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I've thought for a very long time and I came to the conclusion that only U.S. can be a REAL country RU 132315 В конец треда | Веб
I've thought for a very long time and I came to the conclusion that only U.S. can be a REAL country. Other countries are shitholes.

>EU, faggot GULAG with kikes, sand niggers, slav scum.

>Latin America is shithole with machete and high inflation

>Asian countries just shitholes with rice niggers that can be used as cheap slaves

>Africa is god's crap

>Eastern europe is damned place. Niggers kill each other every fucking time cuz they can

US 2 132429
America is not the land of happiness and sunshine, all of those things can be found in the usa
FR 3 132489
>>315 (OP)
REAL nigger's country
RU 4 132530
>>315 (OP)

Wait what?
But murrycunts are fag-nation. Though everyone knows that, faggot.
DE 5 132730
>>315 (OP)
USA and Russia are colonies of british empire

putin is trying to get out of slavery but fail untill now
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