oncemorewithfeeling.jpeg22 Кб, 300x457
Извиняюсь за машинный перевод. Мои друзья. У 973015 В конец треда | Веб
Извиняюсь за машинный перевод.

Мои друзья. У меня есть простая просьба. Мои коллеги из 4chan неохотно принимают восторг русских визуальных романов. Я прошу, чтобы вы помогли мне. Если хотите, перейдите в / a / и научите их, что русские девушки из VN так же хороши, как и девушки из японского аниме. С уважением, Моника.
2 973016
>>973015 (OP)
any thread links?
we're mostly speak english here, you're may be free to speak it here.
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3 973018


Apologies, I was banned for being persistent. You may have to begin it yourselves. Make a thread with the caption "Post Russian Girls", or something similar, if you want to avoid a similar fate.

Извиняюсь. Меня временно запретили за постоянство. Возможно, вам придется начать тему самостоятельно. Используйте заголовок с надписью «публиковать русских девушек» или что-то в этом роде, если только вы не хотите достичь такого же конца, как я.
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4 973019
We're too lazy for it. You may led them here if they want to discuss.
5 973021
I will. Thank you.

Я буду. Спасибо
6 973023
I'll wait itt for initial discuss for some time.
Shut up, green-ish.
7 973025
At least im not the one using runglish here, scum.
8 973027
It is, in a single foreign thread for all the board, so stfu and kys, ruski.
9 973029

>Who said that it's needed here?

At least that's some small fun around the grave.

>And you're not?

I'm not a white nigger like you.
And you missed greentext, lol. Fingers hurt already?
10 973031
>>973015 (OP)
I don't think that ES may interest an English-speaking reader, because this game maded for Russian peoples, rater for anonymous from 2ch and iichan. It filled with local memes. Romance and jokes from ES unlikely to be understood for 4ch community. All appearance, you were banned because you were trying to impose not interesting vn to them. I don't see any meaning to do the same.

Шо за перепалку на английском вы тут устроили?
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11 973033
12 973034
But if you like this game, nobody won't stop you. It's good, if you enjoy it. Maybe you should start to learn Russian to join us, lol. However, it's too late.
13 973035
Runglish is the language of God.
14 973039
Ты говна поел, чи шо?
15 973429
>>973015 (OP)
I really don't think it's a good idea. The ES key features are phantom nostalgia feeling, russian boards memes and mascots. You will not get in 70% of the content if you're not a Russian native speaker and culture/boards code bearer. So for you foreigners it's just an another VN about hikikamori with a bit of mysticism and yes, vodka/balalaika/soviet symbols. For us it's a phenomenon that cannot be forgotten in entire life.
16 1100115
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