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Это копия, сохраненная 22 сентября 2017 года.
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Это копия, сохраненная 22 сентября 2017 года.
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What are your prices for renovation works? I need a completely new kitchen, nothing old rests. A standart 6m^2 kitchen in chruszcziowka. I had a 80,000 roubles contract with one Carpathian zapadenets boy for both hallway and bathromm, there you have same amount of work I guess. DC.
>>16901 (OP)
Мэй, кум е виацэ?
Мэй, кум е виацэ?
Санатос ши фрумос.
Санатос ши фрумос.
>>16901 (OP)
Попался,цыган грязный.
Попался,цыган грязный.
Gastarbeiter, what more to say.
Gastarbeiter, what more to say.
>>16901 (OP)
come home white man
come home white man

2,4 Мб, webm, 480x360
Nice webm, bro.
Nice webm, bro.
Liberashque, suck some ass
Liberashque, suck some ass

379 Кб, 1550x882
I watch/read them for the lulz. Dugin is hilarious.
I watch/read them for the lulz. Dugin is hilarious.
y u have mxd feels about Slovakia
y u have mxd feels about Slovakia
Pretty much. Well, Dugin is more intelligent, but you get the idea.
Pretty much. Well, Dugin is more intelligent, but you get the idea.
Oh God, I wouldn't say so.
Just read 1984 and you listen to what he talks about and you will see that he stole his politicial ideas from that book, even the fucking name "Eurasia".
It's like this guy is absolutely seriously about wanting to make some kind of weird multicultural fascism in Russia modeled after the dystopia in 1984 and he is even training his own military for it.
Oh God, I wouldn't say so.
Just read 1984 and you listen to what he talks about and you will see that he stole his politicial ideas from that book, even the fucking name "Eurasia".
It's like this guy is absolutely seriously about wanting to make some kind of weird multicultural fascism in Russia modeled after the dystopia in 1984 and he is even training his own military for it.
Well, technically he took his idea of "geopolitics" from Haushoffer, he was the first to use the term "Eurasia" iirc.
What I find really hilarious is how he took the relatively innocent Perennial Philosophy of Guenon and mixed it with all kinds of retarded Nazi shit (Wirth etc.), and somehow managed to unify it with his current Russian Fascist ideology.
Well, technically he took his idea of "geopolitics" from Haushoffer, he was the first to use the term "Eurasia" iirc.
What I find really hilarious is how he took the relatively innocent Perennial Philosophy of Guenon and mixed it with all kinds of retarded Nazi shit (Wirth etc.), and somehow managed to unify it with his current Russian Fascist ideology.
lol I don't know all those people and who inspired him, but I know for sure that nationalists or fascists hate this guy because he wants something like a Soviet Union on steroids which is 10x more totalitarian, 10x more aggressive, 10x more anti-western (and even racist towards Europeans), and 10x friendlier and subservient to all those non-white central Asian countries and other races who really couldn't give a shit about Russia except for when we develop their countries with oil money or cancelled their debts for natural gas.
lol I don't know all those people and who inspired him, but I know for sure that nationalists or fascists hate this guy because he wants something like a Soviet Union on steroids which is 10x more totalitarian, 10x more aggressive, 10x more anti-western (and even racist towards Europeans), and 10x friendlier and subservient to all those non-white central Asian countries and other races who really couldn't give a shit about Russia except for when we develop their countries with oil money or cancelled their debts for natural gas.
This is a very illiterate criticism.
Perhaps you should get acquainted with the subject of discussion)
This is a very illiterate criticism.
Perhaps you should get acquainted with the subject of discussion)
You don't need to know anything at all to reject a looser like Dugin is.
even children understand that if a man cannot graduate and tries to speak languages when he's not able to - he might be a plokhoy dyadya
grown ups understand that a man who boosts militarism, tries to deprive you of all advantages you ever had and put you in the Eurasian steppe to be a canon futter for your leaders, claims that Russia is not European country but arctogay Afghanistan, rants freedom, initiative and capital might be just a homo shill
shame that internet folk is too dumb to grasp even basic concepts of what decent people are supposed to be
You don't need to know anything at all to reject a looser like Dugin is.
even children understand that if a man cannot graduate and tries to speak languages when he's not able to - he might be a plokhoy dyadya
grown ups understand that a man who boosts militarism, tries to deprive you of all advantages you ever had and put you in the Eurasian steppe to be a canon futter for your leaders, claims that Russia is not European country but arctogay Afghanistan, rants freedom, initiative and capital might be just a homo shill
shame that internet folk is too dumb to grasp even basic concepts of what decent people are supposed to be

