
9/1 – Act 1 First Interlude: otherverse. Otherverse added: Chronicle 2 dungeons (3), items, EP. Level 55 rare weapons and armor added.
10/23 – Act 1 Second Interlude: 40+ dungeon levels increased. Fatigue battery system added (<60 = EXP pots, 60 = gold).
11/6 – [Hangame ends operational control].
11/13 – Avatar sundering added.
11/20 – Act 2. Priest appearance changed (hair shorter etc.) and movement speed increased. Crusader buffs scale with STA/SPI and increased to 120 seconds. Infighter mastery and attack skills added. Exorcist plate mastery added, basic attack motion changed, and mastery and attack skills added.
12/11 – 4th generation rare avatars added.
12/23 – Act 2 part 2. Noir Ferra ancient dungeon added. Ancient dungeon difficulty increased substantially. Able to master most common skills. 1 skill from each tab automatically learned upon job change. Backstep, cancel backstep, and cancel uppercut learned upon character creation. Magic exorcist skills added.
1/22/2009 – Act 2 part 3. Gunner (F) awakenings added. Video recording added. Video recording and screenshot path changed.
1/22 – [Nexon begins operational control].
2/26 – Act 3. Witch reorganized and awakening added.
4/23 – Act 3 part 2. NPC friendship system added. Enchanting reorganized and dissembler, animator, and alchemy professions added. Profession materials inventory tab added.
4/30 – Fatigue battery system reorganized (EXP pots replaced with EXP UP system for <60). EXP pots reorganized to stack with events and have less duration. Guild Name Change Permit added.
6/25 – Act 4. Faction War added. Guild hideout added. Guild Level cap increased from 10->17. Southern Dale added.
7/25 – Act 4 part 2. Altar of the Infinite added. AH reorganized. Level-independent quest system added.
8/6 – Act 5. Thief added along with Rogue and Necromancer awakenings.
8/20 – Skill Style Plus added.
9/24 – Act 5 part 2. Town Invasion added. Dungeon rank changed from style/tech/hits to combo ranking. Item locking added. Emblem Synthesis added. Guild warehouse added.
11/5 – Emotion system added.
11/12 – “Together we make DnF special”. Battle Mage, Summoner, Asura, and Launcher (M) upgraded. Chronicle 2 dungeons downgraded.
12/17/2009 – Second Impact. Massive patch, some highlights:
Level cap raised 60->70.
60-66 dungeons and new area added.
Practice mode, heroic road, and expanded otherverse added.
Trait skills added; existing reorganized.
Basic Technique innate passive skill added.
Party dungeon scaling,
STA/SPI formula changed.
Armband/Magic Stone equipment types added.
Sealed Lock, Card jar added.
Training and Achievement quest types added.
Fatigue battery for level capped characters changed to a bulk payment.
5th generation rare avatars added.
3/25/2010 – Act 5 part 3. Known as the “2nd impact pvp patch” and the first major patch after Second Impact, but also
Reworked guild vs. guild faction war.
Arena reorganized including United (Cross-Server) Arena, Level-restricted beginner arena channels, and standing combo protection.
2nd impact gunner/priest patch that notably removed the attack speed penalties from crusader metal plate and equalized the attack speed bonuses of exorcists and crusaders.
SP Reset on awakening (3 day lithe reset item), character reporting system, dungeon ranking system rework to include damage more and other fixes.
4/2010-7/2010 awakening
Part 1
Drop rate increased in parties (20, 30, 50% for 2, 3, 4 people)
Armband and Magic Stone drop rate increased
Pre-60 recipe requirements lowered
High-level dungeons nerfed
Lower level skill MP reduction
Part 2
Behemoth (34-36), Awakening (44-46, GBL+Storm Pass+Shadow Lab), and Gent (54-56) rare armor added to epic quests
Increased monster card drop rate
Merged the Kazan and Casillas servers (10->9 total)
Added production to Melvin Richter
Part 3
Added ability to move characters on character select screen
Reduced difficulty of Chronicle 1 quests
Increased void stone fragments on quests
Part 1
Gabriel (secret shop guy)
level 55 epics sold by Grandis
server-shared dungeon difficulty unlocking
Part 2
Cubes needed for 60+ epics reduced by a 5:2 ratio
EXP needed for levels 20-60 reduced
Behemoth dungeons reorganized/cut in size
VP needed to awaken changed from 700->400
Level 65 Rare and Legacy items added, along with respective pots for Twinky including both types of special equipment
Part 3
new quest window interface
no fatigue penalty on otherverse/ancient dungeons when prematurely exiting
AH search improvements
Part 4
Epic item party loot system changed.
Part 1
Added online armory
Part 2
Trade confirmations improved
ALL armor penalties removed
Part 3
Dungeon minimap improved
Dungeon room-to-room movement improved
Ancient/Otherverse dungeons no longer consume uses/items/etc. if cut off while loading
Can now use keyboard to select end-stage cards
Party notification improvements
Part 4
Account Safe added with level 60 and 2,000,000 gold requirement with up to 56 slots at stage 7 with a (25 + (next stage 25)) void stone cost per stage and the ability to hold (500,000 + (stage 500,000)) gold per stage.
Account tradable items added including heritage leveling items (1-59, obtained from Gabriel from 65+ stages)
Improvements and graphical notifications when placing personal shops
Part 1
NPC item buyback introduced
Ability to purchase from NPCs directly to safe added
Part 2
Added ability to send up to 10 items at once per mail message
Transparency slider introduced (i.e. summoner become welcome in parties)
Material item descriptions improved
5/27 – Act 6. 65/68 ancients introduced. “2nd impact slayer/fighter/mage” skill patch. Epic party loot system improved.
7/22 – Act 6 part 2. Alter of Limits, North Gate and Defense of Gent introduced (58-59 dungeons). New SP actives introduced (double swing for battle mages etc.), New EX passives introduced. Level 60-65 epic items added, character linking (60+ can link with up to 40 until 60 for 15% on gold drops and stage clear exp) introduced, ability to use number keys when using single buffs in parties.
9/30 – (not mentioned as an official act patch yet) the “berserker” patch – totally reworked the class. Was the result of a voting event, in which berserkers won by about 3 times the votes over the nearest competitor (ranger/wm).
Late 2010 awakening. Parts:
10/2010 – Early level coin refilling increased, Frustration changed to only effect level 18+ chars, style/tech quests removed, Dungeon keyboard selection interface introduced.
11/2010 – Large-scale dungeon reorganization. Guild attendance and member of the day systems added and earned EXP increased as well as upgrade costs reduced for smaller guilds. Character balance including Basic Technique Upgrade added. Party matching improvements. Separate chat window. Scaling item tool tips. Independent damage equipment added. 6th generation rare avatars added. Returning Player System added.
12/16 – Act 7. Male fighter introduced, starting with nen masters and street fighters/brawlers without EX skills besides the first basic tab or awakenings or grapplers/strikers; awakenings for nen masters and street fighters implemented on 12/30.
1/13/2011- Act 7 part 2. Male striker and grappler introduced. Cera shop cancellation system (“Dresser” in Seria’s room) introduced. Awakenings introduced a couple weeks later.
2/17 – Act 8. Chronicle 3 content implemented: Equipment (sets included), 3 70 Ot
12/17/2004-12/31 – 1st Closed Beta. 999 people recruited. Featured just Ghost Knight and Fighter.
2/1/2005-2/15 – 2nd Closed Beta. 999 people recruited. Linked quests and Sky Tower dungeons added.
6/28-7/11 – 3rd Closed Beta. All the people from the 1st and 2nd CB along with an additional undisclosed number recruited. Gunner character added. Behemoth content added. Whisper and arena features added.
8/10/2005- Open Beta (referred to as the official launch by the company). Behemoth maps added. 100+ quests and job skills added. Variety of arena battlefields added. Tutorial added. Rank system improved.
10/25 – Avatars added.
12/19 – Official release as stated by DnF’s Facebook.
Season 1 (Direct Korean links)
1/24/2006 – Act 1. Mage class added with elemental master and battle mage as jobs. Floating Castle and Spider’s Lair added.
2/26 – Act 1 part 2. Roger and Daphne NPCs added. Kiri’s reinforcement system implemented. Private shop, kaliedo box, and golden wax candle added to Cera shop.
4/5 – Act 2. War Zone implemented. King’s Ruins ancient dungeon added. Level cap raised 40->55. Dungeon map added. 45-50 items added. General avatars added.
4/28 – Act 2 part 2. War Zone reorganized. Mail system added. Summoner job added.
6/2 – Act 2 part 3. Grappler and Battle Mage upgraded. Skill key commands reorganized. Possibility of getting reinforced equipment through creation from a recipe added.
6/8 – Guild system added. PC Bang benefits introduced. Battle Mage reorganized.
6/21 – Advanced avatars added. Bind cube added. [1st generation] rare avatars added.
7/19 (part 2 of changes) – Act 3. Awakening system implemented with Tornado and Poison Queen. Fighter class + job rework. Vilmark ancient dungeon added. Skill system changes. Cooldown and MP adjustments added to weapons. Armor type system implemented (i.e. building vs. monster). Magic Attack “Added”. Enhancement adjustments for equipment rarity.
8/11 – [Hangame begins operational control].
8/29 – Act 4. Nen Master and Striker awakenings added. Dark Elf Catacombs dungeon added. Creatures added (creature is random from egg at this patch point).
10/26 – Act 5. Large-scale gunner class reorganization. Ridge dungeon added. 45+50 rare+unique accessories added. Creatures eggs separated. Cube skills within Arena start out with a full cool down.
11/30 – Act 5 part 2. Danjin NPCs added. Legacy weapon and armor added. Frozen Heart dungeon added. Launcher awakening added.
1/4/2007 – Act 6. Ranger awakening added. Hell mode added. Epic items added. Monarch Contract added. Blood Jail dungeon added. Bind Cube reorganized. 2nd generation rare avatars added.
2/8 – Act 7. Priest added along with crusader and infighter. Advanced avatar set effects added. Brigand city dungeon added.
2/22 – Seria’s Room UI reorganized (turned from the “Cave” into the modern “Gate” decor).
3/8 – Act 7 part 2. Mechanic awakening added. Skill initialization upon job change. Priest armor sets added. DnF Radio added.
3/15 – Expert Contract added.
4/5 (part 2 of changes) – Act 8. Spitfire awakening added. Street fighter reorganized. Hamelin dungeon added. Mechanic downgraded. Member System added. Skill status effect level and probability fixes.
5/3 – Act 8 part 2. Exorcist added. Boradin titles and Terranite weapons added.
6/7 – Act 9. Mage jobs reorganized. Dungeon armor sets added. Large potions added.
7/5 – Act 9 part 2. Guild member capacity increased to 300. Guild leveling system along with skills added. Opening comic upon character creation added. Priest epic items added. Gold card added.
8/2 – Act 10. Level cap raised 55->60. Large-scale Ghost Knight reorganization including magic damage added to weapons. Entrance to Underfoot dungeon added. Quest Condition improvements related to dungeon road – i.e. if dungeon road is higher then quest requires quest still completes. Super armor split into 4 types (momentary, half, unbreakable (original type), breakable).
9/3 (9/12 update)- Act 10 part 2. Tower of Death added. Elemental Master awakening added. Fight System added. Reinforcement failure on common equipment past +7 changed to destroy the equipment.
10/25 – Act 11. Summoner reorganized and awakening added. Sky Castle dungeons large-scale reorganization except for floating castle. Quick Standing skill added. Arena reorganization including Aerial Combo Protection added. Electrocution maximum stack capped. 1:1 chat/UI added. Character deletion confirmation added.
11/8 – 3rd generation rare avatars added.
11/22 – clone avatars (advanced and emblem rare) added.
12/13 – Act 11 part 2. Battle Mage awakening added. Behemoth dungeons reorganized. Shadow Labyrinth dungeon added. Skill cut scenes added. Arena practice mode added.
1/17/2008 – Act 12. Ghost Knight awakenings added (all 4 of them). Enchanting Profession added.
2/28 – Act 12 part 2. Tower of Illusion added. Large-scale Fighter reorganization.
4/24 – Season 2 Prologue. Witch job added. Ryku point, white land, ice palace, skaza’s lair dungeons added. Chronicle 1 content added. Integrated Arena added. Weapon element capability added. Limited quests added. Tutorial and skill reorganizations.
Season 2 (Direct Korean links before Second Impact)
5/29/2008 (Preview) – Season 2. Gent area added (level 42 at the time). GBL Arad Branch, GBL Laboratory, GBL Hatchery, Bwanga, Moonlight Tavern, Gent Outskirts, Gent East Gate, Gent South Gate, Odessa, and Verderia/Michelle dungeons added. In-game Auction House added (before it was purely on the website). Complete (“First”) Interface/UI reorganization including HUD, quests, inventory, menus, et al.. Quests reorganized including addition of repeatable and APC assisting quests. EXP curve changed. Noob-O-Meter initialized. Chronicle 1 set bonuses added. Opening character comic added. Dungeon level and other changes. Party finder window reorganized with rapid finder system.
7/3 – Act 1 Stylish! #1. System where MP and cooldown of skills are lower when executed with their keyboard command introduced. GK, Fighter, Mage, Priest skill changes. Secondary skill bar added. Basic bonuses of weapons reorganized.
7/10 – [Nexon acquires Neople].
7/24 – Act 1 Stylish! #2. Gunner class skills added and reorganized.
8/12 – Act 1 Stylish! #3. Gunner (F) added. Character slot limit increased to 16. Emblem avatars added.
9/1 – Act 1 First Interlude: otherverse. Otherverse added: Chronicle 2 dungeons (3), items, EP. Level 55 rare weapons and armor added.
10/23 – Act 1 Second Interlude: 40+ dungeon levels increased. Fatigue battery system added (<60 = EXP pots, 60 = gold).
