Jew.mp4970 Кб, mp4,
352x640, 0:09
What does poccnrs think about jews? DK 122090 В конец треда | Веб
What does poccnrs think about jews?
AR 2 122091
miakvsmossad.png1,7 Мб, 1023x1289
PT 3 122097
>>2090 (OP)
Is it true that Slavs and other goyim could convert to Judaism to skip something during Russian Empire times? Taxes, serfdom or working I don't know. Thanks in advance
RU 5 124175
It doesn't seem to be the original. The sound is different
освобождает пони.png1,9 Мб, 1717x1725
RU 6 124195
Well, one thing you couldn't skip while being a jew in Russian Empire is the beating.
RU 7 124231
>>2090 (OP)
I like them. I am Israel's strongest soldier and I spend my days trolling poltards about how the jews are based.
PT 8 124236
don't forget to use the obligatory memeflag while posting.
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