381 Кб, 1600x1040
Good morning, Mikhail Sergeevich)
And now point by point.
Explain your arguments ... without insults, preferably with an appendix
Good morning, Mikhail Sergeevich)
And now point by point.
Explain your arguments ... without insults, preferably with an appendix

297 Кб, 750x487
Look, everything said by the guy who replied to you is right, Dugin is just full of shit.
I actually read the first part of Dugin's famous book and saw many interviews with him, I know very clearly what he wants. There's no way I can respect a guy who claims that I, a blonde white Slavic man is the same as some Afghanistani or Uzbek and that I'm not European and shouldn't pretend to be, there's no way that I can respect someone who wants to turn my country it into a large-scale North Korea and there's no way I can respect someone who says the things like freedom and democracy are for homosexuals and slavery and dictatorship is what I should support.
Dugin is basically an educated idiot (if you can call him educated at all).
Look, everything said by the guy who replied to you is right, Dugin is just full of shit.
I actually read the first part of Dugin's famous book and saw many interviews with him, I know very clearly what he wants. There's no way I can respect a guy who claims that I, a blonde white Slavic man is the same as some Afghanistani or Uzbek and that I'm not European and shouldn't pretend to be, there's no way that I can respect someone who wants to turn my country it into a large-scale North Korea and there's no way I can respect someone who says the things like freedom and democracy are for homosexuals and slavery and dictatorship is what I should support.
Dugin is basically an educated idiot (if you can call him educated at all).
very good
very good

491 Кб, 1600x1059
I read one book ...
And there it is said that I am Uzbek, Eurasia should become like North Korea, democracy for gays, and I must support slavery.
Thanks for the brilliant review
I read one book ...
And there it is said that I am Uzbek, Eurasia should become like North Korea, democracy for gays, and I must support slavery.
Thanks for the brilliant review

228 Кб, 990x1000
Double tea to you
Double tea to you

1010 Кб, 856x1100
Oh, ok, I have to waste my life reading this lunatic's entire bibliography only to realize that he's a fucking dumbass.
Or is it just a misunderstanding? Maybe he really does think that democracy is something lacking in the world and we should all work for peace and understanding on a basis of respect for one another, he really cares about your freedom and well being and his whole Eurasia project isn't a giant North Korea/Soviet Union totalitarian government from 1984 but a really big international charity.
No, but you are, kill yourself.
Oh, ok, I have to waste my life reading this lunatic's entire bibliography only to realize that he's a fucking dumbass.
Or is it just a misunderstanding? Maybe he really does think that democracy is something lacking in the world and we should all work for peace and understanding on a basis of respect for one another, he really cares about your freedom and well being and his whole Eurasia project isn't a giant North Korea/Soviet Union totalitarian government from 1984 but a really big international charity.
No, but you are, kill yourself.

276 Кб, 891x1200
So much naivete.
Tell me ... do you really believe that democracy is the ideal palitic system? It fits all, always, and everywhere.
The voice of an immature, uneducated and childless prostitute must have power.
You are a classic neo-liberal ... "to solve everything that is forbidden!" Not looking at tradition, history and common sense
So much naivete.
Tell me ... do you really believe that democracy is the ideal palitic system? It fits all, always, and everywhere.
The voice of an immature, uneducated and childless prostitute must have power.
You are a classic neo-liberal ... "to solve everything that is forbidden!" Not looking at tradition, history and common sense
de már festettem
de már festettem
heheyt b e
eussr government
eussr government
>>16901 (OP)
Hold on, did my comment got deleted? fuck it.
Why do you hate the other half of Russia, and why you think Croatia is ok?
Hold on, did my comment got deleted? fuck it.
Why do you hate the other half of Russia, and why you think Croatia is ok?
Ah shit, i fucked up, wrong thread.
Ah shit, i fucked up, wrong thread.
нахуй тебе усрались острова какие-то ебаные, россия - континентальная страна
нахуй тебе усрались острова какие-то ебаные, россия - континентальная страна
Pașol na turbinca, ciorti!
Pașol na turbinca, ciorti!
Тред утонул или удален.
Это копия, сохраненная 22 сентября 2017 года.
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Если вам полезен архив М.Двача, пожертвуйте на оплату сервера.
Это копия, сохраненная 22 сентября 2017 года.
Скачать тред: только с превью, с превью и прикрепленными файлами.
Второй вариант может долго скачиваться. Файлы будут только в живых или недавно утонувших тредах. Подробнее
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