11/6 – [Hangame ends operational control].
11/13 – Avatar sundering added.
11/20 – Act 2. Priest appearance changed (hair shorter etc.) and movement speed increased. Crusader buffs scale with STA/SPI and increased to 120 seconds. Infighter mastery and attack skills added. Exorcist plate mastery added, basic attack motion changed, and mastery and attack skills added.
12/11 – 4th generation rare avatars added.
12/23 – Act 2 part 2. Noir Ferra ancient dungeon added. Ancient dungeon difficulty increased substantially. Able to master most common skills. 1 skill from each tab automatically learned upon job change. Backstep, cancel backstep, and cancel uppercut learned upon character creation. Magic exorcist skills added.
1/22/2009 – Act 2 part 3. Gunner (F) awakenings added. Video recording added. Video recording and screenshot path changed.
1/22 – [Nexon begins operational control].
2/26 – Act 3. Witch reorganized and awakening added.
4/23 – Act 3 part 2. NPC friendship system added. Enchanting reorganized and dissembler, animator, and alchemy professions added. Profession materials inventory tab added.
4/30 – Fatigue battery system reorganized (EXP pots replaced with EXP UP system for <60). EXP pots reorganized to stack with events and have less duration. Guild Name Change Permit added.
6/25 – Act 4. Faction War added. Guild hideout added. Guild Level cap increased from 10->17. Southern Dale added.
7/25 – Act 4 part 2. Altar of the Infinite added. AH reorganized. Level-independent quest system added.
8/6 – Act 5. Thief added along with Rogue and Necromancer awakenings.
8/20 – Skill Style Plus added.
9/24 – Act 5 part 2. Town Invasion added. Dungeon rank changed from style/tech/hits to combo ranking. Item locking added. Emblem Synthesis added. Guild warehouse added.
11/5 – Emotion system added.
11/12 – “Together we make DnF special”. Battle Mage, Summoner, Asura, and Launcher (M) upgraded. Chronicle 2 dungeons downgraded.
12/17/2009 – Second Impact. Massive patch, some highlights:
Level cap raised 60->70.
60-66 dungeons and new area added.
Practice mode, heroic road, and expanded otherverse added.
Trait skills added; existing reorganized.
Basic Technique innate passive skill added.
Party dungeon scaling,
STA/SPI formula changed.
Armband/Magic Stone equipment types added.
Sealed Lock, Card jar added.
Training and Achievement quest types added.
Fatigue battery for level capped characters changed to a bulk payment.
5th generation rare avatars added.
3/25/2010 – Act 5 part 3. Known as the “2nd impact pvp patch” and the first major patch after Second Impact, but also
Reworked guild vs. guild faction war.
Arena reorganized including United (Cross-Server) Arena, Level-restricted beginner arena channels, and standing combo protection.
2nd impact gunner/priest patch that notably removed the attack speed penalties from crusader metal plate and equalized the attack speed bonuses of exorcists and crusaders.
SP Reset on awakening (3 day lithe reset item), character reporting system, dungeon ranking system rework to include damage more and other fixes.
4/2010-7/2010 awakening
Part 1
Drop rate increased in parties (20, 30, 50% for 2, 3, 4 people)
Armband and Magic Stone drop rate increased
Pre-60 recipe requirements lowered
High-level dungeons nerfed
Lower level skill MP reduction
Part 2
Behemoth (34-36), Awakening (44-46, GBL+Storm Pass+Shadow Lab), and Gent (54-56) rare armor added to epic quests
Increased monster card drop rate
Merged the Kazan and Casillas servers (10->9 total)
Added production to Melvin Richter
Part 3
Added ability to move characters on character select screen
Reduced difficulty of Chronicle 1 quests
Increased void stone fragments on quests
Part 1
Gabriel (secret shop guy)
level 55 epics sold by Grandis
server-shared dungeon difficulty unlocking
Part 2
Cubes needed for 60+ epics reduced by a 5:2 ratio
EXP needed for levels 20-60 reduced
Behemoth dungeons reorganized/cut in size
VP needed to awaken changed from 700->400
Level 65 Rare and Legacy items added, along with respective pots for Twinky including both types of special equipment
Part 3
new quest window interface
no fatigue penalty on otherverse/ancient dungeons when prematurely exiting
AH search improvements
Part 4
Epic item party loot system changed.
Part 1
Added online armory
Part 2
Trade confirmations improved
ALL armor penalties removed
Part 3
Dungeon minimap improved
Dungeon room-to-room movement improved
Ancient/Otherverse dungeons no longer consume uses/items/etc. if cut off while loading
Can now use keyboard to select end-stage cards
Party notification improvements
Part 4
Account Safe added with level 60 and 2,000,000 gold requirement with up to 56 slots at stage 7 with a (25 + (next stage 25)) void stone cost per stage and the ability to hold (500,000 + (stage 500,000)) gold per stage.
Account tradable items added including heritage leveling items (1-59, obtained from Gabriel from 65+ stages)
Improvements and graphical notifications when placing personal shops
Part 1
NPC item buyback introduced
Ability to purchase from NPCs directly to safe added
Part 2
Added ability to send up to 10 items at once per mail message
Transparency slider introduced (i.e. summoner become welcome in parties)
Material item descriptions improved
5/27 – Act 6. 65/68 ancients introduced. “2nd impact slayer/fighter/mage” skill patch. Epic party loot system improved.
7/22 – Act 6 part 2. Alter of Limits, North Gate and Defense of Gent introduced (58-59 dungeons). New SP actives introduced (double swing for battle mages etc.), New EX passives introduced. Level 60-65 epic items added, character linking (60+ can link with up to 40 until 60 for 15% on gold drops and stage clear exp) introduced, ability to use number keys when using single buffs in parties.
9/30 – (not mentioned as an official act patch yet) the “berserker” patch – totally reworked the class. Was the result of a voting event, in which berserkers won by about 3 times the votes over the nearest competitor (ranger/wm).
Late 2010 awakening. Parts:
10/2010 – Early level coin refilling increased, Frustration changed to only effect level 18+ chars, style/tech quests removed, Dungeon keyboard selection interface introduced.
11/2010 – Large-scale dungeon reorganization. Guild attendance and member of the day systems added and earned EXP increased as well as upgrade costs reduced for smaller guilds. Character balance including Basic Technique Upgrade added. Party matching improvements. Separate chat window. Scaling item tool tips. Independent damage equipment added. 6th generation rare avatars added. Returning Player System added.
12/16 – Act 7. Male fighter introduced, starting with nen masters and street fighters/brawlers without EX skills besides the first basic tab or awakenings or grapplers/strikers; awakenings for nen masters and street fighters implemented on 12/30.
1/13/2011- Act 7 part 2. Male striker and grappler introduced. Cera shop cancellation system (“Dresser” in Seria’s room) introduced. Awakenings introduced a couple weeks later.
2/17 – Act 8. Chronicle 3 content implemented: Equipment (sets included), 3 70 Ot
2/20. Act 2. Arena season 2 implemented, resetting arena ranks and compensating those with ranks from arena season 1. Characters now have level 85 equivalent SP and skill caps regardless of level in arena, and equipment now has options automatically corrected to a specific list weighted by rarity. Reinforcement reduced on armbands/magic stones and refinement reduced in general. New mission system and coliseum added. Matching, duel grade, UI, practice mode, reporting, and other overall revamps to arena. Dark Templar and Vagabond are now allowed in arena with various adjustments. On-screen display of crystal buffs added to Desolace as well as the removal of the on-use CD for Metastasis Crystal Bags. Multiple dissembling extended to Portable dissemblers and profession extractors. Elven Knight’s Chain Rush, Rose Armor, and War Cry MP and durability costs reduced.
2/27. Trade Fraud & Chat No-Manner Prevention Systems added. Special dungeon special achievement group added to the title book. Maximum quest capacity increased from 20->30. Characters are now invincible when a dungeon is cleared, and can use a token after the clear even if the limit has been reached. Other changes including unified channel party improvements and changes to the Frost Cave boss’s ice prison attack. Arena & Desolace changes.
3/6. “Recent Fellows” added to the Fellows Window (hot key “[” or menu selection window’s Fellows). Arena & Desolace changes.
3/13, 3/27. Act 3. New Knight job Chaos added along with its Devil Queen awakening. Knight exclusive comic and tutorial dungeon added. Item changes and additions. Other changes including Desolace changes with the added fever time system. 3/27: Chaos TP skills, 60+70 skills, and chronicle items added. The Giant character’s ‘Counter Attack’ and ‘Definite Grab” skill option effects now also apply to the shock wave of the Wild Cannon Spike skill. If your inventory is full when using Kanna’s vending machine, the items are sent via mail instead of an error message pop-up. Achievement quests added for obtaining Chaos chronicle items. Reduced the duration during arena matches for returning back to town in the loading screen if no match is found. Interlude characters (Dark Knight, Creator) are now usable as assists. Knight rare avatars added.
3/20. When clearing a dungeon from a PC Bang there is now a chance to get a Hell Marble from the PC Bang bonus results card. You can now exchange an incorrectly bought Metastasis Box (Chronicle Box) for Dimensional Fragments. A repair notice message now displays if you attempt to equip a piece of equipment with 0 durability. Arena match wait duration reduced. Changed Micheala appearing from Black Earth epic quests to not interfere with Berias’s destructive ghost pattern play.
4/3. Valley of Fallen Souls and Suju mutu area dungeons’ dungeon clear results window and reward window progress duration reduced. Improved special dungeon cinematics to work only for party leaders progressing in an epic quest. Added simple equipment machine to Suju mutu dungeons. [Ed: the dissembler/store outside each dungeon area]
4/10. Abbreviation dictionary implemented. Basic attack auto attack functionality added. Medium-scale arena skill balance including allowing the Knight class and the Elven Knight job to enter arena.
4/17. New advanced avatars (year 14) & avatar dyes added with the sale of some older avatars discontinued. All non-tradable advanced avatars & avatar dye become purchasable in the Sera shop with Gold Tokens. (sale of all Cera-based avatar dyes end) Avatar Inventory Expansion Permit added to the Cera shop [for 5 Gold Tokens/골드코인 5개]. (expands up to 105 slots [Ed: that’s 15 times]) Arena balance changes. Level 3/6/9 active awakening tool tip of some jobs improved to make it easier to determine the skill effects. Otherverse Admission Ticket can now only be used in town or in Seria’s room. An alert window is now displayed when registering an item in the AH at a price that is too low compared to the average cost of the item in the AH. System option added to prompt you to use a Growth t a certain rate in dungeons, level 29 and below dungeons only
2/20. Act 2. Arena season 2 implemented, resetting arena ranks and compensating those with ranks from arena season 1. Characters now have level 85 equivalent SP and skill caps regardless of level in arena, and equipment now has options automatically corrected to a specific list weighted by rarity. Reinforcement reduced on armbands/magic stones and refinement reduced in general. New mission system and coliseum added. Matching, duel grade, UI, practice mode, reporting, and other overall revamps to arena. Dark Templar and Vagabond are now allowed in arena with various adjustments. On-screen display of crystal buffs added to Desolace as well as the removal of the on-use CD for Metastasis Crystal Bags. Multiple dissembling extended to Portable dissemblers and profession extractors. Elven Knight’s Chain Rush, Rose Armor, and War Cry MP and durability costs reduced.
2/27. Trade Fraud & Chat No-Manner Prevention Systems added. Special dungeon special achievement group added to the title book. Maximum quest capacity increased from 20->30. Characters are now invincible when a dungeon is cleared, and can use a token after the clear even if the limit has been reached. Other changes including unified channel party improvements and changes to the Frost Cave boss’s ice prison attack. Arena & Desolace changes.
3/6. “Recent Fellows” added to the Fellows Window (hot key “[” or menu selection window’s Fellows). Arena & Desolace changes.
3/13, 3/27. Act 3. New Knight job Chaos added along with its Devil Queen awakening. Knight exclusive comic and tutorial dungeon added. Item changes and additions. Other changes including Desolace changes with the added fever time system. 3/27: Chaos TP skills, 60+70 skills, and chronicle items added. The Giant character’s ‘Counter Attack’ and ‘Definite Grab” skill option effects now also apply to the shock wave of the Wild Cannon Spike skill. If your inventory is full when using Kanna’s vending machine, the items are sent via mail instead of an error message pop-up. Achievement quests added for obtaining Chaos chronicle items. Reduced the duration during arena matches for returning back to town in the loading screen if no match is found. Interlude characters (Dark Knight, Creator) are now usable as assists. Knight rare avatars added.
3/20. When clearing a dungeon from a PC Bang there is now a chance to get a Hell Marble from the PC Bang bonus results card. You can now exchange an incorrectly bought Metastasis Box (Chronicle Box) for Dimensional Fragments. A repair notice message now displays if you attempt to equip a piece of equipment with 0 durability. Arena match wait duration reduced. Changed Micheala appearing from Black Earth epic quests to not interfere with Berias’s destructive ghost pattern play.
4/3. Valley of Fallen Souls and Suju mutu area dungeons’ dungeon clear results window and reward window progress duration reduced. Improved special dungeon cinematics to work only for party leaders progressing in an epic quest. Added simple equipment machine to Suju mutu dungeons. [Ed: the dissembler/store outside each dungeon area]
4/10. Abbreviation dictionary implemented. Basic attack auto attack functionality added. Medium-scale arena skill balance including allowing the Knight class and the Elven Knight job to enter arena.
