IMG4593.jpeg105 Кб, 720x960
Is it true that war widows like black men? FI 123293 В конец треда | Веб
Is it true that war widows like black men?
RU 2 123294
>>293 (OP)
Some do, I suppose, ask them. I don't know any.
RU 3 123295
>>293 (OP)

>war widows

>photo of 2018

take down the proxy, hohlopidorashka
IMG9727.jpeg215 Кб, 1200x1798
FI 4 123304
War started in 2014, so are you saying that the first losses didn't come until years later?
FI 5 123305
There are also other wars in the world in which the Russians participate, right?
[cool].gif71 Кб, 120x89
PL 6 123309
we see each other at world war in 2039 then [cool] [czesc]
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