image.png289 Кб, 616x498
YTS OVYR RU 132755 В конец треда | Веб
This section is dead, there is nothing we can do because no one is interested in it.
You can post 100500 webm\mp4, translate a video in /int/pol that no one will ever translate, share interesting facts that no one will ever share, create a bunch of threads, invite 99999 foreigners from different forums, and still 1.5 anons will sit here. Sad.
RU 2 132757
>>755 (OP)
Dvach is done guffed it is a fact. It's time to close this shithole for good.
US 3 132858
PT 4 132859
AU 5 132862
>>755 (OP)

>This section is dead, there is nothing we can do because no one is interested in it.

Because your captcha was retarded. New one is better.
RU 6 132870
>>862 (М)
You can permanently disable captcha by paying a cost equal to a coffee from Starbucks, you just need TONs (Telegram cryptocoins).
HR 7 132874
noo dvač dont leave pažalusta
RU 8 132883
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