4/17. New advanced avatars (year 14) & avatar dyes added with the sale of some older avatars discontinued. All non-tradable advanced avatars & avatar dye become purchasable in the Sera shop with Gold Tokens. (sale of all Cera-based avatar dyes end) Avatar Inventory Expansion Permit added to the Cera shop [for 5 Gold Tokens/골드코인 5개]. (expands up to 105 slots [Ed: that’s 15 times]) Arena balance changes. Level 3/6/9 active awakening tool tip of some jobs improved to make it easier to determine the skill effects. Otherverse Admission Ticket can now only be used in town or in Seria’s room. An alert window is now displayed when registering an item in the AH at a price that is too low compared to the average cost of the item in the AH. System option added to prompt you to use a Growth t a certain rate in dungeons, level 29 and below dungeons only
Step 1: Create an account with a email (this is your username now, not the nickname), nickname, password, and birth date.
Beforehand you’ll need to agree to bunch of privacy stuff. The last checkbox is optional and is for 3rd party sharing.
Afterwards you’ll need to confirm the email by, you know, checking your email.
The checkbox near the email is purely if you want to receive spam from them, it’s not required.
Step 2: Go to the DnF site. You’ll see 2 buttons on the right side. The top is to log out of the Nexon account, the bottom near the red text is to link it with the Nexon account which itself requires the Nexon account to be verified (which can be done via a popup from the button near the red text). To verify the Nexon account enter a real name and linked KSSN. Foreign #s work as well now too.
Step 3: Verify it with DnF through the bottom button near the red text. Agree to the various terms and conditions, then enter the email, name, and KSSN again.
The last part of the terms and conditions is optional privacy stuff, but it does warn that some services may not be available. Agreeing recommended.
You can play DnF now. Don’t forget to put OTP on that thing so it doesn’t get hacked. Also, remember OTP+Goblin Pad/Security Card is required for account restoration.
If you are really new, read the info from the hierarchical menus that come when you mouse over Dungeon & Fighter at the top of this site.
There’s been some comments that the account may be deleted in 2 weeks without confirming via phone/fax/mail. No one here noticed it despite reading the pages upon pages of privacy legalese.
You can have up to 3 emails registered to each Nexon KSSN, but channeling/linking it to DnF is restricted to once a week.
Age differences: In DnF Accounts function differently depending on the user’s age. DnF sorts accounts into 3 age groups – 12, 15, and 18+. Under 18 accounts have changed sprites for risque avatars/weapons, blood (generally orange for younger accounts), mob deaths et al.. On younger accounts when a mob is destroyed it simply turns black and fades out, older ones they explode into bloody bits. Younger accounts also cash shop restrictions: Limited to 0-55k Cera a month (the normal limit for adults is 300k a month). Note that in-game Cera gifting is not counted toward this amount, adults are limited to 10 gift cards per month (unknown of restrictions on 12/15 accounts).
In the past about half the channels, adult channels, were off-limits to child accounts and profane language in public (and perhaps to extent still in the present on any channel) on child channels earned you a ban (the interface was similar to the west-NA/east-Oceania interface in DFO; the left tab is for children, right for adults).Accounts under age 15 cannot engage in town fights (Fight System) in any fashion and cannot play between 0:00-5:99.
Countries blocked: None; only weak anonymous open proxies (elite varieties work fine).
DirectX: Using another full-screen program while DnF is running will cause DnF to have a black screen as it does not properly restore the DirectX video context that 95% of games do.
Error when launching, often mentioning ActiveX: Currently, Neople requires you use the NowCom installer to initially install the game. Go here and click on the “GAME DOWNLOAD” at the bottom of the page. It will install a bunch of ActiveX controls before starting up. Otherwise, it is ActiveX related. Longer guide:
Uninstall AhnLab and Flash Player from the control panel (all entries of them), as well as any anti-virus, anti-spyware and related that have an active component (like McAfee, Norton), firewalls etc.. Uninstall DnF as well (you may want to try the steps without this part first due to download times).
Restart. Don’t run anything else when doing the following; you may need to restart into Safe Mode if you have troublesome programs lurking.
Download HiJackThis (just the executable is fine), and CCleaner. Install both.
Close everything.
Run HiJackThis and either of the “System Scan” options (the first two). You might be faced with some warnings/errors; ignore these. You’ll see some entries like “DPF: {XXX} (NAME)”. Check the entries for “(Aosmgr Control)”, ones with links to “siren24.com”, “(DownStarter2 Control)”, all instances of “(CNeopleInstallXXXXXXXXX)”, anything from adobe.com if there is some laying out unless you have a adobe program that uses it, and “(KvpIspCtlID Control)”. Click “Fix checked”, press yes. This should nuke them.
Run CCleaner. First go to the “Cleaner” tab (should be there by default), make sure everything under “Internet Explorer” and “Windows Explorer” and “System” is checked. Click “Run Cleaner”. Now, go to “Registry”, check everything. Click “Scan For Issues”, make sure everything is checked, and click “Fix selected issues…” and delete/fix whatever popups come up. If you restarted in Safe Mode, you’ll need to restart again.
Go re-install flash player from Adobe – Adobe Flash Player
Now, make sure your locale is set to Korean, you have the trusted sites set up, you have UAC disabled, and the windows anti-spyware and firewall disabled.
Go to the d-fighter.com site. Let AhnLab install and make sure to stay on the static intro page, not the big homepage.
Maintenance (First Server has its own): Standard downtime is 4-6 hours at 6AM Thursday KST accompanied by a patch with various changes. A static page with the latest “big patch video” and a couple mini-games is shown during maintenance along with D&F Week, 5 select D&F News entries. Big patches can be downloaded mid-maintenance.
Background images: Routine, Not Routine, Emergency.
Launching: To download the initial client files download them from the client download page. After which click the “Game Start” button to launch the patcher which itself launches the game when done. Note that patcher itself can sometimes do the download for the initial client files – it changes occasionally.
Various online games and otherwise, including DnF as well as DFO and likely other DnF localizations, use CDNetworks (CDN) server clusters for their main servers. When you click “Game Start” the website gives you a random server in the CDN server, or in a rare case a backup server, then tries to download a file called package.lst in the base directory (in DnF’s case the file is ~154k). CDN servers use a prioritization method called load balancing. They are supposed to give you the closest server to your location that has the least amount of users and filter you down in the case of extreme loads to give everyone an equal speed. However, this can bug out, especially in the case of overseas users and filter down to ~40kb even with no real load… especially in DnF’s case. There are also backup servers that DnF uses that don’t load balance and these will be the fast ones if the CDN ones are bugging out. Adding to this is the fact that the patcher (for several DnF localizations) for some unknown reason tries to download package.lst in 8k increments while also blocking the main GUI thread. Modern operating systems don’t really like this style of data transfer. Some people use South Korean proxies in DnF to avoid the problems with the CDN load balancing. However, the ISPs crack down on them constantly and they tend to go away when overloaded. People tend to use proxies to gain faster speeds, however Neople states outright that you could be banned for using a 3rd party proxy program and dislikes proxies in general.
The patcher itself uses Internet Explorer proxy settings, not those of the browser that launches the game from the website. Thus, it is more secure to use an alternate browser with a direct connection and have Internet Explorer with a Korean proxy if you want to use a proxy.
Chrome and Firefox require a separate plugin to launch the game (from the client download page; it also sporadically works with Opera and other Firefox compatible browsers). Note that the download from the client page is not the full plugin, it is a essentially a patcher program that downloads the real plugin, so you’ll have to deal with the DnF patcher servers and related (the progress bar of the program will halt for a while it downloads the plugin).
Trusted Sites:
Website: There are two main web pages, the “intro page” and the “main page”. Where any link takes you varies. When the web server is overloaded you will be taken to the intro page. The intro page is a static page with an image representing the latest big patch or Act in the background, an image representing the latest event as well as a line of text for the latest notice in the middle of the page, and the login interface at the bottom. Clicking either the D&F logo at the top of the page or the button in the lower-left corner will take you to the main page. Bottom right is where you login. Top of the leftmost text is for D&F accounts, bottom for Nexon. “ID” and “PW” text entry fields function as you’d expect. The checkbox is if you are behind a firewall or related. The text to the right of the checkbox will take you to the account creation page, and the “ID” and “PW” buttons below that are if you forgot either. Once you log in, you’ll see your main character (or none), with how much Cera below that and a button for adding some to right; on the right the top button will take you to your account info page, and the button will log you out. The “GAME START” image to the left of the login interface starts the game/patcher as expected; you’ll need to refresh the page to launch the patcher again if it fails or otherwise. The main page is quite the beast, meant to be a browser homepage portal.
First, let’s talk about the “D&F News” portion right below the flash animation at the top of the page. You’ll notice 공지사항, 엄데이트, and 이벤트 with separators between them. These list Notices, Updates, and Events respectively with Notices being the default (before 12/1/2011 they were all in one list sorted by color: blue for notice, red for updates, and orange-yellow for events). Below this is the 7 most recent entries in those categories. To the right is a slideshow of current events and related. Clicking on it will take you to the respective page, and clicking one of the white dots below (red is the active one) this will stop the slideshow at that particular image.
Now, the left panel; at the top is three links left to right taking you to a list of all (in order), notices, updates, and events. After that is the “Media” section; DnF has it’s own radio about every day in game, an online magazine with various periodicals and comics etc., and links to wallpapers and past videos and such. The next one is the “Game Guide” which is rather extensive; there is also an online item dictionary with an interface similar to the auction house (middle-right text). “Community” is where the forums and such are, but more important the list of builds people post and comment on (many are experimental, obviously) along with the online skill planner (lower-left text); how you access the planner is by clicking the button below all the recent builds, which will bring up a list of the main classes which you click to take yourself to that classes’ planner. “Server” is server rankings; “길드” means guild and takes you to the guild searcher, and the lowest-right link takes you to village invasion standings and when it will next be held.
At the right of the page is a similar login interface, except there is a flash animation “Game Start” and under it some small text that links to an “installation helper”. Below the username/password is the old Hangame account upgrade like the intro page; below this is the returning player system, and below that is the text box for searching the armory. Below armory box is a flash animation with the massive list of ways you can earn Cera (DnF NX) in Korea (sometimes including even Burger King and Subway). Below that is a button with some text that takes you to the server transfer interface (25k Cera per char, ~1k less per extra char).
The middle of the page is general game-related news. Bottom middle lists the top 3 blogs of the day represented with images. The first is sometimes the newest official magazine article/comic instead of a blog. In the same space and below the images is the periodically updated most recent candidates. Below this is the daily user poll, which Neople/Nexon KR often makes changes based off of.
These contain in-game music (1st), arrangements/remixes (2nd), or promotional or songs inspired by DnF (1st+3rd):
First soundtrack: Vocal arrangements+remixes of a few songs. Old in DnF terms. Tracks:
Intro (Ice Palace)
You of Wind
Seria’s Song
For the Times to Come
Following the Starlight
Violet-Shining Song
You of Wind (inst.)
Seria’s Song (inst.)
Second soundtrack: The “PVP Soundtrack” – extended versions of the new PvP songs introduced around 7/2011. Tracks:
Passion for Perfection
Chasing The Moonlight
Low Altitude Flight
Ancient Soul
Grim Reaper
Third soundtrack:
New Trail – Extended version of Season 2 Act 10’s character select screen theme (Girl’s Day)
Christmas Time – Christmas track (Dal Shabet)
New Trail (Instrumental)
Christmas Time (Instrumental)
Step 1: Create an account with a email (this is your username now, not the nickname), nickname, password, and birth date.
Beforehand you’ll need to agree to bunch of privacy stuff. The last checkbox is optional and is for 3rd party sharing.
Afterwards you’ll need to confirm the email by, you know, checking your email.
The checkbox near the email is purely if you want to receive spam from them, it’s not required.
Step 2: Go to the DnF site. You’ll see 2 buttons on the right side. The top is to log out of the Nexon account, the bottom near the red text is to link it with the Nexon account which itself requires the Nexon account to be verified (which can be done via a popup from the button near the red text). To verify the Nexon account enter a real name and linked KSSN. Foreign #s work as well now too.
Step 3: Verify it with DnF through the bottom button near the red text. Agree to the various terms and conditions, then enter the email, name, and KSSN again.
The last part of the terms and conditions is optional privacy stuff, but it does warn that some services may not be available. Agreeing recommended.
You can play DnF now. Don’t forget to put OTP on that thing so it doesn’t get hacked. Also, remember OTP+Goblin Pad/Security Card is required for account restoration.
If you are really new, read the info from the hierarchical menus that come when you mouse over Dungeon & Fighter at the top of this site.
There’s been some comments that the account may be deleted in 2 weeks without confirming via phone/fax/mail. No one here noticed it despite reading the pages upon pages of privacy legalese.
You can have up to 3 emails registered to each Nexon KSSN, but channeling/linking it to DnF is restricted to once a week.
Age differences: In DnF Accounts function differently depending on the user’s age. DnF sorts accounts into 3 age groups – 12, 15, and 18+. Under 18 accounts have changed sprites for risque avatars/weapons, blood (generally orange for younger accounts), mob deaths et al.. On younger accounts when a mob is destroyed it simply turns black and fades out, older ones they explode into bloody bits. Younger accounts also cash shop restrictions: Limited to 0-55k Cera a month (the normal limit for adults is 300k a month). Note that in-game Cera gifting is not counted toward this amount, adults are limited to 10 gift cards per month (unknown of restrictions on 12/15 accounts).
In the past about half the channels, adult channels, were off-limits to child accounts and profane language in public (and perhaps to extent still in the present on any channel) on child channels earned you a ban (the interface was similar to the west-NA/east-Oceania interface in DFO; the left tab is for children, right for adults).Accounts under age 15 cannot engage in town fights (Fight System) in any fashion and cannot play between 0:00-5:99.
Countries blocked: None; only weak anonymous open proxies (elite varieties work fine).
DirectX: Using another full-screen program while DnF is running will cause DnF to have a black screen as it does not properly restore the DirectX video context that 95% of games do.
