wizard of shit beer.jpg143 Кб, 1080x1080
/agdg/ thread 771732 В конец треда | Веб
Привет, /гд/.

We could compete or something, but that's so dull. How can we combine forces?

Я красивая дама.

Спасибо до свидания
2 771745
>>771732 (OP)

> How can we combine forces?

Everything is simple.You saw graphic content and give it to me.
3 772652
2ch has a completely different speed when compared to 4chan cause it's undead
even more so when compared to /vg/ autism speeds
4 775585
>>771732 (OP)

>Я красивая дама

Show tits or go away.
5 775620
>>771732 (OP)
Why 4chan doesn't have a dedicated board for game developers?
6 777243
>>771732 (OP)

/gd/ vs /agdg/ игра jam
molyneux.png143 Кб, 372x372
8 777245
9 777246

Hello from /agdg/

We love you мы любим тебя
10 777249
Какие новости от /gd/
11 777251
/agdg/ vs /gd/ jam when

god your UI is so much better it makes me angry, my Russian is shit

12 777252
>>771732 (OP)

> Я красивая дама.

Proof or GTFO
13 777261
Срущий петух-пидор, спок. Готовь следующую проксю.
stealing his game.jpg114 Кб, 2000x1329
14 781355
/gd/ vs /agdg/ who would win
image.png118 Кб, 460x451
15 781361
agdg343.gif584 Кб, 432x432
16 793306
We are doing a "filesize" jam

>When submitting your game you will be able to pick a category representing the filesize you aimed for: 64kB, 128kB, 512kB, 1024kB or 10MB.

17 793308
Feel free to make a game within those constraints! I look forward to seeing it! 干杯!
18 793310
мой член твоя рука, друг
19 892132
Когда новый dемоdей on agdg?
20 892153
>>771732 (OP)

> can we combine forces?


Всё, молчу, блять. Не баньте.
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