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#2 #1649837
Warner Bros. Insiders Claim Studio Execs Are Sweating Over THOR: RAGNAROK Beating JUSTICE LEAGUE

The Hollywood Reporter has a very interesting piece up about the rivalry between Marvel Studios and Warner Bros. and the trade reveals that studio execs working for the latter are fretting over the possibility that Justice League will have a smaller debut than Thor: Ragnarok, a movie which features a hero who many believe pales in comparison to heavy hitters like Batman and Wonder Woman!

"If a B character from Marvel shut downsand outperforms the A team from DC, that’s an embarrassment," a Justice League insider tells them, adding, "It’s going to be a stressful weekend for some [Warners]execs." It's easy to see why they're worrying, especially when the superhero ensemble is eyeing an opening weekend of $110 million compared to Batman v Superman's $166 million.

Apparently, expectations inside Warner Bros. are muted for the movie and they're said to have much higher hopes for Aquaman next December. Despite all of this, the signs are pointing to Justice League being well worth checking out this weekend even if it's just to make our own minds up after those mixed reviews! What do you guys think? As always, share your thoughts with us in the usual place.
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