Error when launching, often mentioning ActiveX: Currently, Neople requires you use the NowCom installer to initially install the game. Go here and click on the “GAME DOWNLOAD” at the bottom of the page. It will install a bunch of ActiveX controls before starting up. Otherwise, it is ActiveX related. Longer guide:
Uninstall AhnLab and Flash Player from the control panel (all entries of them), as well as any anti-virus, anti-spyware and related that have an active component (like McAfee, Norton), firewalls etc.. Uninstall DnF as well (you may want to try the steps without this part first due to download times).
Restart. Don’t run anything else when doing the following; you may need to restart into Safe Mode if you have troublesome programs lurking.
Download HiJackThis (just the executable is fine), and CCleaner. Install both.
Close everything.
Run HiJackThis and either of the “System Scan” options (the first two). You might be faced with some warnings/errors; ignore these. You’ll see some entries like “DPF: {XXX} (NAME)”. Check the entries for “(Aosmgr Control)”, ones with links to “siren24.com”, “(DownStarter2 Control)”, all instances of “(CNeopleInstallXXXXXXXXX)”, anything from adobe.com if there is some laying out unless you have a adobe program that uses it, and “(KvpIspCtlID Control)”. Click “Fix checked”, press yes. This should nuke them.
Run CCleaner. First go to the “Cleaner” tab (should be there by default), make sure everything under “Internet Explorer” and “Windows Explorer” and “System” is checked. Click “Run Cleaner”. Now, go to “Registry”, check everything. Click “Scan For Issues”, make sure everything is checked, and click “Fix selected issues…” and delete/fix whatever popups come up. If you restarted in Safe Mode, you’ll need to restart again.
Go re-install flash player from Adobe – Adobe Flash Player
Now, make sure your locale is set to Korean, you have the trusted sites set up, you have UAC disabled, and the windows anti-spyware and firewall disabled.
Go to the d-fighter.com site. Let AhnLab install and make sure to stay on the static intro page, not the big homepage.
Maintenance (First Server has its own): Standard downtime is 4-6 hours at 6AM Thursday KST accompanied by a patch with various changes. A static page with the latest “big patch video” and a couple mini-games is shown during maintenance along with D&F Week, 5 select D&F News entries. Big patches can be downloaded mid-maintenance.
Background images: Routine, Not Routine, Emergency.
Launching: To download the initial client files download them from the client download page. After which click the “Game Start” button to launch the patcher which itself launches the game when done. Note that patcher itself can sometimes do the download for the initial client files – it changes occasionally.
Various online games and otherwise, including DnF as well as DFO and likely other DnF localizations, use CDNetworks (CDN) server clusters for their main servers. When you click “Game Start” the website gives you a random server in the CDN server, or in a rare case a backup server, then tries to download a file called package.lst in the base directory (in DnF’s case the file is ~154k). CDN servers use a prioritization method called load balancing. They are supposed to give you the closest server to your location that has the least amount of users and filter you down in the case of extreme loads to give everyone an equal speed. However, this can bug out, especially in the case of overseas users and filter down to ~40kb even with no real load… especially in DnF’s case. There are also backup servers that DnF uses that don’t load balance and these will be the fast ones if the CDN ones are bugging out. Adding to this is the fact that the patcher (for several DnF localizations) for some unknown reason tries to download package.lst in 8k increments while also blocking the main GUI thread. Modern operating systems don’t really like this style of data transfer. Some people use South Korean proxies in DnF to avoid the problems with the CDN load balancing. However, the ISPs crack down on them constantly and they tend to go away when overloaded. People tend to use proxies to gain faster speeds, however Neople states outright that you could be banned for using a 3rd party proxy program and dislikes proxies in general.
The patcher itself uses Internet Explorer proxy settings, not those of the browser that launches the game from the website. Thus, it is more secure to use an alternate browser with a direct connection and have Internet Explorer with a Korean proxy if you want to use a proxy.
Chrome and Firefox require a separate plugin to launch the game (from the client download page; it also sporadically works with Opera and other Firefox compatible browsers). Note that the download from the client page is not the full plugin, it is a essentially a patcher program that downloads the real plugin, so you’ll have to deal with the DnF patcher servers and related (the progress bar of the program will halt for a while it downloads the plugin).
Trusted Sites:
Website: There are two main web pages, the “intro page” and the “main page”. Where any link takes you varies. When the web server is overloaded you will be taken to the intro page. The intro page is a static page with an image representing the latest big patch or Act in the background, an image representing the latest event as well as a line of text for the latest notice in the middle of the page, and the login interface at the bottom. Clicking either the D&F logo at the top of the page or the button in the lower-left corner will take you to the main page. Bottom right is where you login. Top of the leftmost text is for D&F accounts, bottom for Nexon. “ID” and “PW” text entry fields function as you’d expect. The checkbox is if you are behind a firewall or related. The text to the right of the checkbox will take you to the account creation page, and the “ID” and “PW” buttons below that are if you forgot either. Once you log in, you’ll see your main character (or none), with how much Cera below that and a button for adding some to right; on the right the top button will take you to your account info page, and the button will log you out. The “GAME START” image to the left of the login interface starts the game/patcher as expected; you’ll need to refresh the page to launch the patcher again if it fails or otherwise. The main page is quite the beast, meant to be a browser homepage portal.
First, let’s talk about the “D&F News” portion right below the flash animation at the top of the page. You’ll notice 공지사항, 엄데이트, and 이벤트 with separators between them. These list Notices, Updates, and Events respectively with Notices being the default (before 12/1/2011 they were all in one list sorted by color: blue for notice, red for updates, and orange-yellow for events). Below this is the 7 most recent entries in those categories. To the right is a slideshow of current events and related. Clicking on it will take you to the respective page, and clicking one of the white dots below (red is the active one) this will stop the slideshow at that particular image.
Now, the left panel; at the top is three links left to right taking you to a list of all (in order), notices, updates, and events. After that is the “Media” section; DnF has it’s own radio about every day in game, an online magazine with various periodicals and comics etc., and links to wallpapers and past videos and such. The next one is the “Game Guide” which is rather extensive; there is also an online item dictionary with an interface similar to the auction house (middle-right text). “Community” is where the forums and such are, but more important the list of builds people post and comment on (many are experimental, obviously) along with the online skill planner (lower-left text); how you access the planner is by clicking the button below all the recent builds, which will bring up a list of the main classes which you click to take yourself to that classes’ planner. “Server” is server rankings; “길드” means guild and takes you to the guild searcher, and the lowest-right link takes you to village invasion standings and when it will next be held.
At the right of the page is a similar login interface, except there is a flash animation “Game Start” and under it some small text that links to an “installation helper”. Below the username/password is the old Hangame account upgrade like the intro page; below this is the returning player system, and below that is the text box for searching the armory. Below armory box is a flash animation with the massive list of ways you can earn Cera (DnF NX) in Korea (sometimes including even Burger King and Subway). Below that is a button with some text that takes you to the server transfer interface (25k Cera per char, ~1k less per extra char).
The middle of the page is general game-related news. Bottom middle lists the top 3 blogs of the day represented with images. The first is sometimes the newest official magazine article/comic instead of a blog. In the same space and below the images is the periodically updated most recent candidates. Below this is the daily user poll, which Neople/Nexon KR often makes changes based off of.
These contain in-game music (1st), arrangements/remixes (2nd), or promotional or songs inspired by DnF (1st+3rd):
First soundtrack: Vocal arrangements+remixes of a few songs. Old in DnF terms. Tracks:
Intro (Ice Palace)
You of Wind
Seria’s Song
For the Times to Come
Following the Starlight
Violet-Shining Song
You of Wind (inst.)
Seria’s Song (inst.)
Second soundtrack: The “PVP Soundtrack” – extended versions of the new PvP songs introduced around 7/2011. Tracks:
Passion for Perfection
Chasing The Moonlight
Low Altitude Flight
Ancient Soul
Grim Reaper
Third soundtrack:
New Trail – Extended version of Season 2 Act 10’s character select screen theme (Girl’s Day)
Christmas Time – Christmas track (Dal Shabet)
New Trail (Instrumental)
Christmas Time (Instrumental)
"Raw magical power comes to mind. With her choices of four elements she becomes as powerful force. Able to cast spells with many different movements she can adapt easily. With the added ability to master elements decreasing their mp consumption and increasing their damage she can become even more powerful."
The most representative class of the classic wizard found in almost all games. Focusing on one or two elements in mostly ranged combat, her main asset lies in the power of her spells. This subclass takes full advantage of the magical nature of the Mage class with pure offensive magic.
Her weapons of choice are staves and rods. Staves are slower, but have the highest magic attack power potential of all Mage weapons. Rods, on the other hand, is more balanced between magic attack power and speed... ideal for quicker casting in PvP. Being the pure magical user subclass and usually staying away from the crowd, she wears clothes armor to greatly improve her magical performance.
Most of the Elementalist's spells offers flexibility in casting time : she can either recharge her spells fully and deal maximum damage, or cast her spells quickly and deal damage to enemies right away. However, the MP cost is the same in both cases.
At early levels, she is rather a slow caster, leaving opportunities for enemies to attack between skill charges and hurting her even more if she's moving. She also is harder to maintain as she needs a lot of magical recovery items, despite her great MP recovery speed. However, the charging time and casting speed of her skills and the MP cost dramatically improves as she improves her masteries, her passive skills, and her buffs, making her a very powerful and efficient caster dealing tremendous magical damage to her enemies.
"A general of an army. She stands back and employs the help of contract and elemental summons to attack for her. She has buffs to increase her summons powers and even has skills to sacrifice them to cause damage as a bomb."
The Mage subclass that focuses her energy on summoning minions and using buff skills to back them up rather than dealing directly with enemies. Being the Summoner, she rarely stands anywhere near her enemies, allowing her to retreat and avoid taking damage while constantly sending summons on her enemies way. Having her own party makes her an effective solo PvE. PvP is rather hard though due to her skill pool lacking attacks. The path of the Summoner is not as easy as it may sound, as this subclass consumes a very important amount of mana and requires a rather complex skill hotkeys coordination to use summons at their full potential on the battlefield.
Reaching for casting speed rather than power (since she's only summoning creatures and buffing them), she often uses cloth armor and a rod, both giving her the best casting speed she can afford to have.
Her summons are divided in two categories : Hired Summons and Spirit Summons.
Hired Summons are sturdier, smarter, have a greater duration and learn various attacks as they level up, but only one of each hired summon can be available on the battle field.
Spirit Summons on the other hand have a very short duration and are pretty straight forward attacking-wise, but can be casted in great numbers and deal high damage. At later levels, spirit summons are sacrificed to make even greater summons. The summoner can also choose to specialize in spirit explosion, making her spirits deadly bombs.
A Summoner can be identified by the book she's wearing on her belt.
"The witch is a jack of all trades class that uses a large variety of different skills. Many of her skills are based on probability and chance which affects the outcome, ultimately improving or degrading the skill for the cast."
Her great knowledge as well as her interest for science and magic makes her a unique Mage who uses her calculations to build various devices endowed with her elemental powers. Very agile subclass who knows both how to fight and how to cast powerful spells. Often considered as the "easy path of the Mage", her great versatility of skills that borrows a small portion of all the other subclasses makes her interesting to play.
She's also known to have spells which are based on luck, both for success rate of the spell and inflicting various statuses to her enemies. Failure often brings a weaker variation of the spell or an explosion (in the case of building devices). Unfortunately, both success and failure rates of her more powerful skills rises as skill levels rises. Fortunately, befriending her elemental friends and using her Lolipop buff gives the success rate a great boost.
Other than building devices, the Witch makes use of her signature weapon, a broomstick, to travel quickly around the battlefield, and uses spells to support her melee attacks. She wears leather armor to facilitate her movements and boosts her magic.
You can easily recognize the witch with her broomstick and/or her ingredients/tools she's wearing on her belt.
Priests are a brawling-type class, preferring to mostly use their fists, and occasionally huge weapons to deal damage to enemies. These include giant crosses, rosaries, totem poles, and axes. They also can choose from a basic healing spell and a couple of other ability increasing spells.
Promoted priests can take several forms. Crusaders are the only support class of priest, and have a large variety of buff spells and healing spells to support their teammates. There are two types of Crusader: battle and support. Monks are close-range brawlers, preferring to slam their weapon into the ground, which forms an area where the Monk's stats are increased, and rely solely on their fists to batter their enemies. Exorcists can choose to be either magic casters or physical types, specializing in the use of their weapons and/or friendly spirits. Finally, Avengers (currently not available in North America) transform their bodies into demons, making them physically stronger at the cost of reducing speed. However if you are capable purchase some items he will gain some speed in order making him deadly as any normal
Blessed with holy powers by the gods, the Crusader uses heavenly abilities to provide support to its peers and defeat evil with divine powers. Wearing a plate armor and having a strong stature, he's a "wall on legs", having the greatest defense and HP possible of all classes/subclasses. His weapon of choice is a cross, a decent attack speed weapon which gives him even more defense while raising his stats. He's more PvE oriented, but still can be great in PvP. This subclass branch of the Priest is rather hard to play in early levels, but is amazingly rewarding to both the Crusader and his party members later on in the game.
In its early levels, the crusader has the choice to specialize into two branches of skills : defensive (supporter) or offensive. Due to the number of SP available and the high cost of specialization, a hybrid build is harder to achieve.
Choosing to specialize in a Defensive (Support) Crusader gives you very interesting and powerful buffs at the cost of constantly needing to follow parties due to lack of strength and good magic attacks, although it is not impossible to solo with his many buffs in early levels. His weapon is more likely to break before the end of the dungeon because of his damage output that is quite low. Not to worry though, the lack of strength to solo dungeons later in game is compensated by the constant need to have one in parties to survive tough situations, since he doubles the effectiveness of a party and it almost completely assure it's survivability!
