191721.webp7 Кб, 192x192
Marichkas creator doxxed HU 132384 В конец треда | Веб
IT 2 132387
Is that usergore? lol
RU 3 132388
>>384 (OP)
Lol true
RU 5 132481
I think people here would be just as happy to know about it.
https://2ch.hk/nvr/ (М)
RU 6 132484

>happy to know

As if anyone had ever had any doubts.
RU 7 132485
>>384 (OP)
Never heard of her. Sorry.
RU 8 132491

>doesn't know about the hohols mascot

RU 9 132497
Zoomers these days can't even form their posts coherently, just title and a link at best.
KR 10 132563
>>384 (OP)
North Atlantic Faggotry Organization
North Atlantic Fascism Organization
BR 11 132582
US 12 132774
i wish we would rearm japan and let them finish what they started in korea
KR 13 132776

Miserable rural losers in Korea talk trash and blame everything on them

I would like to say something about Japanese rearmament, but I may get detained for that.
RU 14 132777
Always wondered, how many koreans think you government should focus more on bringing North in to the fold ,?
UA 15 132816
xd true
sage KR 16 132819
EU, US and UK are already accepting them, and they probably don't want their life in miserable Korean peninsula.
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