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2 82347
>>277 (OP)
индукция-петух, ты решил всю доску своими ёбнутыми тредами засрать? тебя обидел здесь кто?
3 82348

> индукция-петух


> ты решил всю доску своими ёбнутыми тредами засрать

как что-то плохое

> тебя обидел здесь кто

во-первых очень интересует вопрос, гей он или нет

а во-вторых обижают, нас, простых работяг эти гады "учёные"
т.к. не делятся с нами передовыми достижениями науки, а наоборот возводят барьеры к получению знаний

создают прослойку ложного понимания науки в виде "популяризаторов", сами пишут сложные для понимания простым работягой статьи

промежуточные варианты отсутствуют полностью, "учёные" никогда не снизойдут до объяснения своих работ чтобы всё понятно было

потому что нет стимула у них, так они сохраняют своё привилегированное положение "знатоков", а на разъяснения нужно тратить время и силы

поэтому у работяг есть только один выход -- силовое принуждение учёных к тому чтобы они нормально и доходчиво разъясняли результаты своей деятельности, конкретно, по шагам

а не лили мутную воду как популяризаторы или прятались за сложными формулами говоря "да это ж элементарно, а если не понял -- то оооой как у нас уровень образования-то упал, вот раньше были времена" или наоборот "быдлу этого не понять"
4 82364
Ну и зачем вы баннер сделали? Теперь то в закреплённом треде какие-то ебанаты со школьными домашками всех помогающих клеймят снобами, то из праха возрождаются свидетели новых оснований и разоблачители математики.
5 82375
последние, мне кажется, доску в любом случае нашли бы

Да и первые тоже
6 82385
За Колмогорова и двор стреляю в упор!
7 82516

The source is Graham, Loren R.; Kantor, Jean-Michel (2009). Naming infinity: a true story of religious mysticism and mathematical creativity. Harvard University Press. p. 185. ISBN 9780674032934.
"The police soon learned of Kolmogorov and Alexandrov's homosexual bond, and they used that knowledge to obtain the behavior that they wished. When the police asked Kolmogorov and Alexandrov to join in attacking Luzin, they did so." This is a widely acclaimed book by recognized scholars.


I am a mathematician working at the ETH in Zürich. Although young myself, I have been blessed with many old Mathematicians friends (the oldest of whom is 103). The Math scene prior to the 60s was much tighter despite the then lacks of fast communication means. Mathematicians would befriend each other at conferences while on long trips around the world. The community was far much tighter these days than now. They all personally knew each other. Anyway. All of my old friends (i.e. friends who are old) concur about the life-long romance which Kolmogorov and Alexandrov engaged into. Sure they were married with kids. Sure it was criminal to be gay in that day and age. If discovered, they would have been stripped of their professorships and confined into a life of madness in some rehabilitation asylum. This is why their sweet loving romance remained so secretive. It has become a "non-dit" in the community. We know about it, but just don't talk about it. We leave to the memories of these so brilliant minds, so gentle man, so fantastic colleagues, the duty of caring for their love, in a world beyond our comprehension. They are our "Brokeback Mathematics". Our closed knit family accepts anyone whose contribution to mathematics is significant.

So... my opinion now. Should their romance be mentioned ? At least their friendship. Such long lasting infallible friendships are becoming so scarce that their is definitely worth being mentioned. But I wouldn't go into any details that would reveal too much of their private life. To me, they are like Akilles and Hector.

I am myself going through a similar situation. I am a gay mathematician. Unmarried, but not unloved. My partner is also a gay mathematician. We both work in prominent places, so we don't advertise for our "condition". We don't see each other too much (he's in the US, I'm in Europe). We very much cherish our private life especially on the professional scene. We're not obvious, but most people know about us. Still, I would not like for myself and my partner that details on our private life be revealed.

This is why I wouldn't like Kolmogorov and Alexandrov to become the poster children for homosexuality in Mathematics either. So, let's just keep it simple and tactfully discreet by hinting only to their lifelong romantic friendship.

Hi, I am a gay french youth and I am very interested in all is in touch with homosexuality. Wikipedia is obviously full of homophobic philistines. If you can read this, I would really like to speak to you. My email is banquepWbMierreANUSll`'ivePUNCTUMf,lFr See you I hope
7 82516

The source is Graham, Loren R.; Kantor, Jean-Michel (2009). Naming infinity: a true story of religious mysticism and mathematical creativity. Harvard University Press. p. 185. ISBN 9780674032934.
"The police soon learned of Kolmogorov and Alexandrov's homosexual bond, and they used that knowledge to obtain the behavior that they wished. When the police asked Kolmogorov and Alexandrov to join in attacking Luzin, they did so." This is a widely acclaimed book by recognized scholars.


I am a mathematician working at the ETH in Zürich. Although young myself, I have been blessed with many old Mathematicians friends (the oldest of whom is 103). The Math scene prior to the 60s was much tighter despite the then lacks of fast communication means. Mathematicians would befriend each other at conferences while on long trips around the world. The community was far much tighter these days than now. They all personally knew each other. Anyway. All of my old friends (i.e. friends who are old) concur about the life-long romance which Kolmogorov and Alexandrov engaged into. Sure they were married with kids. Sure it was criminal to be gay in that day and age. If discovered, they would have been stripped of their professorships and confined into a life of madness in some rehabilitation asylum. This is why their sweet loving romance remained so secretive. It has become a "non-dit" in the community. We know about it, but just don't talk about it. We leave to the memories of these so brilliant minds, so gentle man, so fantastic colleagues, the duty of caring for their love, in a world beyond our comprehension. They are our "Brokeback Mathematics". Our closed knit family accepts anyone whose contribution to mathematics is significant.

So... my opinion now. Should their romance be mentioned ? At least their friendship. Such long lasting infallible friendships are becoming so scarce that their is definitely worth being mentioned. But I wouldn't go into any details that would reveal too much of their private life. To me, they are like Akilles and Hector.

I am myself going through a similar situation. I am a gay mathematician. Unmarried, but not unloved. My partner is also a gay mathematician. We both work in prominent places, so we don't advertise for our "condition". We don't see each other too much (he's in the US, I'm in Europe). We very much cherish our private life especially on the professional scene. We're not obvious, but most people know about us. Still, I would not like for myself and my partner that details on our private life be revealed.

This is why I wouldn't like Kolmogorov and Alexandrov to become the poster children for homosexuality in Mathematics either. So, let's just keep it simple and tactfully discreet by hinting only to their lifelong romantic friendship.

Hi, I am a gay french youth and I am very interested in all is in touch with homosexuality. Wikipedia is obviously full of homophobic philistines. If you can read this, I would really like to speak to you. My email is banquepWbMierreANUSll`'ivePUNCTUMf,lFr See you I hope
8 82518
Graham, Loren R.; Kantor, Jean-Michel
А кто они?
9 82538
recognized scholars
10 82546
By who?
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