Choosing to specialize in an Offensive (Battle) Crusader gives him a few slow but very powerful magical light spells that keeps enemies away from the Crusader with phasing/paralysing/pushing/blinding/stunning/regrouping effects. His buff spells will be more oriented toward making him stronger than helping others (if he has any). Although he's more efficient in a party in the attacking part than his supporter cousin, he'll mostly prefer to go solo in dungeons since he's more likely to have better control over his enemies when they're not pushed around/distracted by other party members. He can still be a nice addition to parties by limiting his enemies' movement and regrouping them. Due to the Crusader's low MP, the slow MP regeneration, and the high skill cost, this Crusader build uses an enormous amount of MP potions, requiring him to gain a LOT of money to be able to keep casting his powerful spells.
The Crusader can be identified by the cross aura shining behind him.
Blessed with holy powers by the gods, the Crusader uses heavenly abilities to provide support to its peers and defeat evil with divine powers. Wearing a plate armor and having a strong stature, he's a "wall on legs", having the greatest defense and HP possible of all classes/subclasses. His weapon of choice is a cross, a decent attack speed weapon which gives him even more defense while raising his stats. He's more PvE oriented, but still can be great in PvP. This subclass branch of the Priest is rather hard to play in early levels, but is amazingly rewarding to both the Crusader and his party members later on in the game.
In its early levels, the crusader has the choice to specialize into two branches of skills : defensive (supporter) or offensive. Due to the number of SP available and the high cost of specialization, a hybrid build is harder to achieve.
Choosing to specialize in a Defensive (Support) Crusader gives you very interesting and powerful buffs at the cost of constantly needing to follow parties due to lack of strength and good magic attacks, although it is not impossible to solo with his many buffs in early levels. His weapon is more likely to break before the end of the dungeon because of his damage output that is quite low. Not to worry though, the lack of strength to solo dungeons later in game is compensated by the constant need to have one in parties to survive tough situations, since he doubles the effectiveness of a party and it almost completely assure it's survivability!
Choosing to specialize in an Offensive (Battle) Crusader gives him a few slow but very powerful magical light spells that keeps enemies away from the Crusader with phasing/paralysing/pushing/blinding/stunning/regrouping effects. His buff spells will be more oriented toward making him stronger than helping others (if he has any). Although he's more efficient in a party in the attacking part than his supporter cousin, he'll mostly prefer to go solo in dungeons since he's more likely to have better control over his enemies when they're not pushed around/distracted by other party members. He can still be a nice addition to parties by limiting his enemies' movement and regrouping them. Due to the Crusader's low MP, the slow MP regeneration, and the high skill cost, this Crusader build uses an enormous amount of MP potions, requiring him to gain a LOT of money to be able to keep casting his powerful spells.
The Crusader can be identified by the cross aura shining behind him.
They master the art of attacking with bare fists, leaving their weapon and traditional Priest ways behind to concentrate in one on one close combat techniques. Monks are the quickest attackers of the Priest subclasses (and one of the fastest character overall), but also one of the hardest subclass to master in Dungeon Fighter Online, requiring a technical player with great reflexes that can keep up with his short skill cooldowns and fast pace combo action.
Relying entirely on their fists and body movement for attacking, they rather wear light armor (giving them less defense, but more agility) and slam down their weapon on the ground to make themselves lighter, increasing movement and attack speed. Furthermore, the slammed weapon releases an aura that gives beneficial effects to both the Monk and his party members who steps in its range. They can use any weapon as every weapon have a very nice addition to attacks.
While being one of the best choice of subclass for PvP (due to their speed and juggling ability), they are somewhat not as adept in PvE. Not only they lack skills giving them Super Armor, but they may also have a really hard time against enemies having Super Armor (being immune to grabbing and flinching). Fortunately, their movement skills such as Duck and Sway gives them plenty of opportunities to dodge any attacks.
The Monk can be identified by blue flames on his fists.
А ведь достаточно было всего лишь играть Суммонером, там даже криволапка-микроцефал справился бы. :3
Choosing to serve as a warrior to purify the world of evil, the Exorcist is a pure offensive class using tools like amulets, magical symbols, incantations, and his oversized weapon to defeat his enemies. Thanks to his wide range attacks, he is known for his ability to control a crowd, making him a good dependable character who can also solo dungeons with ease.
While he attacks rather slowly, his normal attacks as well as all of his physical attack skills now relies entirely on his weapon (no more fist attacks), giving the Exorcist a very wide coverage both in the x and y axis. Because of this, Exorcists can be quite intimidating to some PvPers, not really knowing the way around their attacks.
There's two branches of Exorcist, although hybrid build is possible and quite effective.
The Magical Exorcist wears cloth armor and a rosary in most case, giving him magic bonuses such as power, speed, and MP recovery. Since he's more vulnerable physically, he attacks his enemies from a distance. His magical attacks are both powerful and covers wide areas. He also has useful magic that helps enemies gather in group, such as area slow down. His main buff gives him more magic power and adds water attribute to his weapon. Being a very active magic user, he needs a decent amount MP potions to keep him going, meaning he also needs to gain a decent amount of money.
The Physical Exorcist, like the Crusader, wears plate armor, giving him strength, HP, and attack speed bonuses. He can also wield an axe or a scythe, depending of his desire to be more effective in PvE or PvP respectively. Almost all of his physical skills and attacks have now the super armor effect, making his combos very hard to be interrupted. Furthermore, he also has the ability to recharge some of his attacks to maximize the damage inflicted. His main buff gives him strength and adds fire attribute to his weapon. In overall, his very high defense, long reach, high power, and the rather cheap MP cost of his skills makes the physical exorcist one of the easiest sub-class to play in DFO.
The Exorcist is identified by the fire spirit floating behind him.
Choosing to serve as a warrior to purify the world of evil, the Exorcist is a pure offensive class using tools like amulets, magical symbols, incantations, and his oversized weapon to defeat his enemies. Thanks to his wide range attacks, he is known for his ability to control a crowd, making him a good dependable character who can also solo dungeons with ease.
While he attacks rather slowly, his normal attacks as well as all of his physical attack skills now relies entirely on his weapon (no more fist attacks), giving the Exorcist a very wide coverage both in the x and y axis. Because of this, Exorcists can be quite intimidating to some PvPers, not really knowing the way around their attacks.
There's two branches of Exorcist, although hybrid build is possible and quite effective.
The Magical Exorcist wears cloth armor and a rosary in most case, giving him magic bonuses such as power, speed, and MP recovery. Since he's more vulnerable physically, he attacks his enemies from a distance. His magical attacks are both powerful and covers wide areas. He also has useful magic that helps enemies gather in group, such as area slow down. His main buff gives him more magic power and adds water attribute to his weapon. Being a very active magic user, he needs a decent amount MP potions to keep him going, meaning he also needs to gain a decent amount of money.
The Physical Exorcist, like the Crusader, wears plate armor, giving him strength, HP, and attack speed bonuses. He can also wield an axe or a scythe, depending of his desire to be more effective in PvE or PvP respectively. Almost all of his physical skills and attacks have now the super armor effect, making his combos very hard to be interrupted. Furthermore, he also has the ability to recharge some of his attacks to maximize the damage inflicted. His main buff gives him strength and adds fire attribute to his weapon. In overall, his very high defense, long reach, high power, and the rather cheap MP cost of his skills makes the physical exorcist one of the easiest sub-class to play in DFO.
The Exorcist is identified by the fire spirit floating behind him.
да у чувака проблемы не только с руками, но и с головой на самом деле
The Avenger uses mosly magic based combat, preferring scythes for speed and skills, or rosaries for raw power. Using the power of Ozma he uses shadow element techniques and relies on his "Demon Gauge", which fills up by attacking, to utilize the trademark Devil Strike with most of his skills. They use heavy armor but are surprisingly fragile, so it's more recommended to keep some distance and position enemies in your favor. Awakening as a Doom Gaurdian, you gain the power to transform into a massive demon, greatly boosting speed and attack power. The Avenger gains a dark, smoke like aura as the cosmetic feature.
The Thief that masters the art of fighting using her blades becomes a Rogue. She's a purely physical attacker who favors direct confrontation with her enemies while slicing them swiftly with style. Unlike many other classes/subclasses, her weapons are both very fast and powerful at the same time. The Thief's stature is naturally weak, which make her more fragile than most class as a frontal combatant, but she also barely give any opportunity to her opponents to attack her as she moves around with high evasion and hit recovery.
She has many interesting movement abilities that cannot be performed by other classes, such as moving quickly on the Y axis with her sidestep or being able to jump again in midair. She performs arial attacks fairly easily as she has many attacks that launches her enemies in the sky and her movements seems to favor arial attacks in general. For that matter, she is QUITE a challenging class to fight against in PvP while being excellent in PvE.
She also has a special gauge that allows her to deliver an extra hit on certain skills with Hit End. The more the gauge is filled, the stronger her attacks become!
She favors leather armor and can either wield Dual Blades (stronger, slower) or Daggers (weaker, faster).
The Rogue can be identified by her glowing eyes.
She disturbs the peace among the dead to use them as powerful allies in battle. Giving orders to her trusty dependable ghost servant Sir Nikolas assisting her in battle, she fights evil with evil, using magical dark-based attacks that curses enemies with various effects. The majority of her spells is mid ranged and deals Area of Effect (AoE) damage. She also seems to favor spells that deals damage over time instead of packing a powerful punch, like using zombies or ghosts that clings on her enemies or spirits that floats wildly in an area to deal repetitive damage.
She is especially powerful in magic as she uses a skill called Dark Ritual, which sacrifices her HP and a high percentage of her strength to give her a high percentage of intelligence.
At later levels, she can be "possessed" by a powerful minion called Vallace the Slaughterer (another ghost she will rely on in battle), moving in unisson with every attack of the Necromancer, replacing her normal physical attacks with powerful melee magic attacks, also giving her the opportunity to cast even deadlier spells.
Her weapon of choice are wands and she wears light armor.
An excellent choice for PvE, but a rather poorer choice for PvP, especially compared to the Rogue subclass.
The Necromancer can be identified by the dark flames surrounding her?
То Семен, то Лосенок, ты уж определись, Акабурчик :3
Обычно такие люди берут персонажа полегче. Но этот идиот решил, что он скиллов. Итог - обосрался. Я даже рад что он бросит игру.
Promoted gunners can take several forms. Rangers are a stylish sort of gunner, specializing in using revolvers. They excel in critical hits and quick attacks using both their gun and their kicks. Launchers are heavy weapon specialists. They use Gatling guns, flame throwers, missiles, laser rifles and Steyr sniper rifles, dealing massive area damage to enemies. Mechanics use robots to do their bidding by summoning a veritable army of robots to destroy their master's opponents. Spitfires specialize in infusing various elements into bullets and grenades to deal damage over large areas and inflict status effects. Upon reaching level 48, the classes can further advance to Desperado, Blaster, Metalheart, and Viper respectively.
A very versatile gunner class choice, this character uses his/her pistols to deal quick damage, as well as elemental with his/her ice grenades, etc.
Later on, this character can use a skill that changes the screen into a sniper scope (when zoomed in it is similar to a first-person shooter) and the character is allowed to shoot four bullets at targets in the dungeon room.
The Spitfire is identifiable by a cartridge on his back.
A more micro-based character than the Gunner's other job choices, this character is more PVP-friendly than Dungeon-friendly. One of his/her passive skills allows the user to shoot faster with a revolver (as fast as an Auto Gun or Repeater guns later on).
Although generally used for PVP, this type of character is still a bearable choice for dungeons thanks to its passive skills that rises attack speed, the chances of piercing attacks, and critical damage (critical being a PvE only passive skill) using a revolver.
The Ranger is identified by a cigarette in his mouth.
Although this gunner does not use guns as his/her main attack, he/she is still a great character to play. The pros are that the Mechanic can summon many mech units (allowing less difficult soloing, to an extent) and deal substantial damage. On the downside, he/she is much weaker than other gunners and not as fast.
The Mechanic specialises in Autoguns for their slow and powerful but costly magical attacks and fast but weak and cheaper physical attacks and cloth armor, for its magical boosts but low defense.
The Mechanic is similar to the Summoner class, as pets are the main strength of this class rather than the actual abilities of the Mechanic itself.
The Mechanic is distinguishable by the Robot Sphere with a propeller, following it.
Almost the complete opposite of its counterpart the ranger, the launcher boasts heavy, heavy damage, as well as good AoE and is an excellent supporter in dungeons. Launchers are revered everywhere in dungeons because of their positives. They are suggested for dungeon heavy gunners, who prefer doing dungeons more than PVP.
Launchers are a subclasses of Gunner that Specialises in the Hand Cannon weapon, which is slow, power and costly with melee attacks, but weak, fast, and cheaper with magical attacks, with Heavy armor, granting increase defense of the Gunner base class, but making the Launcher slower.
Launcher Use the "sub-weapons" of the Gunner, which include Laser rifles, gatling guns, flamethrowers and more. Launcher are the Maximum range sub class, attacking at long range with high damage of its abilities, rather than close range or basic attacks.
The Launcher is distinguishable by the large rifle weapon on its back.
Я доволен результатом. Уже представляю как ты опять с пеной у рта будешь беситься, когда зайдешь в башню снова. Что дальше? Спам в чат гильдии?
Promoted fighters can take several forms. Nen Masters can support their teammates or deal their own damage using their powerful spirit. Strikers are quick fighters, using fast punches and kicks to get the job done. Brawlers can use dirty tricks such as throwing sand or nets, or inflicting status effects rather than fighting straightforward and fair. Grapplers continue to train their bodies to grab and throw their opponents. Upon reaching level 48, the classes can further advance to Blazing Flower, Champion, Hellcat, and Dervish respectively.
Nen Master[edit]
A Nen Master's primary equipment is Cloth Armor that they specialise in for boosts that the Mage starts with, like casting speed boosts and magical regeneration. They use the knuckles weapons, which have very fasts melee attacks and are highly magical. They have relatively low physical attacks and have downtime and MP costs reductions for melee attacks and increases for magical attacks. This means they have powerful but slow magic and fast but weak melee.
