tumblrmlupg4vQ5g1qaqwo2o1500.jpeg165 Кб, 500x703
Saving Germany RU 119670 В конец треда | Веб
Germany is dying. Being subjected to genocide by the Anglo-American invaders and the imposed puppet statehood of the FRG, the physical and cultural destruction of the German nation is taking place.

The only salvation of Germany, as the state of the Germans, is the return to the statehood of the GDR.
GDRBrotherhoodinArmsMedal.jpg165 Кб, 947x602
RU 2 119678
Even in terms of awards.
Real Germany - based medals and orders, in the design of which national and cultural motives of the German nation are used.
Pseudo-German occupied Germany - pederasty LGBT badges.
us soldier kiss russian.JPG96 Кб, 725x686
DE 3 120151
>>19670 (OP)
90% of germans hate russians even your "gdr" ones.

germans just larp to like you and smile in your face but always plot to backstabb you same as turks cuz they dont have advantage over you.

also they hate ukranians and only support them cuz ivan ravaged the pussy of gerlinde in ww2

germans are still butthurt about ww2 their rhetoric is always against rrussia and dont brink up wagenknecht shes half iranian.

only love is between white christian american and white christian russian
LT 4 120438
So yo asked 90% of germans, jewish pig ?
RU 5 120470
typical R1b
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