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I want to become an Old Believer and live isolated. How can I do that? BR 131459 В конец треда | Веб
I want to become an Old Believer and live isolated. How can I do that?
RU 2 131461
>>1459 (OP)
Wouldn't know, we are reformist ourselves. Try approaching them I dunno.
BR 4 131470
I myself used to attend post Nikon Russian orthodox churches, and there I knew a guy who was son of Old Believers parents. Never met him again, however. I think the region of Brazil where Old Believers live resembles a lot rural Russia, because it is a flat land. I was born in a place where everywhere is a mountainous terrain.
LT 5 132642
>>1459 (OP)
Well, find random Russian guy, give him 1000 bucks, he'll make you orthodox and will find you a place to live isolated.
RU 6 132646
Like a brazilian can just produce a 1000 dollars, lol.
DE 7 132729
nature is made by God, living with nature isolated from wicked people is one path to save your soul
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