The Nen Master overall is a magical fighter, with little melee ability due to low defense and most attacks geared towards range, magic, and defense. The Nen Master is the most extreme fighter, being complete opposite of its base class, but its very interesting because of its explosive effects beyond melee.
A Nen Master can be identified by her golden aura.
The Striker is based mostly on the base Fighter, with many melee abilities but little range. The Striker bases itself on Light Armor and Gauntlets, and slow physical based weapons. The Striker is powerful in melee but weak at range and the gauntlets reinforce this with powerful but slow attacks including special skills, but fast and weak magical attacks.
The Fighter enhances many of the base Fighter attacks along the Striker skill tree, similar to the Blade Master who enhances the base Blade Master tree the Slayer uses.
The assets of a Striker lies in her strength potential (which is the highest of all classes/subclasses) and her Super Armor skill, a buff usually given by items or fairies, giving her a great advantage over any other close combat class/subclasses in defense and uninterrupted attacks.
A Striker is identified by her shining fists (although hard to see) or boxing gloves.
Instead of reaching for power, the Brawler equips herself with weapons to pull cheap tricks on her enemies while attacking. This subclass rather focuses on inflicting various status aliments and taking advantage of weak moments to strike (like hitting them in the face while they're laying on the floor). Unlike most classes which concentrates either in physical or magical attacks, she is rather versatile as some of her skills relies on both physical and magical attack at the same time.
As for her weapon, she mainly relies on claws to deliver quick but useful cutting blows that can cause bleeding along with the claw mastery. She also fancies heavy armor, giving her strength and intelligence bonuses.
A Brawler can be identified by the bandaid on her face and scars around her legs.
The Grappler is basically a Fighter who followed the path of the wrestler, relying on grabbing and throwing skills to damage her opponents for both offensive and defensive purposes. She has strong grabbing skills which most of them interrupts her enemies actions, leaving them defenseless against her throwing spree and preventing the Grappler of being hit by many attacks. Specialising in grabbing and throwing makes her very potent both in PvE (solo or in a party) and PvP.
As for enemies that has Super Armor or can't be thrown, grabbing is replaced by a blow that deals the same damage as the initial skill used, making the Grappler useful even against throwing immune enemies.
Her weapons of choice are either gauntlets (for power) or tonfas (for speed and hit rate). She specialise in light armor, raising her strength and defense stats.
Grapplers are also adept of area damage. Her skills that doesn't involve any throwing deals area damage, and even if her grabbing/throwing skills are directed torward single enemies, most of them hits surrounding enemies with splash damage.
a Grappler can be identified by the white bandana she's wearing.
The characters in Dungeon Fighter Online are basically set classes in the game. Players can create a total of three characters, with 5 other slots currently locked (perhaps purchasable, perhaps enabled in the future). Characters act differently in terms of moves (since they use different weapons) and each class is visibly different (appearance is unaffected by equipment).
A player starts out in a town every time he logs onto a server. NPCs sell items, buy things from the player, give quests, fix equipment, etc.
In every town there is a "Seria's". It is marked with a two white stone statues on both sides of the doorway. In here, a girl named Seria gives some quests and sells items and avatar accessories that require money counted in Seras. Seras are converted from real money or obtained free of charge from some special events. There is also a safe (stores up to eight different items, as long as their total weight is below 8 kg, however the safe can be upgraded holding more items, and also unlimited weight) and a Mailbox (used to send messages and items to other characters/players.)
In every town there is at least one area where when a character walks off the screen, the player will enter a dungeon selection mode. When in a dungeon, each room you enter will decrease your fatigue by 1. Each character has 156 fatigue to spend each day. If you run out of fatigue in the middle of a dungeon, you may continue to clear as many rooms as you wish until you either die or finish the dungeon. Without fatigue, a character can still walk around town and do PVP.
What the section name says. Using the current skin (Dolphin), a normal section jumplink works properly (click the "First Job" section link from the Maple Story/Warrior/Skills page - the first thing you should see is the words "First Job" on the top-left article page). However, if you click a non-section jumplink like say the "Slash Blast" sprite image link, instead of seeing the accompanied sprite image with the words "Slash Blast", the first thing you will see is the words "Warrior Mastery" with a different image before the skill name. Adding insult into injury, before the words "Warrior Mastery" is a table named "Slash Blast level data" behind the fading part of the UI at the very top. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before when I encountered it some time ago; can someone please fix this? --RAP (talk) 04:21, 23 January 2015 (UTC)
Yea, it's a really hard bug to fix. Browsers don't seem to like the header at the top and won't properly scroll it slightly higher. If someone can suggest a proper solution, I'd be glad to implement it. -- Prod (talk) 07:25, 23 January 2015 (UTC)
What makes other skins tick in jumplinking non-section parts of the article? Simply because there's no moving UI when scrolling up and down? What makes non-section jumplinks special from normal section jumplinks? You couldn't just add a custom width pixel size to make sure it is shown properly? It saddens me since the non-section jumplinks I implemented a few articles (with User:PirateIzzy basing this use off from my initial design for several MapleStory skills articles) are rendered useless. Would the soft fallback solution be to make the moving UI at the bottom of the screen in the page? --RAP (talk) 09:47, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
I agree, RAP, this is an issue. Probably the only issue I have left with Dolphin. However, it has nothing to do with linking to an ID on a page. It has to do with the CSS that codes the page links and the stylized fade at the top of the content section (bottom right quadrant) of any page you are viewing. The faded white gradient is just below the links like 'Edit' and 'History', and these buttons are what is covering up the text you linked to. Your browser is going to the correct location, but Dolphin is basically putting an image over the top of what you want to see. I will play around with the code to see if I can come up with a solution. --Notmyhandle (talk • contribs) 06:51, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
I found a solution. However, I cannot add it yet. This is what we could add code to the shared CSS:
div#content.mw-body {margin-top: 65px;}
However, although it will fix the linked content correctly, it will add a 65px margin of whitespace at the top of every page. Although it doesn't break the skin, it is obviously a waste of whitespace. Prod, it looks like the page dynamically changes when we scroll down. E.g. while looking at the CSS, if I scroll one mouse-wheel down I see the logo disappear, and then one more scroll wheel down I see div#content-nav-container gain the 'fixed' class. Basically what we need is my code to be dynamically added once the readers scroll down to the same point where that fixed class gets added (or, preferably, one scroll further). I am unfamiliar with how this type of behavior is coded. I see some references online to jquery, I'm sure it could be done in Javascript or maybe PHP. I am searching through the publicly viewable code for hints, but haven't found it yet. --Notmyhandle (talk • contribs) 18:54, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
What the section name says. Using the current skin (Dolphin), a normal section jumplink works properly (click the "First Job" section link from the Maple Story/Warrior/Skills page - the first thing you should see is the words "First Job" on the top-left article page). However, if you click a non-section jumplink like say the "Slash Blast" sprite image link, instead of seeing the accompanied sprite image with the words "Slash Blast", the first thing you will see is the words "Warrior Mastery" with a different image before the skill name. Adding insult into injury, before the words "Warrior Mastery" is a table named "Slash Blast level data" behind the fading part of the UI at the very top. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before when I encountered it some time ago; can someone please fix this? --RAP (talk) 04:21, 23 January 2015 (UTC)
Yea, it's a really hard bug to fix. Browsers don't seem to like the header at the top and won't properly scroll it slightly higher. If someone can suggest a proper solution, I'd be glad to implement it. -- Prod (talk) 07:25, 23 January 2015 (UTC)
What makes other skins tick in jumplinking non-section parts of the article? Simply because there's no moving UI when scrolling up and down? What makes non-section jumplinks special from normal section jumplinks? You couldn't just add a custom width pixel size to make sure it is shown properly? It saddens me since the non-section jumplinks I implemented a few articles (with User:PirateIzzy basing this use off from my initial design for several MapleStory skills articles) are rendered useless. Would the soft fallback solution be to make the moving UI at the bottom of the screen in the page? --RAP (talk) 09:47, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
I agree, RAP, this is an issue. Probably the only issue I have left with Dolphin. However, it has nothing to do with linking to an ID on a page. It has to do with the CSS that codes the page links and the stylized fade at the top of the content section (bottom right quadrant) of any page you are viewing. The faded white gradient is just below the links like 'Edit' and 'History', and these buttons are what is covering up the text you linked to. Your browser is going to the correct location, but Dolphin is basically putting an image over the top of what you want to see. I will play around with the code to see if I can come up with a solution. --Notmyhandle (talk • contribs) 06:51, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
I found a solution. However, I cannot add it yet. This is what we could add code to the shared CSS:
div#content.mw-body {margin-top: 65px;}
However, although it will fix the linked content correctly, it will add a 65px margin of whitespace at the top of every page. Although it doesn't break the skin, it is obviously a waste of whitespace. Prod, it looks like the page dynamically changes when we scroll down. E.g. while looking at the CSS, if I scroll one mouse-wheel down I see the logo disappear, and then one more scroll wheel down I see div#content-nav-container gain the 'fixed' class. Basically what we need is my code to be dynamically added once the readers scroll down to the same point where that fixed class gets added (or, preferably, one scroll further). I am unfamiliar with how this type of behavior is coded. I see some references online to jquery, I'm sure it could be done in Javascript or maybe PHP. I am searching through the publicly viewable code for hints, but haven't found it yet. --Notmyhandle (talk • contribs) 18:54, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
My antivirus (Avast) is going insane with the site at the moment. So far it's blocked these for apparently being malware (it doesn't want to give me any more details than that):
Every image on the site
Main.css (so the skin doesn't show up)
These are probably false positives (last I checked CSS files can't be executed without changing them to EXEs or whatever), but I thought it was better to mention them anyway.
I'll run a full virus scan on my computer anyway, in case there's something on my end, and report back if anything does show up. --Moydow T · C 09:40, 23 January 2015 (UTC)
All the images and skin related css is hosted from the wikimg domain, so it might be having an issue with that server. Maybe it doesn't like the fact that the IP address behind it changed? -- Prod (talk) 21:28, 23 January 2015 (UTC)
This is happening to me as well, so it's probably a server-side problem. Or maybe it's just Avast overreacting? T.testLP(talk) 10:00, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
Still happening. Full scan found nothing. Trying to go directly to wikimg.net just results in the connection being blocked, so there's something about that server it doesn't like (not sure what though). --Moydow T · C 13:39, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
Avast must have blacklisted them for some reason. Try opening a thread on their forum. They appreciate reports like these. --Notmyhandle (talk • contribs) 06:47, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
Yep, it was a false positive. Went to their support forums; they've unblocked it, and all is well again. --Moydow T · C 20:27, 27 January 2015 (UTC)
Thanks very much for following up on this and getting it cleared up! -- Prod (talk) 05:51, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
I think it would be beneficial to have a partnership with Wookieepedia, even though they are on Wikia. I was looking at this diff and thinking about how many Star Wars games there are, with so much minor lore. Should I say hi to an administrator and see if this is something they would like to do? And if so, what would we ask of them in return? Maybe it's fine to link to them without a partnership? I know we want to exclude external links as much as possible, but on the other hand I know we don't want this much data, like our setup with Bulbapedia. Maybe just set up a template for them without them linking back to us? Does Bulbapedia ever link to us? --Notmyhandle (talk • contribs) 00:19, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
With BP, each pokemon has a fair bit of detail and is fairly important to the game. I'm not sure how true that is for every character in the Star Wars universe. I don't think it's that beneficial to have that kind of extensive linking within a page (irrespective of partnership).
I do think that a partnership with them may be good, possibly better than the one with Bulbapedia. There's a whole universe of Star Wars, completely outside the gaming world, which will never be within our scope. Although they're wikia, they're still probably the best resource for this info.
I'd say go ahead and ask them if they'd be interested. Most of our partnerships involve the other site linking to our game pages from their pages about the game. We can link back to them in a similar way, or perhaps with an "external links" section at the bottom of certain pages (for example a page about the various planets). All depends on what would be most useful for the reader.
-- Prod (talk) 06:00, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
Region: Grand Flores
Recommended Level: 3~5
Clear Lorien Hollow; move to Hendon Myre.
Feature Monsters: Goblin, Goblin Thrower, Tau Warrior, Hilgave, Sigave, Scaredy-Goblin
Boss: Tau Beast
Boss Strategy: You shouldn't have any difficulty here.
Mirkwood Hollow[edit]
Region: Grand Flores
Recommended Level: 4-7
Clear Mirkwood.
Feature Monsters: Hilgave, Sigave, Lugaru, Goblin Chief Thrower, Goblin Chief, Bunkers (Stationary, aggressive)
Boss: Kurogaru
Boss Strategy: Same as Mirkwood.
Region: Grand Flores
Recommended Level: 5-8
Clear Mirkwood Hollow.
Feature Monsters: Flag Sigave, Sirogaru, Tau Assaulter
Boss: Lightning Knoll
Boss Strategy: Watch the ground for yellow circles and get out of the way of them. Lightning Kinoll releases lightning about two seconds after the yellow circles.
Poison Thunderland[edit]
Unlocked after clearing Thunderland
Recommended Level: 7-10
Enemies: Lugaru, Sirogaru, Goblin family
Boss: Penril
Boss Strategy: The Boss here randomly emits a poison cloud which is deadly at low levels but has a short range. If you have a mid to long range atttack/skill, use it until it dies.
Mirkwood Frost[edit]
Level Requirement: 11-14
Opened up immediately after reaching level 11.
Enemies: Tau family, Kurogaru, Lugaru, and few Goblins
Boss: King Tau
Boss Strategy: He has a type of shield that is used when he hits the ground with his axe or when he is charging. Best bet if you are close combat person is hit and get out of range. Mid range and far range - just shoot him as much as you can but get away when he is charging. The Tau guards have shields too.
