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How did he know it was me? AU 125908 В конец треда | Веб
How did he know it was me?
TR 2 126035
i.jpg14 Кб, 480x195
RU 3 126040
>>125908 (OP)
All anonymous on the internet make connections through an energetic etheric warp... When you shit, jerk off, eat pickles with milk and do other horrible things I can feel it with my empirical warp field warp essence, even from the other side of the globe. Just remember that every time you wank, shit or steal some war veteran's garden gnome from the lawn - I'm watching you.... I'm watching
TR 4 126046

> When you shit

Why is this horrible? This is a natural process of the body!!!
RU 5 126047
That God-awful shit, the one who shits goes to hell after death bypassing purgatory!!!
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