539YfPq.jpg763 Кб, 3456x3168
I am warning you Russia and Ukraine. Stop fighting or i will have to get involved. >Norway could NO 119653 В конец треда | Веб
I am warning you Russia and Ukraine. Stop fighting or i will have to get involved.

>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Russia and Ukraine in a week

TOP KEK SLAVSHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with Russia and Ukraine. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty countries. There wouldn't be a square meter of Slavic soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY SLAVshit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
RU 2 119654


This is the symptoms of an US anal probe. Just take it out.
Screenshot45.png12 Кб, 452x172
RU 3 119658
Fucking spam list. Triggers not on countries, not on niggers, but on something esotheric which I couldnt track.
задонбасс.mp49,9 Мб, mp4,
1280x720, 0:45
RU 4 119662
>>19653 (OP)
Oh lol dumb nazi scum
GB 5 119663
Like a wanking dick in a faggot's arse,
Russian Army entered Norway
Leaving oilbørks no choice
FI 6 119666
why do pro-Russians always have gays and shitty cocks in mind? This is serious question.
Царь генерал фюрер король епископ пожизненный президент Владольф Путлер (мир ему) героически защитил Родину, поймав бандеровскую ракету своим святым ртом.png282 Кб, 526x528
GB 7 119667
Yesli pishut vam pro zhopy,
Pro khui, govno i rot -
Znayte tochno, bez somnen'ya:
Pishet russkiy patriot
sage RU 8 119668
NATO has been defeated in Ukraine and has now launched its last secret weapon: threats on the Internet of representatives of fictitious peoples from fictitious countries.
IMG9227.jpeg26 Кб, 448x500
FI 9 119673
Ja nie gavarju pa ruski
GB 10 119682
In Russia, it is considered patriotic to discuss cocks, arses, shit and general faggotry, as long as this is directed towards enemies of Russia. "We'll fuck them in the ass on Red Square!" is a classic exmple.
GB 12 119720
Lies, Charlie loves pussy so much he wants to live there:

>CHARLES: Oh stop! I want to feel my way along you, all over you and up and down you and in and out . . .


>CHARLES: Particularly in and out.

>CAMILLA: Oh, that's just what I need at the moment.

>CHARLES: Is it?

>CHARLES: Oh, God. I’ll just live inside your trousers or something. It would be much easier!

>CAMILLA: (laughing) What are you going to turn into, a pair of knickers? (Both laugh). Oh, you’re going to come back as a pair of knickers.

>CHARLES: Or, God forbid, a Tampax. Just my luck! (Laughs)

>CAMILLA: You are a complete idiot! (Laughs) Oh, what a wonderful idea

>CHARLES: Oh, right. What do you do? Go on the M25 then down the M4 is it?

>CAMILLA: Yes, you go, um, and sort of Royston or M11, at that time of night], but the damage had been done.

Ever heard Pynya's horny phonecalls? Exactly.
GB 13 119722
Literally this so much this, my girlfriend and I have taken to calling him king tampon
RU 14 119727


For real?
Sigh. At least they have s*x unlike most of people on 2ch.
PL 16 119753
Thanks for the Milchakov vid.
Another evidence of ruzzo-nazis crimes which they commited since 2014.
16498924393730.jpg27 Кб, 698x392
PL 17 119754
лето.jpg450 Кб, 1270x1280
RU 18 119796
Retard does not know MIlchakov has never denied removing filth like you from Earth.
RU 19 119850
>>19653 (OP)
Как же у тебя горит, маленький сладенький маняшиз... Мхмхмх
RU 20 125085
retard does not on red square!" is gonna do you go, um, and up and down you and general faggotry, as this is done bombarding your trousers or i will
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