Region: Grand Flores
Recommended Level: 3~5
Clear Lorien Hollow; move to Hendon Myre.
Feature Monsters: Goblin, Goblin Thrower, Tau Warrior, Hilgave, Sigave, Scaredy-Goblin
Boss: Tau Beast
Boss Strategy: You shouldn't have any difficulty here.
Mirkwood Hollow[edit]
Region: Grand Flores
Recommended Level: 4-7
Clear Mirkwood.
Feature Monsters: Hilgave, Sigave, Lugaru, Goblin Chief Thrower, Goblin Chief, Bunkers (Stationary, aggressive)
Boss: Kurogaru
Boss Strategy: Same as Mirkwood.
Region: Grand Flores
Recommended Level: 5-8
Clear Mirkwood Hollow.
Feature Monsters: Flag Sigave, Sirogaru, Tau Assaulter
Boss: Lightning Knoll
Boss Strategy: Watch the ground for yellow circles and get out of the way of them. Lightning Kinoll releases lightning about two seconds after the yellow circles.
Poison Thunderland[edit]
Unlocked after clearing Thunderland
Recommended Level: 7-10
Enemies: Lugaru, Sirogaru, Goblin family
Boss: Penril
Boss Strategy: The Boss here randomly emits a poison cloud which is deadly at low levels but has a short range. If you have a mid to long range atttack/skill, use it until it dies.
Mirkwood Frost[edit]
Level Requirement: 11-14
Opened up immediately after reaching level 11.
Enemies: Tau family, Kurogaru, Lugaru, and few Goblins
Boss: King Tau
Boss Strategy: He has a type of shield that is used when he hits the ground with his axe or when he is charging. Best bet if you are close combat person is hit and get out of range. Mid range and far range - just shoot him as much as you can but get away when he is charging. The Tau guards have shields too.
Unlocks after beating Grakqarak
Recommended Level: Mid to high teens
Enemies: Tau Family, Sigaves
Boss: Flaming Binoche
Boss Strategy: She chucks meteors and lights the ground on fire. In order to dodge the meteors you have to look where the yellow glyphs are showing up and run the way she is facing because they come from behind her.
Shadow Thunderland[edit]
Unlocks Through quest
Recommended Level: Mid to High Teens
Enemies: Forest Zombie, Progue, Kurogarus, Penril(rare), Red Zombie
Boss: Ghoulguish
Boss Strategy: When you're in the boss room you'll notice there is a white aura under your feet. This aura damages you about every 5 seconds if you are on the ground. Jump every few seconds to avoid damage and attack in between jumps.
A place where there are dragons with attributes such as mutant and human.
Boss: Lakius
Boss spawn (no name)
Louis Sermalion
The easiest way to beat the dungeon is to always have a type of Gunner (Ranger, Spitfire, etc.) and anytime Lakius falls, back up, because when he falls about two seconds later he will get up and create a Thunder Field doing a good amount of damage. Also there will be a lot of dragons in boss room. Kill all the Sermalions and Louis Sermalions. Next you should kill all the Mirkius and Minius. Then (if in this situation) kill boss spawn. The boss and his spawn will sometimes freeze and at that moment that means a cage is going to trap you for an amount of time or until you or your team member breaks it.
If you are playing a melee oriented character, your first order of business should be to take out the red dragon statues in the room. If not destroyed, these statues will fire at you, messing up your combos and sapping large amounts of HP. In fact, if caught between a fire blast and the bosses electric field, you can be bounced back and forth between the two in an endless chain, taking you from full health to nothing in seconds. After you are down to fighting Lakius, make sure to take it slow. The way to win is by carefully hitting him with short combos and then running backwards to avoid his electric field when he stands up. If you get "greedy" and try to hit him too fast, you run the risk of getting shocked.
They have the most Health and Armor Points amongst all the classes, however they have the lowest magic points of all the classes. Slayers are able to use Katanas, Bludgeons, Great Swords, and Short Swords. Blade Masters are also able to wield Beam Swords.
He can be promoted to a Blade Master, who trains his swordsmanship in spite of the demon's disturbance, and is recommended for beginners; a Berserker, who gets their name by throwing themselves into the middle of a fight and sacrificing their own health to deal damage; a Soul Bender, which can summon various demon spirits to buff allies or damage enemies; or an Asura, who sacrifices his vision in order to gain powers such as imbuing their weapons with elemental properties. Also has Wave attacks such as Fire Wave and Neutral Wave Sword. Upon reaching level 48, the classes can further advance to Grand Master, Hell Bringer, Soul Reaper, and Dark Knight.
Blade Master[edit]
To be able to use both of his hands to master sword combat, the slayer decides to completely seal the power of his possessed arm with a built regulator. He's now able to handle weapons with a lot more ease with both hands and greatly excels in melee combat. The easiest class to handle for beginner, balancing both the ease of use and power.
The Blade Master is the basic "Swordman" class. His skills are mostly basic blade techniques that are short ranged, swift, and strong while relying entirely on his weapon strength. He also has the ability to handle weapons better as he has masteries for every weapon the slayer can wield with an additional weapon called "Lightsaber", the weakest/fastest weapon of the Blade Master. Depending on the weapon mastered, skills and attacks gains added effects upon reaching a certain level of mastery. He can also choose between maximizing the durability of his weapon or maximizing the damage at the cost of durability.
His armor of choice is light armor, giving him more movement freedom and raising strength stats mostly.
Blade Masters can be distinguished by their Kazan-possessed demon-arm being sealed, which is now White instead of Red as the base slayer.
Ashe Fork
Triple Slash
Upward Slash
Aerial Chain Slash
Soul Bender[edit]
The slayer chooses to take control of his possessed arm by breaking the seal of its shackle and mastering shadow elemental powers, allowing him to summon demonic ghosts to aid him in battle and to use their power to release powerful attacks of his own.
The Soul Bender is mostly a magical fighter that uses Cloth armor with magical based boost, and either Short Swords, that have strong and slow magical but fast and weak physical attacks, or Katanas with fast attacks balanced in Magical and Physical attacks.
The Soul Bender has the weakest stature of all the Slayer subclasses, due to his need of wearing cloth armor and his rather magical nature. While he gains a few straightforward attacks, his way of damaging enemies relies mostly on chanelling ghosts (Kazan, Hazy-Eyed Bremen, After Image Keiga, Rhasa:Carrier of plagues, and Lunar) in the battlefield, dealing damage over time and area of effect damage. He also has a great number of buffs to both prevent him from being hit too often and to buff his attacks/lower enemy resistance to shadow/cause abnormal status effects to be able to deal higher damage with his magical attacks.
The Soul Bender can be identified by a shadow aura floating around him.
Ghost Slash
Moonlight Slash
Ghost Slash Drive
Moonlight Slash x3
After Image Keiga
Hazy-Eyed Bremen
Ice Saya
Ghost Step
Driven by the hunger for power and destruction, the slayer chooses to let his possessed arm take over him, unleashing enormous powers at the dangerous cost of his sanity and his health he now barely controls. Entering a berserked state, he kills and destroy everything in his way in a furious rage while hungering for a bloody scenario.
The Berserker has the highest physical damage output of all Slayer subclasses. Instead of relying constantly on MP to use his skills, he rather relies heavily on his health. The Berserker is mostly about survival and killing his foes very quickly. The more he weakens as he is consumed by his arm (the less HP he has), the more powerful becomes his attacks. Not to worry though, a Berserker can recover a good amount of his health with ease with its Die Hard ability when his health reaches a critical state.
All of his skills releases heavy amounts of blood splashing everywhere and dealing high damage while having a certain chance to make enemy bleed. His attack is often powered up with power of buffs when it successfully hits a bleeding enemy.
The Berserker gains his signature move at level 35, called Frenzy. It puts the berserker in a trance state that slowly drains his health while giving him an additional blood sword to wield, replacing his normal attack with a powerful 8 hits combo (4 hits with 2 swords) instead of the Slayer's regular 3 hits combo. Furthermore, bleeding enemy who are defeated gets their blood absorbed to restore the Berserker's health.
In overall, the Berserker can be a challenging class due to its constant low health, but in the hands of a careful player, he is plain deadly.
The Berserker can be identified by its red glowing eyes.
Bloody Cross
Gore Cross
Mountainous Wheel
Outrage Break
Like his mentor G.S.D., the Slayer decides to sacrifice his sight (more specifically, his eyes) to Kazan in exchange to be able gain magical powers in form of waves... giving long range elemental abilities to the slayer. He is then following the ways of what is called an Asura.
Asuras are basically elemental Slayers that specializes in long range area covering skills. These skills are mostly expressed in form of waves released from the weapon he's wielding or from the Asura's body. Being able to tank enemies with his powerful armory, he can also run in packs of enemies and use many skills that releases mid ranged wave around him, as well as waves that draws his enemies to him, push them back, or damage them over time!
Being magical beings, they do favor Short Swords (highest magical attack) and Katanas (Fast, high magic attack). Unlike most magical users however, they wield Plate Armor, giving them very high defense and making them very sturdy characters. Their heavy defense makes them slower attackers. They are a great choice of character for PvE, as they are mostly effective against big groups of monsters with their wide and long ranged attacks.
Because of their rather counterintuitive nature, Asuras are recommended for advanced players, as they seem to be hard to master by most players.
An Asura can be identified by two bands over his eyes, like G.S.D.
Neutral Wave Sword
Wave-Wheel Slasher
Hostility Detection
Wave Manifestation Brand
Ice Wave Sword
Mind Snap!
Wave Radiation
Ghost Orb
Spirit Crescent
Murderous Wave
Fire Wave Sword
Deadly Enticer
Ground Quaker
Agni Pentacle
Wave Eye>>5300861
1 Short Sword
2 Katana
3 Zanbato
4 Bludgeon
5 Lightsabre
Short Sword[edit]
Short Swords are used by Slayers. They have an average physical attack and a high power magic attack. The greater majority of Short Swords have an average attack speed, and are most widely used by the magical Slayer classes such as Soul Bender and Asura. Short Swords also have the worst range,if even by a little, of all the Slayer class weaponry.
Katanas are weapons belonging to the Slayer. They are the fastest Slayer weapon next to the Lightsabre, and as such they have stats slightly worse than the Short Sword's. Because of their higher magical attack and great speed, the Katana is a primary choice for the Soul Bender and Asura.
Slayers may wield Zanbatos. With a slow attack speed, Zanbatos still boast the greatest physical attack of all the Slayer weapons, but it's at the cost of magic attack; the Zanbato has the worst magic attack of any Slayer weapon. The Zanbato is a popular choice for Berserkers since they have the greatest attack.
Bludgeon weapons are used by Slayers and are in close relation with the Zanbato. Bludgeon weapons also have a slow attack speed but a more balanced ratio of attack to magic; Bludgeon weapons sacrifice some of their attack to go towards their magic attack, providing a better balanced attack combination than a Zanbato, but still keeping great attack. The Bludgeon is for Berserkers that do not want to give up all their magic attack for physical power.
Lightsabres, a weapon solely belonging to the Blade Master(Slayer) subclass, are the most balanced weapon of the Slayer. The Blade Master must have the skill "Lightsabre License" to equip a Lightsabre. Their physical and magical attack are very close in relation, with the magical attack being slightly higher than the physical. Lightsabres are the fastest Slayer weapons, with "very fast" speed.
Надо с него бонус на эксп снять в гильде, лол.
Пригоруша. :с
Интересно, конец ОБТ плавно перетечет в релиз, или сделают перерыв на пару месяцев?
Ну про ДЦП слышать от человека, которого убивают мобы 1х1 - оксюморон :3

Не будут делать перерыв. Верь мне.
Во вторых, у тебя есть опыт на америке, уж поверь, ты тут практически один такой
В третьих, иди и хвастайся своим чсв в вконтактике) и на хуеке
Уот это вряд ли, ведь из новых чаров можно делать неплохой праздник, с эвэнтами.
Успевание начнется с релиза имхо, и будет где нить в течении полугода.
1) 1 хуй
2) На америке не было ТоД
3) у меня нет оного
4) мог просто совета попросить< а не исходить на говно
3)Конечно, так скок у тебя денег 25кк?)))))
4)С долбаебами не общаюсь, прости
2) niet. Когда я играл - точно не было
3) И?
4) чот как-то незаметно
Кстати, для любителей изи-мода на хай лвле
в данже Final Pursuit будет Эпик встретить генерала Navarre. Заходите в данж - с этим наварре все чистите, потом квест отменяете (или просто не сдаете - не помню) и по новой
Можно дрочить, а он сам вычищает всё даже на ультимейте
ДК недоумевает ИТТ.
Это не тот неадекват писал. Сам магом играю.
Что прости, я не понимаю собачий язык.
Ну охуеть, значит у других на крузе все проходится а у тебя, внезапно нет? На тытрубе полно видео, на форуме обсуждения есть, со скилбилдом под этажи и т.д.
Если перестанет то подарю обязательно. А так, похоже что никому и не нужно
Все, что не перманетно, будет сразу пропадать из инвентаря или занимать место в инвентарный с пометкой "надо продлить"?
Ну вот докачивай а я придержу броньку :3
А ещё асуры и физ экзорцисты

Неправда, я няша, всегда готов дать совет. :3
Куклы лоу лвла почти бесполезны, там и так все чистится лицом. Поглубже в данжи можно использовать кукол, чтобы не тратить поты и время. Ценятся специфические, типа Сьюэрс Принцесс или Герлс оф Руин которые могут в соло пройти за тебя илитные данжи.
Куклы для 70+ лвл наверное не имеют смысла потому, что если тебе требуется кукла, то как ты вообще стал 70ым?
Диз имеет шансы собирать дорогие голд кубы, зарабатывает на своей машине.
