396 Кб, 1079x585

Is my russian good?
I'm Jordanian. I learnt russian on csgo in-game voice chat
I'm not russian in any way nor have I ever had a formal form of russian education


542 Кб, 1920x1039
Main things of the Baltic states were built by Russians and Poles.
There's no historical documents written in Lithuanian until 16th century, all constitutions, so called statutes were written in Old Slavic aka Old Russian language and Polish language.
All main battles were won by Slavic people, including Grunvald battle, because Slavs was the main part of population of so called Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Historical monuments of the Baltic states were built or rebuilt (including medieval castles) by Russian architects or foreign architects who arrived to Russian Empire from France, Italy or Germany.
Very popular among tourists Trakai castle was reconstructed or better to say created in Soviet Union and even president is sitting inside building built by project of Russian architect.

First military stuff of independent Baltic states countries consisted of Tsarist army officers and they were teaching in military academy.

204 Кб, 563x542
Hmmm [9] >>
Russian nationality is transmitted by the father...
Jewish nationality is transmitted by mother...

1 Мб, 1276x608
How hard is it to land a CS related job in Moscow/St. Pidorsburg? Would no experience combining with Russel Group university MSc degree and B1 Russian be enough to make a fresh start?

66 Кб, 720x527
Yandex is such a Russian Amazon that has taken over everything here. Even food delivery and scooter rentals.

Thoughts on cab fares?

(By the way, I remind you that in order to translate a picture you need to find the widget in the corner and click "translate image". In your Yandex Browser.)

13,9 Мб, mp4, 1280x720, 1:49mp4
Russian music, French choreography, History about Italians written by an Englishman and costumes made in Portugal, a perfect example to illustrate European civilization from west to east.

Ho ho ho!
Merry Christmas, my little polish shit.

391 Кб, 960x960
Post your first snowbaba in this season.

62 Кб, 640x507
Hello, please give mi links tu dutch chan

80 Кб, 1280x720
How do russians send money to each other? In US, besides payment apps like venmo, we have zelle that lets us send money from one bank to another with just an email address with no fees. What are the equivalents services?

524 Кб, 888x894
Tivach [12] >>
No other foreign forum has such a cool feature: you watch a movie for free, in a chat room with assholes like you. Together you make dirty jokes in chat, turning any drama into comedy. Or you keep quiet if the movie is interesting. Or you can talk about distracted topics at all while running a movie in the background It's called Tivach. If I'm wrong, show me something similar on the board you came from.

4,8 Мб, 4624x2136
Moved to Germany. I'm looking for a boy for affection and relationship. Is this even real?

105 Кб, 574x1127
Hi pepal. How do you deal with this in your country???? What girls like and what scares them??? I think i repulse femes by my aktions, ///uwu\\\. I just wyant a girlfriend, but the one i got closs with ghosteb me aftar 3th date(((( Mabe if i kissed her it whoyld wor out. The truth is i didnt iven liked her that much, yet. Sooo, one girl likes me i think, but, i am like, i am so scared. What if she just wants to be friends in the end, i push myself not to show my neediness, but, i do feel it. I know i must take this chance, i know i can. I have some actual expirience with socializing now, afther half a year working in fast food. I still do autistic miss steps, but i actually learnin on my mistakes now, uvaaa, but it is so scary. I know i will kill myself i wont get some loving relationship, maby i crave for love my parents didnt gave me. Idk, but i know this itch wonyt gyo away. At some point in my teens i was so desparete and fucked in a head i derealized and didnt see faces of people unless i look them in the eyes direktly. Now i stabilized, but most of that is just ignoring the need. Once ive got my hopes up, i feel it again. But its all fine i guess, ive got real close last time, what if?

230 Кб, 1200x800
A 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment across Australia is like >$1m atm, im not gonna be able to afford that shit, even on a cybersecurity payslip

I hear you can get actual mansions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc., for around the same price.

Is it worth buying a place as a foreigner? I'm learning the language thru my local Russian community and a uni course.

Definitely gonna visit after the political shit clears up, don't know if I should just say fuck it and move tho. Keep in mind I haven't visited yet (cuz I'm like 19 & struggling to pay rent in Sydney, don't have tourist money lmfao)

I hear Vladivostok is nice. Idk, what do, rusanons?

115 Кб, 810x1024
Would you tell sopsy to suck a nigger's dick and kill himself for me?
Thank you and have a nice sleep

1,9 Мб, mp4, 780x576, 0:09mp4
Hello, is there many Americans who post here?

I use telegram a lot and enjoy slav drama and international stuff

676 Кб, 659x549
Easy work for USA you need go to shop and make photo of a pack of Doritos. I pay 1.5$ in USDT TRC 20 rep one photo one code
Connect me in telegram https://t.me/Fayster1337
I can prove any guarantee

2,7 Мб, 3000x4000
What do you think about my russian handwriting
t. learning russian