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Underground rap 856614 В конец треда | Веб
I have to resorrect thread about underground rap
2 856634
4 856777
This shit is (raw), the Jedi Mind's (raw)
It's war with the metaphor and you ain't seen a storm before
You ain't Pac, get the fuck out of the underground floor
It's over, homie you ain't got no love anymore
Do it (raw), the Psycho Realm's (raw)
This war's gonna end all, you ain't seen a storm before
I ain't taking this shit no more
We approach with a white skull when we assassinating y'all
6 857132
7 857610
8 858448
9 859130
11 860583
12 861099
Why Vinnie so cool? I am constantly hear this beat and I cannot stop do it.

14 867857
15 873224
16 873410
Where I can find lyrics?
17 873485
I have no idea
18 873486
19 873493
>>856614 (OP)
Why can't we talk about the underground rap in Slavka Zhopich thread?
20 873528
Slavka Zhopich is your father or not? Where can I find this thread?
21 873559
It is very starnge. I have never before heard about Lee Scott. And I consider his lyrics at least both cool and intresting.
22 873898
I looked for undeground labels and Id found. Now I have a question. Which labels exactly represent true undeground rap?
23 873900
I'm listening to this guy and i'm binging on it. Lee Scott really cool.
24 874146
Do Lee Scott hang out at 4ch as Slava KPSS at 2ch? Whos Know?
25 874763
27 875416
A young man, hired by a supermarket, reported for his first day...

A young man, hired by a supermarket, reported for his first day of work. The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, gave him a broom and said, "Your first job will be to sweep out the store."

"But I'm a college graduate." the young man replied indignantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that," said the manager. "Here, give me the broom, I'll show you how."
28 875417
Together again

Maria is a devout Catholic. She gets married and has 17 children. Then her husband dies. She remarries two weeks later, and has 22 children by her next husband. Then he dies. A while later, she dies.

At the funeral, the priest looks skyward and says, "At least they're finally together."

A guy sitting in the front row says, "Excuse me Father, but do you mean her and her first husband, or her and her second husband?"

The priest says, "I mean her legs."
31 887603
Does anybody listen to something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSkQTRbcvrQ
They frequently post new mix.
32 890511
33 890915
пиздец он че совсем читать разучился
35 893289
40 896212
41 897119
Nobody throw here slut's voices. Why so?

42 897120
both look cool
43 897200
46 897231
He better than Doshi
49 897569
Помню видос смотрел, где два трапика на стриме ебались. Там ещё на фоне мф дум играл.
52 910574
I wanna more stuff to listen to. Go
58 982904
комунисты пидорасы
59 988812
am here again
61 992648
капиталисты пидорасы
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