Ловите ебанутого
Который собрался на глобале проходить Кинг Рели или Нойре Ферру, которых тут нет
Я тебе пример привел, зачем куклы могут быть использованы, хуесос.
Вывод: Общая причина использования кукол - это не хватка твоего личного ДПС для комфортной (по времени, по ресурсозатратам) зачистки данжа.
А уж почему у тебя такая ситуация - другой вопрос, может ты эквип не обновил, а может ты играешь за дно.
вряд ли мы схожего лвла, но оставь скуп, добавлю.
Мегафоны читай.
Сириусли еба?
Хоть пруфов и нет, сменил. Ну нахуй.
У меня 1 мейн и 2 твинка всего
У последней авак такая милота :3
> Или только выбивать/крафтить алхимиком?
Это и на ауке. Еще продают вендоры около данжей за итемы которые дропаются в данжах, но этом ничем не отличается от "выбивать".
Это ж пиздец. Все что выше 8 лвла требует голд кубов. Причем дохуя, по 5 штук.
Минутка экономики.
Вот возьмем ебучего аганзо, допустим его средняя рыночная цена 70к. Для него нужно 5 голд кубов, 1 экспшенал протеин, 5 зоэтиков.
Зоэтики - 800 за штуку.
1 протеин - 4к.
1 голд куб - 10к.
Издержки примерно 60к, чистая прибыль 10к.
Рассматривая рецепты ниже лвлом там вообще ололо, принцесска продается практически по с\с.
Может я слишком дохуя хочу и это норм обстановка? Но тогда до ахуллиардов на нужный шмот никогда не накопишь. В чем подвох?
А ты чем решил "ЗАРАБОТАТЬ"? Купить 2 ресурса по 10к, нажать КРАФТ и продать за 100?
А чтобы накопить - ежедневно на паре чаров 65+ сжигай ФП на дейлики и данжи, продавай нигилистики и будеь по 500к++ получать
Заработать раскачкой профы.
>нигилистики и будеь по 500к++ получать
Ну и чем это отличается от "продавай ресы своей профы"?
Нигилистики стоит от 5к за штуку, аниматором с одной блу шмотки я получаю примерно 5-7 зоэтиков по 800. Почти те же 5к.
Что-то золотых гор нихуя не вижу даже в перспективе.
Под раскачкой ты понимаешь 30 раз нажать крафт? Так и я могу "РАСКАЧАТЬ" за 15 минут до макс лвла на твинке, потратив 5кк например, а потом начать возмущаться - где бабло!?
Хватит тупить.
Заработать ты можешь или фармом или донатом. Всё.
Изи способов нету, иначе ими все бы пользовались.
P.S. Я хуй знает зачем ты разбиваешь голубые шмотки профой, с которых получается 50-100 чистых фрагов (это 4-8к) + 20 (1к) или 200+ (10к) при крите цветных; а не дизассемблером
P.P.S. ну точнее более-менее изи способ есть, точнее уже почти был и позволил на шару сделать 60кк. Но он уже тю-тю
ну кароч я те сказал - делаешь все дейлики на нигилистики, продаешь их и дроп и получаешь минимум 500к
Дебрисы нужны только для 2х популярных вещей - квест на капсулу и первой хроники шмотье. Так как это все быстро проходимо, а второе и не нужно пока что, нигилистики твой выбор
Да. Шортсорды нужны хаосам, ибо ориентированы на магатаку. Друидессе же нужен занбато, дабы бить ебала физухой.
И да, чтоб не писать второй пост. Посоны, за сколько вы проходите или проходили 40 лвл тавер? Интересно, насколько я мудак и ничтожество.
We will be performing a temporary maintenance, Apr 21, 2015, starting at 08:00(UTC), 01:00 (PDT). Maintenance is expected to last approximately four hours.
Maintenance notes
- Dark Knight and Creator quest error fixed
- KDNF artwork appearance fixed
- Bellatrix skill text error fixed
- Text error fixed
- Mileage issue fixed (It should have been given per account not per character)
>Посоны, за сколько вы проходите или проходили 40 лвл тавер? Интересно, насколько я мудак и ничтожество.
Какая разница? Не умер - молодец.

25 камней по 5к или 10 по 6к, что же выбрать
алсо на крафт подобной штуки нужно 50 хаосов ака 500 дебрисов
Ещё один тупорылый
На ауке и то и то стоит одинаково
Но дебрисов дают 25, а нигилистиков 10
Сука откуда вы такие тупые лезете
Шортсворды нужны хаосам потому что у них на них мастери. Магатака вообще не при чём, нахуй иди.
Советую вопросы задаватб в ВК группе, потому что тут реально уебаны отвечают, которые вчера спрашивали где взять шкуру йети, а сегодня клянчат эмперор хельмы.
Эта хуйня же 4-5 кк стоит. Нахуй это надо? Чтобы она хотя бы ОКУПИЛАСЬ тебе надо накрафтить на 100кк+ по продажной цене.
>Yesterday, we banned thousands of accounts related to hacking/3rd party tool use activities/gold farming bots, according to our investigation and will keep the game clean to protect the game.
Хаосы добываются намного проще дебрисов. Их тупо за башню дают. Так что это не в счёт.
И правильно. Нехуй задротить.
Да они же нахуй не нужны, так навалятся.
Иди-ка ты нахуй. То, что у эльвен найта мастери на занбаты, а у хаоса мастери на шортсорды, никак, блядь, не отменяет того факта, что у последних магатака больше, чем у первых.
До чего ты тупой, я охуеваю.
У хаоса ВСЕ скиллы фиксед - им похуй на маг атаку. АБСОЛЮТНО. Можно бегать с пустым слотом на оружие - дамаг будет таким же. Так что иди на хуй ещё раз.
Поясни тогда, что нужно собирать Хаосу чтобы увеличивать дамаг? На что закладываться в первую очередь?
не-тот-анон, нюфажка
Да пока его не порежут дамаг и так охуевающий. Можно бегать в шмоте 20-го лвла и водить хуём по клаве.
а чтобы УВЕЛИЧИТЬ - тебе нужен интеллект и +к скиллам.
Fixed Damage
(Skill Fixed)(1 + Intelligence/250)
+ к инте, + к скиллам, + к маг дамагу
только атака и заточка на оружии не дают фиксед скиллам ничего
100кк оборота не так и много, всякие фатигу и реинфорс по 200к, кубов вчера перегнал на 10кк точно
Не знаю какой там реально шанс, но описание точно кривое, более 10% белых вещей дало больше бутылок при разборке, но только 3 вместо 2х
Да его и так недавно порезали сильно. Если сейчас он так бьёт, то что же до этого было.
Да заебал ты блядь, мы тут разговариваем, поясняем ньюфагам за жизнь, за перспективу, а не глотки друг другу грызем, нечего сказать - вали нахуй блядь, уебок пизданутый.
А не напиздел
Эта хуйня стоит 14кк
Так что продать на 300кк надо
Кубы при перегонке критуют?
Тут алхимики разбираются, лучше не влезай.
под 100 или 120 я имею ввиду что выдавало и 110 и 120 иногда, корейский рандом как он есть
А почему алхимик, а не аниматор или диз?
Из-за того что исходные ресы после распила самые дорогие?
Ну я своего найта качаю замаксив всех самонов, кроме первых двух самых оснновных.
Там действительно похуй.
Ну только Big Daddy я бы старался получить ++ на шмоте. На остальных пох
Я тоже не стал качать первых, потому что под них просто нет места в пуле. 3 вички и 5 войнов (с баффом чуть больше: +1 вичка и 2 война)
А почему папочку, а не Кролеву?
Патаму што заместа каралевы у миня мамка твойа)))))))))))))))))))))))))000000000
сук пздц(((
>Можно бегать с пустым слотом на оружие
А ты сними пушку и посмотри как изменится дамаг твоих "фиксед" скиллов.


независимая атака меняет силу фиксед дамага, но ёё заточкой не изменишь, статы же увеличиваются чем угодно
Дружок, я говорил образно. Сравни эксперимент выше с фиксед скиллами и с %-ными.
А я вот не юзаю вибранто, какой-то ебанутый скилл.
Задонатишь как введут шоп нормальный и можно будет.
ласенок а как же классек?
Гранд чейз сделан на основе ДФО и Маплы.
Кем хош, они все интересные. Выбирай по внешнему виду.
Нету. Ещё башню делай трижды. Ну и я бы покупал ФП банку на 50 ФП за Майлэйдж (F5)
Соболезную тем, кто выбирает в любых играх самонеров или им подобных.
А вообще тут уже тысячу раз говорилось, что это фановые классы и что ими лучше не начинать. Но как по мне ими лучше и не играть никогда. Криэйтор, Эльф Найт и Слеер с раком.
>или еще какой хитрый способ качаться на 45+ есть?
Эпик квесты дают больше всех экспы, делай их в первую очередь. На 50+ три раза в день пробегаешь башню и алтарь(и). Последние вроде должны сбрасываться при левелапе, так что шесть раз.
У торговки в конце данжей, или у городского дизассемблера.
Хуевый совет, особенно с учетом фикса бага. Майлэйдж это основной рес под арты на будущее. резонно их копить.
Ахуел штоле? Давай минусы перечисляй, уёба, а то впечатление он испортил себе.
Я не он, но хаос полная хуйня, потому что у него урон слишком большой и он легко всех убивает. Пока его не пофиксят, чтобы он всех убивал с трудом, это не класс, а так, хуйня.
Ты реально контуженный.
ВСЕ, блядь, ВООБЩЕ ВСЕ новые, только впиливаемые классы, кажутся ОВЕРПАУЭРЕД. Так было с монками, так было с мэйл магами, так было с эвэнжерами и некромантами.
Вот только это нихуя не показатель. Потому что игра начинается на 70+, там профы уравниваются, и там Хаосу будет трудно из-за своего фиксированного дамага.
Поэтому когда качали тех же саммонеров не брали ему дракончика, т.к. у него дамаг фиксед, а вот Эчеверрия была 10\10, мало того то финальный саммон (кроме эвэйка), так еще и процентный дамаг, могла выдавать заоблачный урон.

Ну...чтобы чар был БЫСТРЫЙ. И сильно бил. Кто вообще тут самый тащибельный?
Ну у тебя и реквесты, мань. Тут все чары достаточно быстры и сильно бьют. Ты сначала определись, какой вид атаки тебе больше нравится - ближний бой или стрельба с дальних дистанций, возможно тебя интересует чёрная или элементальная магия. Затем тип урона - по области или в одну цель. И в завершении, внешний вид + предпочтение по оружию (мечи\топоры\кастеты и т.д.).
На основании этого и выбираешь класс. Положняк такой, что файтеры ближнего боя доставляют больше удовольствия, т.к. напоминают приставочные битэмапы. Да и залезь ты уже на ютуб, там тысячи видосов по каждому классу.
Приятно играть всеми. Удачи.
Ну так по анимациям больше всего понравился Файтер, но какой подкласс лучше выбрать? Как я понимаю можно выбрать только один? Алсо оружие Дракона или как то так, по почте приходит, только на 1 чара? Провафлил, создал первым слеера и взял уже меч. И еще по челенджу вопрос, какой лучше лвл выбирать? Сначала нихуя не понял что это и выбрал 71 лвл, тоже провафлил?
За файтера предупрежу: нен-мастер - это скорее маг с возможностью врезать с ноги, чем полноценный файтер. Алсо, у него мало скилов, а из тех что есть, половина - баффы. Если хочешь именно тру-файтера, то бери страйкера или грапплера. Браулер какая-то непонятная хуйня, я неосилил.
Вот я как раз Грапплера или Бравлера думал сделать, но не мог выбрать, пожалуй попробую Грапплера, а что насчет оружия? И Какую пушку грапплеру выбирать из ящика?
Открой его мастери в вики да посмотри.
>какой подкласс лучше выбрать
Страйкер - удары ногами и вертуханы в щи
Граплер - братуха-борцуха и броски с прогиба
Нен-мастер - волшебник-девственник, юзающий ВНУТРЕННИЙ ОГОНЬ
Бролер - говнарь, забрасывающий врага всяким мусором, но вроде весёлый по игре
Внезапно, оче годная рукопашка, аки боксёр, у монаха - саб класс от приста.
Оружие дракона одно на аккаунт. Но на самом деле оно тащит на начальных уровнях + избавляет тебя от мороки поиска пушек под каждые 5 уровней. Я считаю, что оно помогает именно в быстрой прокачке, когда ты не обращаешь внимание ни на что, кроме зачистки данжей. Но и выглядит круто.
Челендж выбирается один раз, награду за него сможешь получить тоже только в однократном размере (тобишь надо качнуть до 71 лвл хотя бы одного перса). Тут всё зависит от твоей усидчивости всё решают фатиг поинты!11

Я ни хуя не понял. Ты спрайты игры вскрыл или раздобыл секретный аватар айтем?
Двощую, локи с квестами полностью перекрывают все уровни вплоть до ~70.
Проверь вкладку квестов. Может ты что-то пропустил.
Если нет, то пиздуй в ТОД за него дадут где-то около 500к за ран, за алтарик еще 150. Итого почти 2кк в день.
Можешь за майлэйдж купить пот на экспу и пробежать самый профитный на твой взгляд данж.
там большинство квестов на 56-57 уровне, на 55 повторяющийся на айтемы с дварфов, где дракон, это если ты квест с окисленной субстанцией закончил
Дамага не хватает убить их до взрыва. Плюс, я всегда прятался под куполом именно от ваншота, даже если мобы были живы, и все было в порядке. А сейчас его перемкнуло - что не делай, один хрен ваншотит.
Почитал на их форуме, пишут, что это баганая хрень работает хрен пойми как и через раз на третий. Т.е. может ваншотнуть, а может не ваншотнуть. Заибись, чо.
Это копия, сохраненная 26 апреля 2015 года.
Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее
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